
How Far To Asgaard




Master Fighter (275)

Advanced Navigator (80)

1 Year
Extra large
03-13-2024, 06:56 AM

There is a crinkle at the edges of her eyes, amused at her brother's ignorance. Was he near sighted like their father? Did he not listen to their mama's words about more than one way to do things? The humored smirk on her lips is the only hint giving her away as she continues to watch their surroundings. Looking out at the starry night that is cast above them. "Packs choose to be pacifists because not all decisions need to end in bloodshed," her voice is smooth, confident, gentle, a guiding light. "I understand we are Vikings and we take what we want, but others don't believe in those things. They believe in trades, deals, treaties, communication, other things that don't involve violence," she pauses, her eyes tilting up to look at Bjorn.

"I'm not sure how he would have known unless he sent someone to do some scouting. From what papa says, he kind of went in blind as a bat and mad as a bull which is definitely one way of winning," Lumine giggles now, her paw rising to stifle the noise as she moves her gaze back down toward where Vidarr directs others in setting up the camp. "I don't think it attracts more violence toward them, no. I think it might invite others to be more open to discussions and meetings before deciding to go the violent route. Do you think papa would have gone to meet her first if he had known she was a pacifist?" She lets the question hang before she thinks of an answer to his.

"I imagine pacifists lead a monotonous life, but they shouldn't be underestimated either. While they may focus more on farming or crafting, I'm sure they wouldn't be stupid enough to not have some muscle in case they needed to defend their territory," her brow draws together now as she lets out a yawn. "It's definitely not the way papa lives and I'm sure we won't live that sort of lifestyle either," she shrugs and turns her muzzle to snuggle in closer to brother. "Maybe I can kick your butt tomorrow, it's late," Lumine whispers as her eyes begin to drift close.


table coding by bunni ♥

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1. How Far To Asgaard Algoma Prairie 11:22 PM, 01-07-2024 10:41 PM, 03-25-2024