
Medusa x Ignis Pup for Readoption!

[1 available]

Dragon Mod


13+ Years

Easter Egg Hunt 2023Rapid Poster - RainbowPride - DemisexualEaster 2022Toys for Tots
02-02-2024, 02:05 PM
Hear ye! Hear ye! I have one Medusa x Ignis pup available for the taking! There will be no deadline for this, but I'd appreciate that interested persons complete their apps as soon as possible so we can get this boy back into play ASAP <3

Littermates: Ripper, Sawbone, Redrum, & Rawhide!

Older siblings: Rougarou, Morticia, Phantasm.

They do have half siblings on Ignis' side, though they are unaware of them perhaps until they inevitably run into them at some point. Ignis is also unaware of this litter, too!

1. The pups will be raised exclusively in Insomnia! Ignis will have no knowledge of these pups unless they cross paths and puts two and two together ;)

2. Alignments can range from Chaotic evil to Chaotic Good! Medusa is a mess of a character and the pack is all over the place in terms of alignment, but Medusa while she is chaotic, does, at times, have moral standards. No goody two shoes, however, so lawful good characters probably won't fit very well in this family :')

3. Sizes can range anywhere from x-small to Dire! While the majority of Ignis' side runs large to dire size, Medusa's side has a wide range of heights, too!

4. Designs are pretty open! Coat colors can vary, so there's plenty of freedom for designs for this litter! Medusa's dominant traits are skeletal-like markings & masking, but it isn't a hard requirement. Both sides have a variety of colors from neutrals and basic colors like blacks, browns, whites, and so on, (her first litter even threw rainbow combinations, courtesy of grandma!) while Ignis' has reds, slates, melanism, albinism, etc. Eye colors are free game! Medusa does not have any mutations, but that doesn't mean her kids can't have 'em! If you so choose, you may also give your pup a disability! Medusa will love them no matter what!

5. Names: For this litter? Spooky themed! Spooky names, monsters from old folktales/legends/etc.

6. Psychological/mental issues are likely to arise in this litter! Ignis suffers from schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and Dissociative identity disorder, and has the tendency to be violent thanks to his "Demons". Medusa has some sort of ADHD, struggles with social cues, and illeism, and overall is just not the greatest socially lol.

7. Plots: I am not going to really police this nor will I restrict this much. BUT, there are some things that if they happen, expect IC consequences! Medusa will often go to bat for her kids, and though she isn't a helicopter mom and kinda just lets her kids run amok, things, like needlessly killing, maiming, raping, or resorting to violence without just cause, will catch Medusa's attention and she is likely to do something about it! She is not above throwing her own kid(s) in the tar pits if they don't straighten up! Crimes against children are a big no in her book! So be nice to other kids! If for whatever reason you feel like you want to kill off the kid, I ask that you discuss it with me or return it to me instead. I don't really want them being used as plot fodder unless there's a really good compelling reason to do so! Lastly, enemies are not friends. Medusa has big feelings about this.

8. Activity: I'd love for these kids to be active! I get IRL happens and muse runs low because of mental health, stress, etc, it's happened to me, too. But please, please, PLEASE at least try for 3-4 posts a month & attend mandatory threads/events! I'd appreciate some effort :') I do reserve the right to reclaim these adopts after 2 months of inactivity, or if the character is set inactive (design included if it was provided by me). Just communicate with me if you feel you can't post as much, I'm very easy to talk to, my DMs are always open! and I will take things into consideration!

Designs & Discounts

50% off height up to 41", 25% off after 41"
25% off full abnormal color (red only)
Can inherit deer antlers from Ignis

These designs are exclusively for Ardent and may NOT be used off site! If the character is reclaimed, any provided designs will be reclaimed with the character as well!

Medusa x Ignis litter designs

(Twin with Ripper!)

