
How Far To Asgaard


Björn Trygg


Advanced Fighter (90)

Intermediate Navigator (40)

1 Year
Dire wolf
01-07-2024, 11:22 PM

Things had gone from very quiet to very busy, and all of it was so incredibly exciting. Björn couldn’t help but feed on that energy, the mounting bloodlust among the vikings. Something called to him, something that started in his bones. So deep within him… feeding a flame that would never and could never go out. The boy had been more underfoot than helpful as they made preparations, but no one had the heart to tell him. Feed the enthusiasm. Let the boy think he’s helping. Surely that can only lead to good things.

Traveling days were long, but Björn was pretty sure he liked them. In the back of the wagon, the boy sits, his side resting heavily against his sister. Watching out as the world passes them by, riding just close enough to hear the chatter of the raiding party. It’s so fucking exciting, right? The excitement, he can taste it. The way the outrunners check forward, then fall back. Swapping positions. Those that come back even far enough to say hello to the children… Björn⁢ can’t wait to be among them. Someday. Someday soon.

“What do you think they’re going to say to dad when he shows up?” Björn⁢ asks Lumine, a confidential whisper. The afternoon was growing late, and there was no telling who was napping and who was awake. That being said, he doesn’t care what any of the others think, not right now. The boy rests his head against Lumine’s shoulder, and he wants Lumine’s opinion.

“Didn’t the last ones try to talk him out of it?” They’d heard the bedtime story more than once. It was the first raid and of course their father had maybe exaggerated here and there. Had to keep the stories interesting, after all. When the bedtime stories include your opponents trying to use their words to prevent the vikings from coming down upon them… well, it sets a certain precedent for the kids.

Ragnarök awaits.

WC: 325/1500
[Image: 81825179_NCWhWZdvO3Nz7YA.png]
[Image: lZcwDGf.gif]
Italic speech used to denote Swedish; character speaks with a Swedish accent.



Master Fighter (275)

Advanced Navigator (80)

1 Year
Extra large
01-08-2024, 08:48 PM

Lumine allowed her larger brother, Bjorn, to snuggle in closer to her. She was sure if you asked him, he would refuse. State that he was merely resting his shoulder against her, but she could feel it. That way he let his entire body weight sink against her. And even though she wore a thick sheepskin, she still felt thankful for her brother's warmth. Unlike the beating heat of Boreas, Auster was cold. Perhaps not as cold as their parents warned them the mountain would be, but for her? She had no idea, nothing to compare it to, so this was cold. Far colder than home, than the den, than her mother's embrace. So yeah, Lumine was thankful when Bjorn sunk his fat butt all the way against her so she could soak up his body heat.

Even as wolves wove back and forward. Checking in every once in awhile, going so far as to say hello to them, Lumine focused more on the world around her. Scenery changed, weather shifted, everything went from bright green and colorful flowers to dead limbs and fallen leaves. The trek across what her father deemed The Bifrost had been a bit treacherous as well. Unknown to their father, the water had risen recently and made it near impossible to traverse to Auster with the carts. Their mother had hesitated, wondering if it was smart to take them along. Yet, she insisted there was a reason they all needed to go and it wasn't just for the raid. That alone made Lumine curious. What else could be down here that made her mother so... nervous?

Pulled from her reverie with words from her brother, Lumine blinks her subtly blue-grey eyes at him. Bjorn really listened to their father's stories that closely? She thinks on it anyway. Her eyes turning back to the late afternoon sun as it sunk behind the horizon. Bare trees creaked in the wind and the winding path went from flat to hilly. Almost a little too barren for her liking as well. Where was the cover? Was it safe? Not that she was worried. No, she was aware. Hyper aware. Too aware for her age.

Once more, she's pulled from her thoughts to reality as Bjorn's head rests against her shoulder. His next question begs a response. A quiet sigh from her dusty white lips. Why did he care? According to mother, they weren't even going to the raid. They were continuing further south with mother to go visit some friends. Friends she wouldn't explain to them anything about. It made Lumine question. Eyes narrowed, brow furrowed, lips pursed as she spies their mother lounging at the front of the cart with the others.

"Ja. Papa said that Corbie lady didn' want to fight. Why not try? Is that so bad?" Lumine turns her stark gaze back to him, daring him to argue her stance. If anyone was intelligent, they definitely would avoid getting into a fight with their father. Had Bjorn not noticed how massive the titan of a man was? Especially with mama beside him? A formidable force that even Lumine at this young age could understand. Their presence screamed "don't fuck with us". She lets out a little giggle anyway, leaning her head back against his own and lets her eyes close for a moment.

