
Until Lambs Become Lions

Mandatory Meeting


"I'll Rise Up"


Master Fighter (320)

Master Intellectual (305)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra small

ScarredDouble MasterRapid Poster - SilverSamhain 2022
02-24-2024, 06:32 PM (This post was last modified: 02-28-2024, 09:29 PM by Haydée. Edited 1 time in total.)
*Set shortly after this thread*

The trip back to Ethne was spent mostly in silence and Haydée only really spoke to Gavroche and Ikuchi when necessary. She was angry about everything and the fact that they had gone missing shortly after the raid had only added to her stress. Plus, the fact that Gilgamesh had openly berated her leadership has the young woman was down right furious. The open wounds on her neck still sting but the rapid flow of blood has at least slowed and, while she knows she will need to get them cleaned and stitched shut, they are not a pressing matter at the moment.

As the trio cross into Ethne lands, Hay pulls the boys to a stop and turns her attention to them. Tone scolding but still somehow gentle, she says, “Gav, never, ever seek out a pack like that again. Do you understand?” The wounds are not his fault but it didn’t help that part of the embarrassment she feels is due to the fact that he decided to take it upon himself to try and fix things without letting anyone know. Green gaze flicks between them both for a moment before she declares, “Until further notice, you both are not allowed to leave Ethne lands unless accompanied by myself, your parents, or a Combatant. Is that understood?”

Waiting for them to acknowledge the restrictions, she then bobs her head and blows out a sigh, all the tension in her body keeping her wound up like a band about to snap. Flicking her head in the direction of the falls, Haydée pushes down the pain as she says, “Come on, we going to have a meeting.” Escorting them to the top of the falls where the clearing waits, the young Leader nimbly leaps atop the stone she uses to address the pack and releases a deep howl, summoning the all of Ethne to her so that they can discuss what has happened.

Settling onto the rock, her body language speaks of the anger and hurt she feels as she waits for her pack to filter in. The wounds on her neck are apparent and exhaustion tugs at her mind but Haydée needs to address them before she can allow herself the luxury of sleeping. Ah, the burdens of Leadership.

OOC: Mandatory meeting! Everyone is expected to attend as they will be discussing the raid and fallout as a pack! Posts due by March 4th. If you cannot attend just let me or Beau know. Gavorache and Ikucki are restricted to Ethne until further notice.

"Haydée Kedieo"

"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”
Haydée has a male northern cardinal named Chanson and a female fossa named Manon. They are always close by.



Master Fighter (295)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Tactician Tactician

5 Years

VengeanceThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2VengeanceUnderachieverExplorer
Mammoth HunterIce Bridge ExplorerPride - BisexualSnake Eyes1KDouble Master
02-24-2024, 06:41 PM

Dagrún nursed her injuries, her kestrel helping her with the salve. Apart from dealing with the raiders she'd run into a coyote pack shortly after the raid and had to spend a few precious moments chasing the bastards off the border. No doubt the mongrels had used the raid as a chance to try and sneak in.

Shortly after tending her wounds she heard Haydée call out for the pack. She wasn't terribly surprised. Despite doing their best the raiders had won and taken a number of Ethne's pet chickens. Dag was luke warm on the creatures and while she didn't view them with the same affection she enjoyed the eggs they produced and she knew how much they meant to other pack mates. Dagrún arrived swiftly at the meeting, eyes widening as she noticed the wounds on Hay's neck. Those had not been there after the raid as far as she remembered. "What the fuck happened?" The words were out of her mouth before she could stop them. There was a good chance those wounds had to do with this meeting.



Expert Fighter (120)

Advanced Healer (116)

2 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022
02-26-2024, 11:49 AM
In the wake of the raid after the dust settled and he was able to make sure everyone that needed immediate medical attention had been seen to by either himself or Lucette he had retreated to a secluded part of the caves that a portion of his family had made into their dens. He would eventually make his way back to the den he had built for himself out by the creek, but the fight that had marred his face had knocked the wind out of him–to put it lightly–and even the thought of walking to the other side of their territory felt like a herculean task. He was resting for a while, tending to the minor injuries his companion had sustained in the fight while Copper did the same for him, the stoat's little paws patting fresh herbs onto the open wounds on his cheek and helping him seal the edges of the gashes together with horsetail. Lucette had done the initial triage for him, but he didn't want to bother her so soon for help when he was capable of doing it himself. He was able to instruct Copper on how to do it well enough and managed to make himself comfortable enough that he was able to start drifting off into sleep. He had intended to just nap long enough to get enough energy to go back to his den, but given that the raid had struck in the middle of the night and interrupted his already fitful sleep he ended up getting almost a full night’s sleep there in the corners of the caves.

