
Grow New Roots




Intermediate Hunter (30)

Beginner Healer (0)

3 Years
01-28-2024, 10:47 PM
When Valens asked about the possibility of packs or bands that might make use of his help, he never expected that he'd accidentally stumbled into the alpha of a pack. The surprise was obvious across Valens' features as Chimera reintroduced himself as the King of a pack called Ashen. He supposed what he said about a pack always needing more medics and hunters had to be true, though he had little first hand experience to support that notion. He had only learned what had made him useful to his previous captors, but the needs of a group were the same regardless of the purpose of the group it seemed. He wasn't sure how his skills might measure up to other members of the man's pack, but he hoped it might be enough to at least keep him from making a fool of himself in front of these other wolves if Chimera should allow him to come back with him.

He listened attentively as Chimera explained the way that the members of his pack were expected to pull their weight to the best of their ability and master their crafts and Valens nodded with understanding. That much felt self explanatory and the way that Valens mostly expected all packs to function from what little he knew of them. When he spoke of Ashen being a "family" pack he wondered just how much family Chimera had, but that was just an errant stray thought compared to the importance of everything else they spoke of. Perhaps it would have been better for him to get a better lay of the land and perhaps see what his options were here, but given the fact that Chimera was the first soul he had encountered besides Cyprian to treat him kindly it made the choice to try and stay with him an easy one.

"I understand," he said after a moment of consideration. "I would be happy to focus on honing my skills for you and your pack, sir. Most of what I've learned so far has been very basic things–patching up fighters when they came back from the ring and hunting for them when they demanded it–but if there's anyone willing to teach me then I can learn. I'll find a way to make myself useful regardless," he assured the larger man. There was a moment of hesitation before he added, "My duty in my previous life was mostly to be a way for the fighters to... relieve stress whenever they desired so.... if that's a task that can be of use to you I'll be happy to oblige if you're willing to take me in." His gaze had lingered on Chimera's paws as he spoke, but as he finished he finally brought his gaze up to meet Chimera's dual toned eyes, looking to the larger man hopefully. Even though he had escaped the fighting rings in hopes that he might avoid having to use his body to get by, if that's what it took to make himself useful he wasn't above returning to what he knew best.


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