
they come at night- STRANGER DANGER!!



Novice Intellectual (20)

Advanced Fighter (115)

6 Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
02-27-2024, 04:14 AM
There was so much going on. So many bodies being thrown about and clashing against one another. She growled and snarled as bodies came flying out of the bamboo, one even colliding with her and snapping at her. She almost didn't realize it was a pack mate, claws ready to cut him down but she held back at the last moment as his scent hit her. It seemed he too, realized she was not the enemy before he threw himself at another. Breaking away from them, she dove into the depths of the bamboo, looking for any other attackers that might have infiltrated their defenses. And it wasn't long before she found one that had ended up in a dead end. Beneath the light of the moon, her opponent looked at her. They both squared off, but...something was strange about this one. He snarled at her, lunging as he snapped at her. His teeth connected with her chest before she could react, but as soon as she did, her teeth found purchase with his scruff.

She dragged him away from her, tossing him against the dense bamboo before going at him, the pair tussling with one another with tooth and claw as they tried to overpower each other. "Who are you and what do you want!?" She demanded. She felt the others muscles tense more than they already were. And beneath the light of the moon, his eyes seemed to flash with something she couldn't pinpoint. "Sakura...?" Her eyes widen when he said her name. She pushed him away in alarm, taking a few steps back. "How do you know my name?"

She didn't recognize him, of course. He was wearing a disguise. Something about him, however, seemed...vaguely familiar...his voice... She hesitates due to her shock. And that was all the other wolf needed to get past her. He didn't attack her. Didn't bother saying anything else. She felt his fur brush hers as he moved past, and when she realized he was running off, she gave chase. "Wait!" She wanted answers!

As she chased him, another body flew into hers, knocking her off her feet and sending her to the ground. She got up as quick as she could to face the new attacker who was lunging toward her. She smacked him with her claws, slicing his shoulder before he decided this probably wasn't worth it. But she wouldn't let this one go. Not yet. As he turned to flee, she hooked her claws into his rear leg and dragged him back, flipping him over onto his back as she stood over him, teeth bared. "Who are you! Where are you from!?" The wolf growls in pain as he struggles against her, but realizes he can't quite escape. "Orokana musume yo, son'na koto wa iimasen yo! Watashitachi wa anata no tame ni koko ni iru wakede wa arimasen!"

His accent...she recognizes it. Well, perhaps not his specific voice, but she recognizes where the accent is from. "Leave before I kill you." She threatens, letting him get up to flee. He does run, and she follows to make sure he does not come back.

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1. they come at night- STRANGER DANGER!! Bamboo Maze 08:57 AM, 10-30-2023 04:43 PM, 02-28-2024