That's where he was when his sister's howl jolted him awake, making him gasp with surprise as his head popped up, accidentally toppling Copper off of his shoulders with the sudden movement. He listened for a moment and once he decided it wasn't an urgent thing the way the raid had been he was able to breathe a slow sigh to even his heart rate back to normal once more before he got to his paws, letting Copper climb back into his usual spot before he walked out of the caves and up to the clearing where the pack usually gathered. When he arrived he found Haydée waiting for them with only Dagrún arriving before him. He immediately spotted the wounds on the back of Haydée's neck and his hackles bristled and brow furrowed with concern as he hurried over to her, gentle paws and keen emerald eyes examining the wound. He knew for a fact that this didn't happen during the raid since he had helped clean her up afterward so how in the hells did this happen?! “Do you really need to call a meeting right this very second? We need to get this cleaned and stitched up,” he whispered to her, already knowing that it was too late since the call had already been made. He sighed softly and gave a small nod before stepping to the side for his sister to do what she needed to do. The moment the meeting was over though he was going to see to those wounds.



War Chief

Master Fighter (250)

Expert Intellectual (195)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

3 Years
Large species
Dragon Mod

Rapid Poster - BronzeCritical Observation!1KOverachieverSamhain 2022
02-27-2024, 08:11 AM (This post was last modified: 02-27-2024, 08:18 AM by Saga. Edited 3 times in total.)

She was returning from the beach when Haydee's call rang out. That tone demanded the packs presence, and of course, Saga obeyed it. She grunted for her new companions to follow. They had found her at the beach, both older than her. Adults. But significantly smaller than she was. She didn't understand it, but they said something about dwarfism? A condition both had been born with and made it so that they'd never grow as big as Saga. Despite their smaller size, they had a ton of knowledge for her, and so she decided they would be welcome additions to her already strange family. While she was excited to tell Haydee and her mom, she had a feeling now wasn't a good time. And that would be especially evident as she arrived to the gathering, the smell of blood and medicine in the air.

She found only Haydee, Dagrun, and Dorian there so far. With Dorian fussing over their sister. Saga approached with concern, eyes narrowing as she tried to figure out what happened. She hadn't been that badly injured during the raid...right? Was this from something else? "Haydee, what happened? Why are you hurt?" Who did this? She felt a fury inside that she had never felt before as she waited for answers.


Gavroche II


Expert Fighter (160)

Advanced Healer (85)

1 Year
Toy size
02-27-2024, 10:28 PM

Initially, Gavroche had thought standing up for his values against the colorful Raider girl was all he would need to worry about… and then he saw his aunt’s wound. A wound she wouldn’t have if it wasn’t for him… for him trying to do what he thought was the right thing to do. For trying to help. To say that it shattered the boy in a sense would be an understatement. The realization that his actions had caused someone he cared about to get hurt… he hadn’t looked at Haydée once, nor had he breathed a word to Ikuchi since she had arrived… but his gaze had lingered on the wound, eyes widened with horror before dropping down to his paws.

He felt sick, angry with himself, frustrated… Everything he thought he knew about helping others, about trying to be kind… it crashed and burned around him. Was he even meant to try and stand up for Ethne? Would he just get in the way? Get more wolves hurt? It made him question if he was even supposed to go back… or if his presence alone was a curse… His grandmother had said Dusk was recovering… and now his aunt was hurt too… were both of the ones he cared about hurt because of something he did? Would it be better if he wasn’t around anyone at all?

