
Medusa x Ignis Pup for Readoption!

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02-02-2024, 08:14 PM (This post was last modified: 02-02-2024, 08:15 PM by SailyntSteps. Edited 1 time in total.)
OOC Name: SailyntSteps

Character name: Claret (Meaning Blood) Bathory Mortem

Alignment: Neutral Evil

Design/Appearance: Ripper’s Twin Image

Mutations: Behind a closed stitched mouth, much like her twin, are a set of sharpened fangs. Each pointier than the last. There’s never a moment that you won’t see this deranged beauty chewing on a bone to keep them in top shape. Much like the sharp claws that remain forever visible. Claret enjoys drag them along tree trunks and the occasional rock to ensure they remain at top shape. Can’t slit the throat of her victims with dull nails now, can you?

Disabilities: Inherited from both parents, Claret suffers from bipolar disorder (Ignis) and ADHD (Medusa). The smallest thing makes her snap without purpose. No matter what it is. She doesn’t like to be bothered much by anyone. Unless they’re family and even they are mildly tolerated. She also has a bad habit of talking about herself in 3rd person. Never will you hear her say “my” or “I”. Only her name when addressing anything related to Claret.

Personality: Now unlike her brother, Claret enjoys keeping up her appearance. Has been since the moment she was born. Despite the disheveled look of a rugged coat. She spends quite some time making sure that the sometimes difficult mess attempts to remain free of knots. Baths being a huge part of this process; however, water is not what she loves to wash her body in. One would find several corpses littered around a dug out hole throughout the area. Each one with a slit in their throats and head tilted just over the edge to be drained. Such a sight to see while walking along. A wolf soaking peacefully in a pool of crimson liquid. Staining her beautiful white and black fur a deep red. If only for a moment. Hiding away what should be the pigment she was indeed born with. Her reasoning? She believes it will keep her coat shiny and clean. The bodies, of course, do not go to waste. Usually giving them to her twin brother to skin or taking a limb or two for sharpening her teeth on.

Remaining beautiful is a huge obsession for this corruptive woman. Being dirty is not an option. The smallest bit of uncleanliness will set Claret off into a bloody fire of rage. Nothing being able to stop her once she’s set her mind to it. Siblings included. Like a twig, she is quick to snap. Not caring about what consequences may lie ahead. She is more than capable of handling her own. Oh! Just because she gets angry. Doesn’t mean she starts fights for no reason. No. That’s not it at all. Claret loves to slowly taught and torture her prey. A sly trickster who’ll make your life a living hell as long as she may live. Be careful of where you turn. Sleep with one eye open as well.

Because Claret has a strong sense of appearance, she’s taken on a liking to herbs. Wanting to know what plants and poisons she is able to use to keep her beauty. Not only that, but it also helps when one decides to get on her bad side. Sweet, tainted gifts left at ones den. This is a deep dedication and strong commitment of hers. Leaving no room for conversation or debate.

Skills: Hunting & Healing

Potential plots?: Encouraged, but not required

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1. Medusa x Ignis Pup for Readoption! Adoptions 02:05 PM, 02-02-2024 12:07 AM, 08-24-2024