
Don't Look Down


The Syndicate

Expert Hunter (130)

Expert Navigator (140)

2 Years
02-06-2024, 01:57 AM

Cifarelli was on a mission. One that no other knew of. Except for Merizi who sat so delicately around the thickness of his neck. If she did not flick out her tongue occasionally, someone would have probably mistaken her as a simple accessory. The thought alone made him chuckle. Causing the serpent to nudge his chin with her nose. Had something happened? Rizi’s curiosity t’wards why the vibration occurred was responded with a shake of her master’s head. Those piercing liquid reds gazing down to assure she had nothing to worry about. Which left no argument when she returned to her usual position.

His steps were forever careful around these newfound lands. The cliffs here fell into a deep drop which would easily take both of their lives. Pebbles that escaped from beneath his paws tumbled down the slopes. Easily landing into the crashing summer waters below. He made sure to keep his balance as steady as possible. Wanting nothing more than to avoid any injuries. He knew eventually he’d have to hunt. The growling of his stomach seconding that motion. And lucky for him, his pet could hunt small mice on her own. Which is why she was currently in the place she was. The heat from that particular area helped with the digestion. Such a perfect pair they were.

It wasn’t until another set of rocks fell did he realize that they were not alone. Snapping his attention to a much larger woman ahead. Her body light, hips thick and curves quite slender. He gave a short bark to make his presence known. Having learned his lesson from the last time he’d ran into a female. Their encounter did not go as planned and he wasn’t even in the mood to be the asshole that he was. This place was surely changing him. Something he did not know how to feel about.

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1. Don't Look Down Crystallum Cliffs 06:37 PM, 02-05-2024 02:14 PM, 06-17-2024