
Girls love mysterious boys




Master Fighter (305)

Master Intellectual (330)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

1 Year
Dire wolf
02-01-2024, 09:10 AM

Her disappointment isn't lost on him, but he hopes his gesture makes up for it. As he looks down into her fiery and jewel gaze, he feels his heart flutter ever so slightly. A stir of emotions that he often didn't allow himself to feel. Often, he wasn't even sure he was capable of emotion at all. The space between them is minimal and he can see how her cheeks blossom with warmth, feel the exhale of her breath, notice the silky texture of her well-groomed fur. Even as she breathlessly says his name, he feels a rush of mixed emotions. His own cheeks blooming with bashfully embarrassment, his paw shaking slightly as he hoped she would just take ahold of it already!

Lost time? Well, he supposed he could put it that way. More of an apology for not seeking her out that night at the ball. But he hadn't exactly wanted to be there anyway. His brothers had dragged him along for the ride and in true Akito fashion, had gone in, done his duty, and left. So when she finally took his paw, he gladly pulled her toward him. Until there was no more than an inch or so of space between them, he had to fully tilt his chin to his chest to even look down at her face. The close proximity between them was... overwhelming, but in a good way. And instead of just standing there like a fool, he would begin to whirl her around the small clearing, if only in a slightly clumsy manner.

As their dance comes to an end, Akito doesn't let go right away. Slightly out of breath from focusing and the surge of emotion he's dealing with, he continues to look at her sleek features and large, colorful eyes. It's probably the only thing keeping him upright because the light headed feeling isn't going away. "I hope I didn't disappoint," he murmurs softly, the deep tones of his voice reaching only to her ears. His expression is a mixture of that awkward uncertainty and actually pleased with himself that he had managed to dance with a pretty girl without messing it up.


akito's companions are to be assumed nearby unless stated otherwise.

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1. Girls love mysterious boys Bamboo Maze 03:38 PM, 01-31-2024 01:18 PM, 02-11-2024