They stop, something that Gavroche only notices by sound. He still doesn’t look at his aunt, but as he is addressed he gives a silent nod of acknowledgement. He wasn’t sure he’d ever seek out any pack again, good or bad. Maybe he shouldn’t even hang out with others, if those he loved were getting hurt. It couldn’t just be a coincidence… right? He had to be the reason they were hurt. That… that was why his grandma didn’t let him see Dusk… she probably wasn’t going to let him see Hay either… He kept following after her. A meeting…? He felt his heart sink. He didn’t want to make things worse… so he’d stick around. He just walked further away from where he expected everyone else to be, sitting down and dropping his head down. He just wanted to go hide and let these bad events come to an end…

"Speech," 'Thought.'



Intermediate Fighter (51)

Intermediate Navigator (30)

1 Year

Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
02-28-2024, 10:37 PM

Corbin had been resting in his den, with his favorite pillow Rocky the sheep.  One of Rocky’s hind legs was being used as a brace for his healing leg while the wooly coat was perfect for his head.  Where some wolves used bear pelts for their den floors, Corbin had wooly matts from when his sheep's coat was removed.  

Corbin was in a half-sleep state, where dreams come and go yet he had a measure of control.  His sister’s howl merged with his dream.  After some unknown period of time his mind started pondering why a sheep in his dream was howling with his sister's voice.  The question finally caused his eyes to open realizing the howl wasn’t part of the dream.  

Something of the howl hadn’t sounded right.  However, he couldn’t say what with how it was partially dream-based.  Regardless he loped to the meeting spot.  It was a slightly off gait, one leg having a slight limp to it.  He’d mostly healed up but was taking it easy for a little longer to make sure he didn’t damage it more.

However, when he smelled the blood the limp was gone, Corbin ignored the leg as he raced up to the rock.  Sitting politely for the meeting would come after he made sure Hay was alright. “Hay?” His eyes looked from his angry and injured sister to Dorian with a silent question about his sister’s injury.  He’d settle down for the official talk once he heard she’d be alright.

[Image: PllexzO.png]



Expert Fighter (130)

Beginner Intellectual (10)

2 Years
Dire wolf
03-01-2024, 10:12 AM

Nova heard the calll and she left the training she was doing. She had taken this seriously, probably way too much. But after her first raid she felt eager to expand her skills and do better for future battles. She was young but she didn't want others to look down at her because of such detail. She had found a coat of lilac color. And of course she took it for herself, maybe it would help her as an armor or something.

Wearing her new item she arrived to the call, finding her aunt all covered in wounds."Who did this?" She asked frowning. "Who do we have to dispatch?" She didn't measure how she said things, but she didn't care as this was a delicate situation.

code by Cloudy



Advanced Healer (85)

Advanced Navigator (90)

4 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
03-04-2024, 07:22 PM
Art & Code © Rex/Witchdogtor DO NOT USE WITHOUT PERMISSION

Worry had been gnawing at her. Her boys were disappearing, and for Gavroche this was the second time. She was worried for his safety, for naivety… the boy meant well, but she greatly worried he would get himself killed for it, just as he had in his previous life. Baecette wasn’t doing well either. He was sleeping for longer, and appeared to be eating less. All she could was pray to the divinities her children were going to be alright. All three of them… She nosed her son’s head, but he did not stir, just kept sleeping away while Gavroche’s companions sat near him to keep the boy company. She figured that Bae-Syl was hunting or doing a patrol, keeping busy so his worry did not consume him.

…and then came a call from her sister. Lucettte would take some time to leave the den. She would make her way to the meeting site, finding her sister bloodied and Gavroche looking as though the weight of the world had fallen upon his shoulders. As much as her heart pulled for her son, she was quick to join Dorian’s side, ears falling against her skull. “You should have at least waited to be stitched up…” Her words were soft, filled with concern. Their mother wasn’t here yet… but she had a feeling how the woman would respond…

"Speech," 'Thought.'

Lucette has two companions - a kodkod and a saw-scaled viper. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.

Bae-Syl, as Lucette's bestie, guardian, and mate is welcome to invade her threads at any time regardless of how they are marked.



Master Fighter (290)

Master Intellectual (254)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

9 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipScarredVengeanceCritical Observation!1K
Christmas 2019Trick 2019
03-04-2024, 09:36 PM
Bellamy had been resting, attempting to sleep off the maim that had taken a chunk from her shoulder. Sleep did not come easy. She thought of her meeting with Acere, knowing that once night came she would slip off to be with him again. Her emotions were a mess. Her actions more a regret of how it would turn on Ethne, rather than the regret of bringing harm to a child that had come to fight her own. At least that was where the emotions sat until she heard Haydee call for a meeting. A mandatory one.

