
Are You Afraid of the Dark?

Red [predator fight+hunting]



Expert Fighter (210)

Advanced Hunter (95)

1 Year
Extra large
Dragon Mod

Critical Fail!1K
02-28-2024, 03:48 AM

He had no idea that his brother was following him down the dark passageways. His hunting instincts were skewed. He wasn't exactly the quiet, stalker, graceful type of hunter. He was often messy and careless with it. But down here? Down here was different. It was dark. His vision obscured by the shadows and the lack of light in the tunnels. All he really had to work with was his nose and his ears, but things echoed down here, so that also made it hard. He resisted the urge to heavily sigh with frustration. But he told himself that if he was capable of doing this in the dark...then he could do it anywhere. His mother had taught him to hunt, but not in this kind of environment.

He peeked around a corner and saw only more darkness in the corridor ahead. The smell of the pig he had been trying to track down was strong, however. Maybe it was down this passageway? "Ripper..!” The skeletal boy nearly jumped out of his skin when he heard his name. His fur bristled in alarm, talons scraping the stone beneath his feet as he whirled around to find that Red had found him. His brother asked him what he was doing, and Ripper had to take a moment to chill out and calm his racing heart. "Red surprised Ripper!" He exclaimed in a hushed tone. Surprised was an understatement, of course. Red had nearly scared Ripper shitless! But he'd never admit that.

"Ripper is looking for pig. It is here somewhere...but it's dark." He peered down the corridor again, ears twitching as he listened, straining to find something in the darkness. He glanced at Red, barely making out his sibling despite how much brighter his coat was compared to his own. But even in darkness, Red's fur was muted. "Come, let's find it. Ripper is hungry!" He whispered again in hushed, urgent tones. Although he was being dramatic, he swore his hunger was about to drive him mad! He crept down the passageway, sheathing his talons so they wouldn't click against the ground as he crept through. "Here piggy, piggy..." He whispered. Maybe he wasn't the stealthiest hunter just yet...but he was determined. As he crept along, the scent grew stronger, and he could hear the low snorts of his prey in the cavern ahead of them.


Like a traditional Mortem, Ripper can be unpredictable in nature~

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1. Are You Afraid of the Dark? Whisperer's Gorge 08:28 PM, 02-25-2024 01:28 PM, 06-20-2024