
Until Lambs Become Lions

Mandatory Meeting


Hospitality Squadron

2 Years
Extra small

Pride - Gay
03-07-2024, 10:48 PM
Art & Code by Rex 2023


Aunt hay had been really mad. It made the boy kind of sad that she was mad, not just at him but at gav. She was harsh with her words to them as they made it home and iki dropped his head with his green eyes large but on Haydee. His ears pressed. She was mad. He was still working it out in his head on why too.

He'd made a friend... couldn't be it. He had gotten lost.... that had to be it. So when she made to move he lifted and followed slowly. Nothing made sense right now. Aunt haydee had gotten hurt, was it his fault?

She made a call for a meeting and he flopped near her. He didn't move and was soon just distracted by a butterfly. His eyes followed it and his tail beat the ground as he watched it. It was pretty!

Though when his aunt started speaking again iki was brought out of his trance and laid his head down and kicked his legs out, flattening himself as much as he could with his obese form.

Raiders? They'd tried to hurt gav? Couldn't they just hug and talk it out? And then they hurt his aunt? Nothing made sense. Why would anyone hate his aunt? She was so nice! She didn't even take dinner away as punishment!

His green eyes filled with worry for them all as everyone seemed to get worked up. And then she asked where they all wanted to start training in their paths. His eyes dropped, ears pinned and he gave a whine. Training wasn't fun. He liked to eat and sleep. He did like making that friend though.... was that an option? "Can I be the friend in Ethne aunt Haydee? I dun like fighting, mom's flowers are stinky and im not good at training...... but I love being friends!" he lifted his head and started a little insecure with his tone of voice but quickly that faded as he looked up at haydee and his grin settled in place with his tail wagging happily and exaggerating his friendliness and happiness.

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1. Until Lambs Become Lions Lazuli Falls 06:32 PM, 02-24-2024 12:58 PM, 04-28-2024