
Playing Tour Guide



The Hallows
Rookery Ranger

Advanced Hunter (100)

Advanced Navigator (105)

2 Years
01-30-2024, 02:48 AM

When she shifted her gaze back to Dorian, curiosity sparkled in her eyes. She noticed the bandage on his cheek- somehow, having missed it during their walk earlier. Perhaps she had been too thrilled about the new scenery- she was an enthusiast for the unknown, after all. As he smiled, he winced- that’s what prompted her to really look at his face. Eyes settling on the stitched wound that looked a little red, but nothing too concerning. More than anything, it just looked painful. She'd have to ask him about it later. Her gaze trailed up to his eyes next. Staring into those pools of emerald, watching the way he lit up when she thanked him. He’d smoothed over his expression, but his response was nice enough.

Waiting for him to reveal what he thought might live in the trunk, Clove remained quiet. His head dipped down, coming close to hers- so much, that she could feel the heat radiating off his face. The heat of his breath against her skin. He thought maybe a squirrel, badger, or stoat may have made the little den. Thinking it over, she turned towards him, nodding her head in agreement. She would have kept looking at him, but he suddenly stood up and shifted away. Did she get too close? Mimicking him, she fell in place beside him again. Asking questions about his stoat, and how they came to be friends, as he led her towards a garden.

Weaving through the trees, Clove continued to survey her surroundings- noting the different types of foliage and trees that grew here, and trying to map out the territory in her mind, based on the trail they were walking along. A clearing came into view, which prompted her to slow down and linger at the outskirts. There was a wooden fence around the perimeter, and inside, a variety of herbs planted in their own designated spots. Watching her step, she slowly walked inside, following Dorian and being mindful of the plants. “Oh- you like plants and stuff then?” She said, keeping the conversation going. “We do have a nice garden and greenhouse- though, I don’t spend much time there…” Her voice trailed off as she looked around, trying to see if she recognized any of the herbs. But truly, plants didn’t interest her much, aside from being pretty. Large trees could be used as navigational landmarks too, but that was about it.

“Hmmmm,” She hummed, dwelling on his thought. “Well, we’d have to get you a building first. My Dad says there’s a place somewhere that has things like that- pieces of stuff when humans used to live there.” She’d never been there of course- she was just going off stories she’d been told. “Hey, maybe someday we can go look there? And collect stuff to make a building to protect your plants." A smile spread across her face- the thought of seeing another new place was exciting. And, if she could help her new friend achieve a goal, then why not?


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1. Playing Tour Guide Lazuli Falls 01:11 AM, 01-15-2024 10:55 PM, 09-07-2024