




Master Intellectual (246)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Cosmetologist Cosmetologist

2 Years
02-29-2024, 11:15 PM
After what felt like an eternity of cautious and delicate work, Aurelia's efforts finally paid off as she succeeded in removing the wolfsbane from its earthly confines. The plant, with its deep purple petals and sharp green leaves, looked both alluring and deadly in her paws. Her heart swelled with a sense of accomplishment as she carefully transferred the precious herb into her pouch, ensuring it was safe and secure for the journey ahead. She couldn't help but marvel at the intricate beauty of this potent ingredient, and her mind raced with all the possibilities that lay ahead. With a graceful movement, she rose to her feet and a sense of deep satisfaction washed over her. She had completed her task with a display of skill and precision, proving herself once again in this mystical land of untapped potential and hidden secrets. The mist shrouded landscape stretched out before her, teasing her with its mysteries and beckoning her to explore.

With the wolfsbane safely secured in her pouch, Aurelia turned her attention back to the absence of her keeper. The misty landscape seemed to swallow sound and distort distance, making it challenging to track the Sultan's movements. However, her keen sense of smell led her in the right direction, and she soon caught a whiff of his distinctive scent. Following the scent trail, Aurelia navigated through the mist with ease, her footsteps silent on the soft heather-covered ground.

She eventually found Sephiran standing at the edge of a clearing, his form barely visible through the dense fog. Approaching him cautiously, she cleared her throat to announce her presence. "Have you found anything of interest?" she inquired, her voice soft but carrying in the stillness of the moor. "Do you think it's worth moving the group here?" She cast a glance around, taking in the mystical beauty of Druid's Moor. Despite the eerie mist and the unknown dangers that lurked within, there was a sense of peace and solitude that seemed to permeate the land.

"Sephiran Saxe" & "Aurelia Veratti"

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1. Greed Druid's Moor 06:58 PM, 02-29-2024 07:58 AM, 03-03-2024