
Until Lambs Become Lions

Mandatory Meeting



Expert Fighter (120)

Advanced Healer (116)

2 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022
02-26-2024, 11:49 AM
In the wake of the raid after the dust settled and he was able to make sure everyone that needed immediate medical attention had been seen to by either himself or Lucette he had retreated to a secluded part of the caves that a portion of his family had made into their dens. He would eventually make his way back to the den he had built for himself out by the creek, but the fight that had marred his face had knocked the wind out of him–to put it lightly–and even the thought of walking to the other side of their territory felt like a herculean task. He was resting for a while, tending to the minor injuries his companion had sustained in the fight while Copper did the same for him, the stoat's little paws patting fresh herbs onto the open wounds on his cheek and helping him seal the edges of the gashes together with horsetail. Lucette had done the initial triage for him, but he didn't want to bother her so soon for help when he was capable of doing it himself. He was able to instruct Copper on how to do it well enough and managed to make himself comfortable enough that he was able to start drifting off into sleep. He had intended to just nap long enough to get enough energy to go back to his den, but given that the raid had struck in the middle of the night and interrupted his already fitful sleep he ended up getting almost a full night’s sleep there in the corners of the caves.

That's where he was when his sister's howl jolted him awake, making him gasp with surprise as his head popped up, accidentally toppling Copper off of his shoulders with the sudden movement. He listened for a moment and once he decided it wasn't an urgent thing the way the raid had been he was able to breathe a slow sigh to even his heart rate back to normal once more before he got to his paws, letting Copper climb back into his usual spot before he walked out of the caves and up to the clearing where the pack usually gathered. When he arrived he found Haydée waiting for them with only Dagrún arriving before him. He immediately spotted the wounds on the back of Haydée's neck and his hackles bristled and brow furrowed with concern as he hurried over to her, gentle paws and keen emerald eyes examining the wound. He knew for a fact that this didn't happen during the raid since he had helped clean her up afterward so how in the hells did this happen?! “Do you really need to call a meeting right this very second? We need to get this cleaned and stitched up,” he whispered to her, already knowing that it was too late since the call had already been made. He sighed softly and gave a small nod before stepping to the side for his sister to do what she needed to do. The moment the meeting was over though he was going to see to those wounds.


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1. Until Lambs Become Lions Lazuli Falls 06:32 PM, 02-24-2024 12:58 PM, 04-28-2024