
Step 3: Learn to love yourself first



Raiders Hollow
The Sawbone

Master Healer (270)

Master Navigator (240)

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

3 Years
Dire wolf

1KSamhain 2022
02-16-2024, 07:45 PM

Sakana wanted to stay close to home, at least until Sid was out of the woods. She was stable, and as comfortable as he could make her, but that didn't shake the feeling of guilt that wracked him as he made his way to the Archipelago. Pausing on the beach to shake some of the tension from Daager from his coat, he set about making a small fire. A night under the stars would do him some good, and even if Deluge wasn't here to study them with him, it didn't mean he couldn't gaze up and wonder at the meaning of it all.

He set up the fish he had seasoned before heading out and basked in the aroma of firewood and slowly roasting herbs. He was a simple guy at the end of the day, yeah he liked flowers and the stars and a nice home cooked meal. Goddamn but if only he could find a way to ease the ache in his bones. Even though he wasn't much of a drinker himself, he thought for a moment that he should have bought a bottle with him, though he was sure there was a stash somewhere nearby? Sakana slid down onto his stomach, allowing the lingering heat in the sand to ease the aching of his joints. He could look for it later.

Movement in the distance caught his attention and his head cocked as he tried to figure out who it could be. Ah, Flurry. Things couldn't be easy for her at the moment either. “Got 'nough fer two if you're hungry,” he called out as a greeting, his tail tapping the sand beside him. There was plenty of beach if she just wanted to be left alone too.


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1. Step 3: Learn to love yourself first Dove Island Archipelago 08:02 PM, 02-06-2024 01:01 AM, 05-20-2024