
Until Lambs Become Lions

Mandatory Meeting


"I'll Rise Up"


Master Fighter (320)

Master Intellectual (305)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra small

ScarredDouble MasterRapid Poster - SilverSamhain 2022
03-07-2024, 04:54 PM


Haydée is wound up tightly, her body practically screaming the rage that feels out for the whole world. The young woman’s normally calm, friendly features are pulled taunt with exhaustion and, beyond that, is her thinly concealed anger. As she sits there, on top of her little rock perch, her emerald gaze sweeps over to where Gavroche sits, the very picture of misery and a sad sigh rolls past her lips. But, before she can voice her apologies to the boy, Dagrún appears to gruffly questions what had happened to her and Hay gives her head a soft shake.

A wince tugs at her features as she softly says, “I’ll explain everything soon.” Dorian appeared next, moving to her side to gently poke at the wounds on her neck and she gives a small hiss of pain as she tries to pull away. Unable to meet his eyes, she softly offers, “It couldn’t wait.” Truthfully, if Haydée had allowed Dorian or her sister to tend the wounds first then she probably would have fallen sleep and, by the time she woke up, she probably would have forgotten the sharp sting of anger and shame that is fueling her right now.

Saga was next to arrive and offer her own questions and, like with Dag, Hay simply gives a small shake of her head and says, “I’ll explain everything very soon.” Corbin limped in, calling her name in a questioning manner and she simply shakes her head, the exhaustion suddenly tugging her shoulders inward. Nova appears to question her next and, again, a shake of her head is given, the need to explain everything to her pack as a whole keeping her jaw firmly shut. Lucette arrives to admonish her too and Hay can only blink, suddenly tired of everyone telling her what she should be doing.

Bellamy is next and the woman’s anger is only rivaled by her own but she simply shakes her head and waits for the older woman to sit. Alex, Fenix and Riv appear, taking their seats and looking her over with worry in their eyes and anger on their faces. Sou shows up, fear clear in her movements but the girl does her best to appear brave and Haydée offers her an encouraging smile. The last to file in is Jericho and the boy is quick to move to Gavroche and practically lay on him.

They all sit in silence for a few minutes more as Hay waits to see is her Bruiser and his missing children will be joining them but, as the seconds tick by and they remain absent, the tension in the air becomes too much to ignore.

-Meeting Start-

Lifting her head, Haydée slowly moves her gaze to meet each wolf that is gathered as she slowly begins to speak, “As you all know, we were raided by the Raiders Hollow just a few days ago. During the raid, my mother, Bellamy, maimed one of the pups that been attacking us. In retaliation, they maimed, not only her, but my brother, Dorian.” Slowly she lays out the facts for them so that they may judge the while incident for themselves and decided what side, if any, they wish to be on.

“I had planned to go there and offer our apologies along with a small peace offering but Gavroche had already beaten me. By the time I arrived, a purple woman was trying to hurt Gav but, thankfully, he was able to get away.” Pausing, she allows her words to sink in before continuing on, “I offered my apologies for the maiming of the child and was willing to accept retribution from their King for it but I was met instead by a wolf that didn’t even take part in the raid.” The anger she has felt raises once more as the memories roll to the surface, the shame she had felt making her shuffle her paws for a moment.

“That made me angry, so I fought back, and their King, Gilgamesh, grabbed a hold of me and that is how I received these wounds. At first, I had been willing to be wounded by him but as I fought, I realized that it was it was their fault for bring a child to a raid. Invading a pack for resources is never something to be taken lightly and, while I had thought nothing of it at first, I want everyone here to know that, from now on, we will be meeting every raid, every fight, as if our lives depend on it.” Tail lashes on the rock that Hay sits on as she does her best to keep her fury well contained.

A small dip of her head is given as she puts her thoughts in order and pushes away the words that Gil had scathingly leveled at her on the dark beach. “As for the chickens that were taken, we will be taking the fight back to the Raiders Hollow just as soon as we are able to. They have no qualms about maiming us and, when we meet them again, I want everyone to not worry about harming them. They chose this life of violence so we will give it back to them. If you wish to maim them, do it. Normally, I wouldn’t be in favor of it but this is different; so do not pull any punches when we meet them again.”

With that piece said, she then looks to her siblings and the yearlings, expression softening as Haydée directs her next words to them, “I need everyone to do everything they can to help the pack, in whatever field they are most comfortable in. Please see me afterward to discuss which path you wish to take and I will do my best to get mentors arranged for everyone.” Pausing, Haydée goes over everything she has said, trying to remember if there was anything else she wanted to say.

The exhaustion that she has been trying to keep at bay, finally breaks through, tugging at her and settling heavily on her shoulders, forcing them to slump inward. There is one more piece of information that Haydée is loath to share but the pack needs to know, “Bay, our golden retriever pack mate, is missing. The last time I saw him he was sailing and a rouge wave swept him away from the shore. If anyone finds him, please… help him find his way home.” Voice wavers as she speaks of the golden boy that has stolen her heart and, as she finishes, her voice breaks and falls into silence.

Gaze slowly sweeps the gathered wolves as she takes a deep breath, steeling her nerves as Hay rounds out the meeting, “With everything that has been happening, I also wish to ask my mother, Bellamy, to step up and be Co-Leader with me. Together, we will protect and nurture the pack going forward.” Emerald eyes catch her mother’s gaze and she offers a soft smile, knowing that she will have to fully explain her explain her reasonings later but, for now, she hopes he mother will accept her request.

Finally, Haydée opens the floor, “If anyone wishes to say another or ask any questions, please speak now. We are a pack and everyone matters.” A warm smile is given as she waits, neck beginning to itch as the sand irritates the wounds but she does not leave her spot yet, wishing to given one time to speak, if they wished.

OOC: Here is the TLDR since I write too much.
- Events that happened at the Raiders Hollow with Hay and Gav have been explained.
- They will be raiding the Raiders Hollow and Haydée is okay with maiming.
- Siblings and Yearlings have been asked to pick a path and let Haydée know (just let me know and I will get them in!).
- Mentors will be arranged.
- Bay has gone missing, please keep an eye out for him!
- Haydée has asked Bellamy to step up and be Co-Leader with Haydée.
- The floor is open to everyone! If you wish to voice any questions, concerns, or approval feel free to!

This ends the mandatory meeting and all replies after this one, are optional. Thank you all! <3

"Haydée Kedieo"

"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”
Haydée has a male northern cardinal named Chanson and a female fossa named Manon. They are always close by.

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1. Until Lambs Become Lions Lazuli Falls 06:32 PM, 02-24-2024 12:58 PM, 04-28-2024