
fighting seasonal? probably


02-17-2024, 03:57 PM
The boy had been learning the bamboo, walking among their home with confidence. He would wait, listening for the sound of mice and such skittering among it, and enjoy the feel and sound of the wind blowing through the stalks. This, Keisuke reminded himself, was his home. A home that one day he would come to protect and honor, just as his father and mother did. As all of his family, by blood or bond. Keisuke found himself at peace within the bamboo, taking comfort in its presence. But before long, much like his sister Kina, he would need to buckle down on his training to sharpen his skills as a member of Tojo-Kai.

…and it seemed there was no time like the present.

A summoning call from his father had the boy pause, ears pricked up. There would be no denying that call, body turning away from his task of hunting down a mouse to move in the direction of the training field. He was curious what his father had in mind, his pale gaze shining with the light of an eager learner. Keisuke enjoyed lessons, and worked hard to make sure he did them well. There was nothing quite like the satisfaction of giving your all in a task.

As he arrived, the boy would find his father standing with some of the Akita’s that served their family. A respectful dip of his head was given to his sire as he stopped, his voice calm. “Father,” He lifted his head. “Training today?” He asked, seeking confirmation for what he hoped would be the case.


Word Count: 266 Words
Total: 431 Words

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1. fighting seasonal? probably Bamboo Maze 08:35 AM, 02-10-2024 07:05 AM, 03-04-2024