
Girls love mysterious boys



The Hallows
Rookery Ranger

Advanced Hunter (100)

Advanced Navigator (105)

2 Years
02-01-2024, 01:21 AM

Next time. Well, if she didn’t get to see the extent of the bamboo today, she’d hold onto his offer for the next time they hung out. Though, she doubted it would be in the bamboo. Clove was a wanderer at heart, and finally had the freedom to leave the kingdom as she pleased- meaning, hopefully, they would be able to explore new places together, if she wasn’t allowed inside the maze. Still, she smiles up at him, nodding her head in agreement. Staying close and matching his stride, which took some precision given how much bigger his steps were than hers. Clove was enjoying his proximity, the warmth that emanated from his body, and the musky, leathery scent of his pheromones. She could even smell a hint of lavender on his coat- something she quite enjoyed.

Talking about the ball, she expected him to be surprised by the event, or perhaps, unknowing of it altogether. But when he said he had been there Clove couldn’t hide the shock that overcame her features. Jaw opening, eyes growing wide, as she abruptly came to a stop. “You were there!?” She exclaimed in disbelief. Of course, she already knew the answer- it was for dramatic effect more than anything. “Of course I was there! That’s our castle- my rooms on the fourth floor. Even when I went to bed, I heard the music all night.” Puffing out her cheeks, adding to her disappointed expression. She made a coy little pouty face at him. “I wish I would have seen you there. We could have hung out together.” And maybe did more than that. Oh, her teenage fantasies were running wild- but of course, not too wild. Sneaking out into the garden or up to her room to show him her maps, or at most, stealing her first kiss was the extent of her daydreaming.

Of course, Clove wasn’t actually upset- just a little disappointed she didn’t get to see him at the ball. Imagining him all prim and proper, coat slicked back, horns polished, with a little douse of cologne. It was like imagining a boy pop star in a tux, ready to whisk you away to prom. So dreamy.

So when he motioned towards the bamboo, her pouty face morphed back into a sly, little smile. Curiosity flickered in her eyes, as she looked at the towering stalks. What was he looking at? Even with the nudge of her shoulder, which made the butterflies in her chest go wild. She still couldn’t see the opening. Looking back at him, she waits for him to make the first move. And she’s rather surprised when he slips through a crack in the maze, ducking beneath some low-hanging branches. Given she’s so much shorter, she’s able to walk right inside. Making sure to stay close to him, so she doesn’t get lost.

After a few yards, the bamboo thins out into a small clearing- one that is very private, and secluded away from the prying eyes of other Tojo-Kai members. Taking a look around, Clove doesn’t immediately notice that Akito had turned to face her. In fact, her eyes had scanned the entire clearing, before ending with him standing before her and staring down at her. The bag of raisins had been set aside, and there was little space left between them. The proximity made her cheeks flush- she could almost feel his breath against her face, those soft grey eyes intertwining with hers, as that ticking feeling in her belly acted up again. Why did he bring her to a secluded place like this? Her heart started to race- filling her ears, pounding in her chest, until it felt like it would jump out of her throat.

I know there is no music, but we can dance now if you’d like. And suddenly, Clove felt like she stepped into a fantasy world. Alone in the mysterious bamboo maze, with a dashing handsome boy, who wanted to take her into his arms, whirl her around, and whisk her away. It was all too much- she couldn’t even hide the heat that burned in her cheeks, lighting her face up in a warm, red color. "Oh, Akito,” Bashfully, she pulled a paw to her face, trying to hide the coy smile tugging at her lips. Was this really happening? Was she dreaming? And then, he held out a paw to her. She stared at it for a few seconds- too nervous to immediately take it. “If this is your way of making up for lost time,” Slowly, she extended her paw from her face. Gently placing her paw on his, accepting his offer. "I'd love to dance with you."

Assumably, he would take her paw, and pull her in close- at least, that’s how she’d been taught to dance, during the few lessons in the castle’s ballroom. And for that, she was trying to steel herself. Because she already knew being that close to Akito, would make her wanna melt.  


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1. Girls love mysterious boys Bamboo Maze 03:38 PM, 01-31-2024 01:18 PM, 02-11-2024