<b>OOC Name:</b>
<b>Character name:</b>
<b>Design/Appearance:</b> Pick a preferred first-choice design, and a second-choice design just in case you don't get the 1st one. Twins also an option, just discuss with other players! Pop in a site minimum appearance, or visual design.
<b>Mutations/disabilities:</b> Will your char have mutations or disabilities? If not it's fine!
<b>Personality:</b> Site minimum
<b>Potential plots?:</b> Encouraged, but not required


02-02-2024, 03:05 PM
OOC Name: Helix
Character name: Corpse
Alignment: Chaotic neutral
Design/Appearance: The undertaker(last one), and design 8

Mutations/disabilities: None!
Personality: They are a very free spirited, family oriented, individual. There is nothing they prize more than self expression and family. They have a large thirst for knowledge and want to know everything there is about a topic if it piques their interest. When it comes to violence, they are not against shedding blood but it has to be for rational reasons. They do not enjoy violence for violence sake. They have a sharp tongue that they do not hold often and are very opinionated. They are passionate about their role in their family and their hobbies. They can be a bit reckless in their decision making and have trouble letting their guard down and being honest. A compulsive liar but usually with good intentions.
Skills: Fighting and Intelligence!
Potential plots?: well work out as they grow! Perhaps they lose a limb in a spar or accident one day or become terrifyingly disfigured to add some angst? They'll still work hard to provide for their family tho.


02-02-2024, 08:14 PM (This post was last modified: 02-02-2024, 08:15 PM by SailyntSteps. Edited 1 time in total.)
OOC Name: SailyntSteps

Character name: Claret (Meaning Blood) Bathory Mortem

Alignment: Neutral Evil

Design/Appearance: Ripper’s Twin Image

Mutations: Behind a closed stitched mouth, much like her twin, are a set of sharpened fangs. Each pointier than the last. There’s never a moment that you won’t see this deranged beauty chewing on a bone to keep them in top shape. Much like the sharp claws that remain forever visible. Claret enjoys drag them along tree trunks and the occasional rock to ensure they remain at top shape. Can’t slit the throat of her victims with dull nails now, can you?

Disabilities: Inherited from both parents, Claret suffers from bipolar disorder (Ignis) and ADHD (Medusa). The smallest thing makes her snap without purpose. No matter what it is. She doesn’t like to be bothered much by anyone. Unless they’re family and even they are mildly tolerated. She also has a bad habit of talking about herself in 3rd person. Never will you hear her say “my” or “I”. Only her name when addressing anything related to Claret.

Personality: Now unlike her brother, Claret enjoys keeping up her appearance. Has been since the moment she was born. Despite the disheveled look of a rugged coat. She spends quite some time making sure that the sometimes difficult mess attempts to remain free of knots. Baths being a huge part of this process; however, water is not what she loves to wash her body in. One would find several corpses littered around a dug out hole throughout the area. Each one with a slit in their throats and head tilted just over the edge to be drained. Such a sight to see while walking along. A wolf soaking peacefully in a pool of crimson liquid. Staining her beautiful white and black fur a deep red. If only for a moment. Hiding away what should be the pigment she was indeed born with. Her reasoning? She believes it will keep her coat shiny and clean. The bodies, of course, do not go to waste. Usually giving them to her twin brother to skin or taking a limb or two for sharpening her teeth on.

Remaining beautiful is a huge obsession for this corruptive woman. Being dirty is not an option. The smallest bit of uncleanliness will set Claret off into a bloody fire of rage. Nothing being able to stop her once she’s set her mind to it. Siblings included. Like a twig, she is quick to snap. Not caring about what consequences may lie ahead. She is more than capable of handling her own. Oh! Just because she gets angry. Doesn’t mean she starts fights for no reason. No. That’s not it at all. Claret loves to slowly taught and torture her prey. A sly trickster who’ll make your life a living hell as long as she may live. Be careful of where you turn. Sleep with one eye open as well.

Because Claret has a strong sense of appearance, she’s taken on a liking to herbs. Wanting to know what plants and poisons she is able to use to keep her beauty. Not only that, but it also helps when one decides to get on her bad side. Sweet, tainted gifts left at ones den. This is a deep dedication and strong commitment of hers. Leaving no room for conversation or debate.

Skills: Hunting & Healing

Potential plots?: Encouraged, but not required

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1. Medusa x Ignis Pup for Readoption! Adoptions 02:05 PM, 02-02-2024 12:07 AM, 08-24-2024