
Fucking bees, man




Expert Healer (170)

Master Fighter (260)

2 Years
Dire wolf

ScarredCritical Fail!OverachieverSamhain 2022Statue 2 Worship
02-18-2024, 12:42 AM

What Rivin hadn’t expected was company. She had set her bag down, ready to grab herbs, when one of the Raider kids that had followed her back to her room and had taken interest in not only the stings, but the treatment she was going to use for them spoke up.

Looking over at the kid, her expression softened. Siduri. She hadn’t had much chance to interact with her prior to her fight in Ethne, but she saw no harm in interacting with her now. If the kid was interested in medicine, then Rivin would not disappoint her. “I intend to make a salve for them, if you want to help me.” She turned back to the herbs, grabbing a fair bit of leaves and roots to set on the floor between them. She also got a bowl so she could have more of the medicine for later. No doubt the stings were going to take several coatings of the stuff.

“Not sure if you know, but apparently a salve differs from a poultice. Salves are more of a creamy or goupy mixture spread on an area and left open, while poultices tend to be covered.” Her green gaze shifted to the items before her, moving a paw over the first type of leaves.

“The first item for the salve is blackberry leaves. They are specifically good for helping with bee stings, and a good idea to keep around when you are gathering honey… unless you smoke the bees out first and put them to sleep. Didn’t expect the damn things to get so angry, so let my stings be a lesson to you so you don’t get hurt the same way.” And fuck did they hurt… her face was swelling, painful, itchy… She moved her paw over the other leaves and roots.

“The leaves and roots of comfrey are both great items for salves and poultices. They can soothe wounds, burns, wrenched claws, help with itching, or even be used for inflammation on stiff or wrenched joints. In this case I’m hoping to help soothe the stings a bit more and reduce the itchiness of them so I don’t try to scratch them, since doing so will only make them hurt more.” She looked back to Siduri. “Because the stings won’t go away for a while, I’ll need a lot of the salve.” She divided the herbs into two piles, each mixed with the two types of leaves and roots before taking her pile into her mouth with a flick of her tongue and beginning to chew.

"Speech," 'Thought.'

Rivin has two companions - a bobcat and a wolverine. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.

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1. Fucking bees, man Daager Isle 11:14 PM, 02-17-2024 07:52 PM, 03-18-2024