The woman shot up, green gaze narrowing as a wave of unease rolled in her stomach. She moved too fast, damn near making her injury worse as she burst from the den just in time for Alexander to see her on the way to the meeting. After reassuring her son that she would be fine, they made their way to where the others were waiting. The tension, the smell of blood in the air, and how Dorian and Lucette were at her daughter’s side flipped a switch in Bellamy. No longer was there guilt. There was raw anger.

“Gav goes to take them herbs and they’ve the balls to hurt you?!” Bellamy is livid, tail lashing side to side. “We were wrong to believe they could ever be reasoned with…” Her tone shifts. She knows that neither side is in the right, that things just get messier, but to see her daughter harmed after her mistake. After she’d already been maimed for it once, that she would have given herself up so that this wouldn't happen. Bellamy shakes, fury in her eyes.

So they didn’t want their kindness? Thought they were easy? “Maybe we need a few more pelts at our borders…” While the last words are quieter, they were not a whisper, able to be heard by any wolf that paid her mind.

The raiders came expecting an easy battle… and Bellamy was willing to bring them a war.
Bellamy has two companions - a Tasmanian devil and an American badger. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.



Expert Fighter (135)

Expert Hunter (171)

2 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
03-04-2024, 09:45 PM
He had found his mother half-limping out from behind the waterfall. Old as she was, the woman still had fire in her soul that was unshakeable. Alexander was quick to fuss over her, his mother reassuring him that she was fine. Alex had his doubts - she had been known to push herself, and insisted she lean on him the way up to the meeting. And the moment she saw Hay’s wound her anger bubbled over, fury sparking forth in growls and a shaking form. Alexander did not attempt to quiet her. Regardless of the wrongs of both sides, he understood her anger at seeing Haydee marked for something she didn't do. Wolves had their own minds, you could not always predict or control them. He was also angry, but he kept his maw closed, wanting to see what his sister and Leader had to say.
Alexander has two companions - an American badger and a sharp-shinned hawk. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.



Beginner Healer (0)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

7 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-05-2024, 05:56 PM
The meeting sounded urgent, the male plucking himself from his den where he had been resting. In his abense he had not even to begun to know what ethne was going through right now. Confusion was an apparent thing on his features as he approached the growing wolves of the pack. But he stopped, feeling a sudden rush of shame but doing well to appear nothing was wrong. Not contrary to the group worry clung to his chest when he looked over at Haydee.

Fenix took a seat, calmly laying his tail at his paws. He’d wait to be caught up, even if he was in no condition to fight he could still heal. Even in his elicited state, so he had to concentrate on that. Not about the overwhelming feelings he had to run away and hide in his den. No, it didn’t matter nobody blamed him even if he felt like it.



Beginner Intellectual (0)

Beginner Fighter (0)

2 Years
03-05-2024, 09:02 PM
Behind, that's what he was. Behind his training by leaps and bounds. Even at his filled out age the young man had found it difficult to get anything done. It was frustrating, he had the will but where was the work to be put in. Getting to do the simplest tasks was proving difficult. If not his inability to keep his interests on something for long. So only vaguely aware of what was going on and still reeling over his defeat in a soft attempt at a raid, he crawled into the meeting.

His tail flicked behind him giving a glance at Haydee with worried eyes. These wounds, what exactly had happened. He growled in frustration mood now Sour he took a seat within the growing group of wolves. If he didn't train soon he feared he'd be letting everyone down. So much for Riv the great knight.



Beginner Healer (0)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

1 Year
Extra large
03-07-2024, 09:08 AM

Sou was on her mother's garden doing her best to take care of the plants that were there, she wanted to make her proud. Even if her confidence was as slow as always. Her ears were pinned down as she resited each plant's name. And what they were used for, there were times where she did well, yet other she would forget even if she studied everyday. But as she did her things, a call echoed and quickly she left what she was going rising. Her eyes widened open upon seeing their leader bloodied and with a serious expression. She went to her mother's side feeling a bit scared but trying to look breave.


