
Girls love mysterious boys




Master Fighter (305)

Master Intellectual (330)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

1 Year
Dire wolf
01-31-2024, 09:01 PM

Of course she remembered. It was a fun day. She even brought a variety. The thoughts are tucked safely away for later. He wants to think on it some more, but knows he needs to focus on the here and now. On the fact that he is walking a girl around the exterior of the bamboo. The heat beneath his skin is nearly palpable and he wonders if she can sense it. She walks close beside him and he notices how small she is. How dainty. And even though he knows he's disappointing her with the denial of going within the bamboo, he hopes she will enjoy his compromise.

"Next time? Perhaps," he mentions, a small shrug of his shoulders to try and play it off. Almost thankful for the silence that falls over them for a few moments. Yes, maybe next time he could allow her inside. Show her the communal area, his new den that he gets all to himself. Or maybe they can go to the oaks or the bay, he knows Hattori doesn't mind visitors there. His tail swishes slowly as he thinks, interested and maybe even slightly excited to show her around all of Tojo-kai.

Somewhat lost in thought, he is quickly pulled back when she starts talking. One ear turned toward her, head tilting slightly to hear her delicate voice better. A ball in the castle? The same one he had been to? She had been there? His brow knits. He wants to stop, to look at her, but continues to walk instead. "I was there actually," Akito admits, his lips creasing slightly into a frown. "I didn't stay long. Didn't think anyone I knew would be there. My brothers made me go, helped keep them in line and said hi to Vendrick before leaving," another shrug of his shoulders, purposefully not admitting to the fact that he had danced with a girl too, but it hadn't been her either. No need to go breaking her heart already.

"If I'd known you were there, I-," Akito pauses, lets out a sigh before an idea comes to mind. Not far up ahead, a small opening in the bamboo can be seen. Perhaps not to Clove, but Akito can see it. He can see any difference in the bamboo as if it were a ten foot gape. Instinctually, he leans over to nudge her shoulder with a paw to direct her toward the opening in the bamboo. "Here," he ducks beneath some lower branches that threaten to bop him in the face.

The small clearing is far more shaded than the exterior of the maze. It is barely large enough to fit three full-sized dire wolves, but that makes it plenty big enough for the two of them. Moving to the center of the clearing, he stops and turns to face Clove. Placing the bag of raisins off to the side, he clears his throat again to help settle the pounding his heart was doing in his chest. Why was his chest feeling tight all of a sudden? Looking down at the pretty Hallows princess, Akito muster up as much nerve as he can manage. Within the privacy of the bamboo, it is quiet and all he can hear is their breathing and the gentle wind winding through the maze.

"I know there's no music, but we can dance now if you'd like," Akito offered, attempting to smile, but it feels awkward. Holding out a paw, he hopes she doesn't turn him down. It's the most open and potentially even most romantic he's ever been with anyone. Not that he was wanting it to be romantic, but it had sounded as if she were sad they hadn't met the night of the ball either. So why not make it up now?


akito's companions are to be assumed nearby unless stated otherwise.

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1. Girls love mysterious boys Bamboo Maze 03:38 PM, 01-31-2024 01:18 PM, 02-11-2024