
Dust & Bones



Master Fighter (250)

Master Navigator (275)


5 Years
Dire wolf

Island HopperExplorerRapid Poster - Silver1K
02-21-2024, 02:22 PM

She was a good sport, Ronan could respect that. Didn't throw a fit that he'd skipped the pleasantries, didn't take his curtness and twist it into something it wasn't. Simple and easy, a spar to shake off the dust, nothing more and certainly nothing less. And for a beast so lumbering, the bear's reaction time was pretty sharp, tension settling into her form as she braced for impact. His teeth hooked onto the dense fur around her neck and it was that grip that was the only thing that stopped him from being walloped into next week as a paw went slamming into his ribs on the left side of his torso.

Had his mouth not been stuffed full of white fur, he would have probably uttered some very colourful words. She had to have been pulling her punches, cause a la verga, the shock of the impact was enough to make him want to puke, his eyes watering at the intensity of it. But like any beast of her size, if she'd really wanted to have hurt him, he'd've already known about it. Bears weren't exactly subtle.

Digging his claws into the mud, stance widening as he spread his weight so as to not slip- he arched his back and yanked hard. Much like a dog with its favourite toy in maw, a game of tug of war afoot. With skin as loose as this his intention wasn't to rip anything, more he was trying to brute strength her into losing her footing in the mud. If she staggered a little, he'd count that as enough for a win.

table coding by bunni ♥

Ronan vs Saga for spar
Round 2/2
Age: over 1
Size: Dire wolf
Build: Heavy
Companion 1: Spectral Bat, Male, Flying/Perception
Companion 2: Spectral Bat, Female, Flying/Perception
Mutation 1: Retractable fangs (Offensive)
Mutation 2: "Wyvern" Wings (Defensive)
Mutation 3: Jaguar Claws (Agility)
Skills: Expert Fighter & Beginner Navigator
[Image: PzMsxDx.png]

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1. Dust & Bones The Boneyard 08:44 PM, 02-19-2024 06:05 AM, 03-13-2024