
when will this end?!




Master Healer (240)

Master Navigator (250)

1 Year
02-15-2024, 07:53 PM
Bancha thinks it quite pretty here. It's different type of pretty compared to his home. Instead of trees and rivers, it's rolling hills and wide flat stones. He can see them from where he stands as he grabs ahold of a stalk of hops and twists his head so it breaks free and he can begin to pile them beside him. The weather is even pleasant today. Clouds listlessly roll by in the sky, the sun warms his back. Even a few birds troll the windy pockets, probably looking for mice to eat. The pup wonders if birds only ever fly west to east or north to south. Do they ever fly northwest? It would be a question to save for next time.

He even stops to talk a bite off the head of a hop and move it to the back of his mouth so he can chew on it like a cow chews cud. The release of its oils and scent calms his nerves until he spots a darkened figure ahead of him. Bancha tilts his head and glances around. Behind him, he sees the river that divides the territories. On his sides, he sees outcroppings of plants and bushes. Where had this other pup come from? What he can see, they're probably around the same age, but dang, this guy was twice his size!

In the next moment, just as he blinks, he watches as the horned pup comes barreling toward him, looking bigger than he had a second ago. Bancha can't help but let out a startled yelp and fold in on himself. Cowering toward behind the hop bush, he basically allowed the larger boy barrel into him. The crashing thud of his body being rolled over forces him to yelp one again. "P-please!" Bancha cries out, his paws covering his floppy ears. "I j-just wanted some of the plant!" His bright teal eyes water as he peers up at the dark coated boy that ran him over.

2/3 gather an herb - hops
2/3 explore a new land - the stone steppe

as an adult, bancha will prefer they/them but until he's matured, he/him is fine too!

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1. when will this end?! The Stone Steppe 07:09 PM, 02-15-2024 07:42 PM, 04-18-2024