[Image: PuffsTransparent.png]



Advanced Fighter (110)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

2 Years
03-07-2024, 03:15 PM
It has been only a scant couple of days since the raid that had taken place in the middle of the night and Jericho has been keenly aware of the painful scratches that the dark hued boy had given him. Every subtle moment he makes pulls at the skin, reminding him that his belly and underside is healing and the boy has decided that sleep is the best thing for him right now. That is where he is, in his family den, sleeping the day away when his aunt’s call drags him from the soft, fuzzy realm of dreams.

Sleepily, Jericho sits up, curious but tired so he decides to take his time getting up. By the time he ambles into the meeting area, most of the pack has already gathered and there is so much tension in the air that you could practically cut it with a knife. Gaze turns up to aunt who is surrounded by family members and it is difficult to miss the wounds on the back of her neck or the fact that the air stinks with fresh and dried blood.

Eyes turn to roam over the wolves that have gathered and he spies his winged brother, looking sad and dejected. Jericho quickly hurries over to him because Gav had gone missing shortly after the raid and, now that he is back, the boy is determined not to let him out of his sight. Coming to a stop next to him, Jerry practically lays on top of his winged sibling as they wait for the meeting begin.

"Jericho Agatsuma-Kedieo"


"I'll Rise Up"


Master Fighter (320)

Master Intellectual (305)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra small

ScarredDouble MasterRapid Poster - SilverSamhain 2022
03-07-2024, 04:54 PM


Haydée is wound up tightly, her body practically screaming the rage that feels out for the whole world. The young woman’s normally calm, friendly features are pulled taunt with exhaustion and, beyond that, is her thinly concealed anger. As she sits there, on top of her little rock perch, her emerald gaze sweeps over to where Gavroche sits, the very picture of misery and a sad sigh rolls past her lips. But, before she can voice her apologies to the boy, Dagrún appears to gruffly questions what had happened to her and Hay gives her head a soft shake.

A wince tugs at her features as she softly says, “I’ll explain everything soon.” Dorian appeared next, moving to her side to gently poke at the wounds on her neck and she gives a small hiss of pain as she tries to pull away. Unable to meet his eyes, she softly offers, “It couldn’t wait.” Truthfully, if Haydée had allowed Dorian or her sister to tend the wounds first then she probably would have fallen sleep and, by the time she woke up, she probably would have forgotten the sharp sting of anger and shame that is fueling her right now.

Saga was next to arrive and offer her own questions and, like with Dag, Hay simply gives a small shake of her head and says, “I’ll explain everything very soon.” Corbin limped in, calling her name in a questioning manner and she simply shakes her head, the exhaustion suddenly tugging her shoulders inward. Nova appears to question her next and, again, a shake of her head is given, the need to explain everything to her pack as a whole keeping her jaw firmly shut. Lucette arrives to admonish her too and Hay can only blink, suddenly tired of everyone telling her what she should be doing.

Bellamy is next and the woman’s anger is only rivaled by her own but she simply shakes her head and waits for the older woman to sit. Alex, Fenix and Riv appear, taking their seats and looking her over with worry in their eyes and anger on their faces. Sou shows up, fear clear in her movements but the girl does her best to appear brave and Haydée offers her an encouraging smile. The last to file in is Jericho and the boy is quick to move to Gavroche and practically lay on him.

They all sit in silence for a few minutes more as Hay waits to see is her Bruiser and his missing children will be joining them but, as the seconds tick by and they remain absent, the tension in the air becomes too much to ignore.

-Meeting Start-

Lifting her head, Haydée slowly moves her gaze to meet each wolf that is gathered as she slowly begins to speak, “As you all know, we were raided by the Raiders Hollow just a few days ago. During the raid, my mother, Bellamy, maimed one of the pups that been attacking us. In retaliation, they maimed, not only her, but my brother, Dorian.” Slowly she lays out the facts for them so that they may judge the while incident for themselves and decided what side, if any, they wish to be on.

“I had planned to go there and offer our apologies along with a small peace offering but Gavroche had already beaten me. By the time I arrived, a purple woman was trying to hurt Gav but, thankfully, he was able to get away.” Pausing, she allows her words to sink in before continuing on, “I offered my apologies for the maiming of the child and was willing to accept retribution from their King for it but I was met instead by a wolf that didn’t even take part in the raid.” The anger she has felt raises once more as the memories roll to the surface, the shame she had felt making her shuffle her paws for a moment.

“That made me angry, so I fought back, and their King, Gilgamesh, grabbed a hold of me and that is how I received these wounds. At first, I had been willing to be wounded by him but as I fought, I realized that it was it was their fault for bring a child to a raid. Invading a pack for resources is never something to be taken lightly and, while I had thought nothing of it at first, I want everyone here to know that, from now on, we will be meeting every raid, every fight, as if our lives depend on it.” Tail lashes on the rock that Hay sits on as she does her best to keep her fury well contained.

A small dip of her head is given as she puts her thoughts in order and pushes away the words that Gil had scathingly leveled at her on the dark beach. “As for the chickens that were taken, we will be taking the fight back to the Raiders Hollow just as soon as we are able to. They have no qualms about maiming us and, when we meet them again, I want everyone to not worry about harming them. They chose this life of violence so we will give it back to them. If you wish to maim them, do it. Normally, I wouldn’t be in favor of it but this is different; so do not pull any punches when we meet them again.”

With that piece said, she then looks to her siblings and the yearlings, expression softening as Haydée directs her next words to them, “I need everyone to do everything they can to help the pack, in whatever field they are most comfortable in. Please see me afterward to discuss which path you wish to take and I will do my best to get mentors arranged for everyone.” Pausing, Haydée goes over everything she has said, trying to remember if there was anything else she wanted to say.

The exhaustion that she has been trying to keep at bay, finally breaks through, tugging at her and settling heavily on her shoulders, forcing them to slump inward. There is one more piece of information that Haydée is loath to share but the pack needs to know, “Bay, our golden retriever pack mate, is missing. The last time I saw him he was sailing and a rouge wave swept him away from the shore. If anyone finds him, please… help him find his way home.” Voice wavers as she speaks of the golden boy that has stolen her heart and, as she finishes, her voice breaks and falls into silence.

Gaze slowly sweeps the gathered wolves as she takes a deep breath, steeling her nerves as Hay rounds out the meeting, “With everything that has been happening, I also wish to ask my mother, Bellamy, to step up and be Co-Leader with me. Together, we will protect and nurture the pack going forward.” Emerald eyes catch her mother’s gaze and she offers a soft smile, knowing that she will have to fully explain her explain her reasonings later but, for now, she hopes he mother will accept her request.

Finally, Haydée opens the floor, “If anyone wishes to say another or ask any questions, please speak now. We are a pack and everyone matters.” A warm smile is given as she waits, neck beginning to itch as the sand irritates the wounds but she does not leave her spot yet, wishing to given one time to speak, if they wished.

OOC: Here is the TLDR since I write too much.
- Events that happened at the Raiders Hollow with Hay and Gav have been explained.
- They will be raiding the Raiders Hollow and Haydée is okay with maiming.
- Siblings and Yearlings have been asked to pick a path and let Haydée know (just let me know and I will get them in!).
- Mentors will be arranged.
- Bay has gone missing, please keep an eye out for him!
- Haydée has asked Bellamy to step up and be Co-Leader with Haydée.
- The floor is open to everyone! If you wish to voice any questions, concerns, or approval feel free to!

This ends the mandatory meeting and all replies after this one, are optional. Thank you all! <3

"Haydée Kedieo"

"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”
Haydée has a male northern cardinal named Chanson and a female fossa named Manon. They are always close by.



Expert Fighter (146)

Advanced Hunter (60)

4 Years
Extra large

03-07-2024, 09:47 PM
Bae had been busy when the call came. Made even busier when Tani wasn't where she should of been, mischief having been had by his daughter had set him back. He couldn't help but huff as he dragged Tani by the antler towards the meeting. He was late. But not so late as to not catch the words said by haydee.

He moved releasing his now blushing daughter to sit between him and his wife. His face displeased at the actions of Tani. And he set his eyes on haydee sending her a silent look of apology for his tardiness. Hopefully she would understand.

Hays words though send his face into an expression of not just anger but Rage. His muzzle wrinkles and his spinal hair stands erect as he looks between her at her scar then to Gav. His anger not for the boy but for the actions of the purple woman. She had fought him. He had beaten her. He was going to take from her and hurt her for this. He stood then from his seated position snarls coming from him.

Bellamy was announced co leader and he nodded. His furious face turned to her. She would know what he wanted he was sure. "When we go the purple woman is mine!" he expected some one to want to fight him over this though but he wouldn't take no for an answer. Hell had no fury like a Asmodeus who possessed things, and now that blood that slumbered was going to be shown.

Art & Code © Rex/Witchdogtor DO NOT USE WITHOUT PERMISSION

As his best friend and personal medic, Lucette is allowed to enter Bae-Syl's threads as she sees fit. That being said Bae-Syl is her self appointed protector and might enter threads with her in them to ensure her safety.



Intermediate Healer (30)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

2 Years
Dire wolf
03-07-2024, 10:23 PM
She'd heard the call but didn't care. She had been exploring! The cathedral was amazing, especially if you found you could ear the berries there! Though her fun was short lived.

She'd been dragged by her antler by her dad. And as they came to the meeting she sat where he let go of her antler, a blush rising to her cheeks. She was so embarrassed. Not only did he drag her in but bluish purple stained her lips and Jack's. It was evidence of her tardiness and why. She could smell her mom to her right and her father to her left. He'd trapped her here by doing so.

Haydee's words had all embarrassment flying from her face though with astonishment taking its place. Gav did what?! And now she got a whiff of it. Blood was in the air, tainted with Haydee's scent. Her ears went back.

Haydee moved on and the worry didn't leave her face. She loved her home. Would die for it, though she was no fighter. Her aunt moved on to ask for their preferred lot in the pack and the path they wanted. Should she be embarrassed to be the first? Or embarrassed to admit she was disabled? "I'm not really good for too much, I can't fight or hunt like my dad, and im not very social.... is it okay if i take a healers path Aunt Haydee? Kinda blind so I'm not sure if im even any help there......" both her ears went back and her head went down in shame. She was stupid, she shouldn't of asked, it was stupid. Blind wolves weren't useful, even if she did enjoy the tastes and smells of herbs and learning how to use them.


Art & Code by Rex 2023

Vitani is completely blind, and as such will compulsively taste and feel anything or anyone new. This is your warning.

As her parents Lucette and Bae-Syl are allowed in any of her threads regardless of how they are marked. As her Alpha and grandmother, Bellamy is also allowed to intervene in her threads where she sees the need.

She has a jackalope companion named Jack, assume he is nearby even if not mentioned.



2 Years
Extra small

Pride - Gay
03-07-2024, 10:48 PM
Art & Code by Rex 2023


Aunt hay had been really mad. It made the boy kind of sad that she was mad, not just at him but at gav. She was harsh with her words to them as they made it home and iki dropped his head with his green eyes large but on Haydee. His ears pressed. She was mad. He was still working it out in his head on why too.

He'd made a friend... couldn't be it. He had gotten lost.... that had to be it. So when she made to move he lifted and followed slowly. Nothing made sense right now. Aunt haydee had gotten hurt, was it his fault?

She made a call for a meeting and he flopped near her. He didn't move and was soon just distracted by a butterfly. His eyes followed it and his tail beat the ground as he watched it. It was pretty!

Though when his aunt started speaking again iki was brought out of his trance and laid his head down and kicked his legs out, flattening himself as much as he could with his obese form.

Raiders? They'd tried to hurt gav? Couldn't they just hug and talk it out? And then they hurt his aunt? Nothing made sense. Why would anyone hate his aunt? She was so nice! She didn't even take dinner away as punishment!

His green eyes filled with worry for them all as everyone seemed to get worked up. And then she asked where they all wanted to start training in their paths. His eyes dropped, ears pinned and he gave a whine. Training wasn't fun. He liked to eat and sleep. He did like making that friend though.... was that an option? "Can I be the friend in Ethne aunt Haydee? I dun like fighting, mom's flowers are stinky and im not good at training...... but I love being friends!" he lifted his head and started a little insecure with his tone of voice but quickly that faded as he looked up at haydee and his grin settled in place with his tail wagging happily and exaggerating his friendliness and happiness.

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