"You think mama is takin' us down south to train?" She asks instead, because really, if they wanted to ever raid, they would need to train at some point. Though they were still young, still fresh from the den, Lumine was already contemplating her next step. How could she be better than everyone else? How would she best her opponent? Youth would only feign ignorance, not strength or skill. She could learn and learn fast which is most definitely what she wanted to do. Peeking one eye open, her smile widens. "Wanna tussle when we stop for the night? Bet I can beat ya," Lumine teases, tilting her muzzle so she can tug at her brother's upper lip.


table coding by bunni ♥

Björn Trygg


Advanced Fighter (90)

Intermediate Navigator (40)

1 Year
Dire wolf
02-09-2024, 03:30 AM

Auster is damp and chilly in a way that Björn isn't so familiar with. It seeps into his bones, rests in his lungs, his chest. While he wants to hate it, the boy has difficulty doing so. The places where his horns are growing in aches, and his bones, at the growth plates. All of the growing pains for a young boy that would grow into a behemoth of a man. All things that are terrible and great. All things that would come in time. A beast stirring, if slowly. Quietly. It would be music to their ears and music in the halls soon enough.

Resting heavily against Lumine's side, it's like they can take on the world. Not like they can-- he knows they can. Some day, not so long from now. For now, they would speak of their father's conquests, they would dream on his stories, they would picture themselves in the shoes of the warriors that marched ahead of the wagon. The exposure of the Prairie itself was enough to set the both of them on edge. Björn hanging his head protectively over his sister's shoulder, ready to take on the world for her... just in case she needed it. Not to insinuate that she did, out loud at least. It's a gesture that conceals his own nerves just as well.

Björn nodded along, considering her words as she spoke. Though they'd been told the tale over and over, even from more than one source, he still loved to hear it. Any time he could hear them winning, returning triumphant, he wanted to soak it in. Revel in it. Take it into his chest and let it wash over him, as if the victory was his own. It wouldn't belong before Björn could join them. It wouldn't be long before they all rose to bathe the land in blood. He couldn't wait.

"Can't be so bad to try... nothing worse than not thinking your pack can handle it." Björn snorted, shook his head. Judging something he knows nothing of, rather excitedly at that. Lumi's offer of a bet perking the boy up even further. Sitting up straighter where he sat, tail twitching. Tugging at her ears in turn, giggling. "Hope it's to train, it gets old beating the snot out of you guys all the time." Tail thumping. Got old getting the snot beat out of him by them too-- it's really an equal opportunity snot beating. The prospect of fun new opponents was enough to excite the boy. Still couldn't figure out why his parents were being so weird about the whole thing though.

"Bet a week of chores that you can't," Björn lifted his eyebrows, wiggling them for just a moment. Gaze bright, taking note that it seemed the wagons were slowing for the day. Looks like they'd be stopping here soon enough. The bet was on!

Ragnarök awaits.

[Image: 81825179_NCWhWZdvO3Nz7YA.png]
[Image: lZcwDGf.gif]
Italic speech used to denote Swedish; character speaks with a Swedish accent.



Master Fighter (275)

Advanced Navigator (80)

1 Year
Extra large
02-21-2024, 02:24 PM

They had finally stopped for the night. Bjorn resting against her side, her eyes watching the scenery. A prairie spread out around them, not a cloud to be seen. Her mind has stalled on the part where Bjorn mentions that there's nothing worse than thinking a pack couldn't handle a raid. Lumine's brow scrunches, a thoughtful noise leaving her as she leans back into Bjorn. "I'm not so sure," she starts, her nose pulling up as her lips purse together. "What if this Corbie lady knew that her pack could handle it? Would it not be ignorant of papa to believe her weak simply because she wanted to take the pacifist route?" Her head tilts, chin turning to spy where their father is seen helping the others setup camp.

While the rest had removed themselves from the cart, Lumine wasn't quite ready yet. "Has papa ever talked to you about pacifists? Ya know, the ones who don't like fighting? Do you think papa picked on them because of that? Cause he knew Corbie wouldn't wouldn't retaliate?" Her voices lowers a tone as if she didn't want their papa to over hear. Not that she thought he would be upset, but just in case he didn't want others thinking the same thing. "I'll beat the snot outta you after you answer my question," Lumine giggles and sticks her tongue out at him before leaning back into his shoulder.


table coding by bunni ♥

Björn Trygg


Advanced Fighter (90)

Intermediate Navigator (40)

1 Year
Dire wolf
02-27-2024, 10:53 PM

His gaze only leaves the prairie around them, the vast blue sky, when Lumine gets that thoughtful tone about her. Watching her face scrunch, watching her process and think. What was going on up there? Björn wasn't so certain he knew, but it wasn't long before his sister let him in on her secrets. A light hum in the boy's throat as he thinks things over-- the way his father does. Brow crumpling together, happy to remain locked in talks of strategy and raids instead of helping the others set up camp. Clearly, they weren't needed, everyone else was well on their way.

Björn's tone is confidential when he speaks, gaze following his sister's track. Their father is far enough away, giving directions, busy. "Pacifists? I just don't get why anyone would choose that." He's hung up on the idea for only a moment longer. "Did dad even know before they went? If a pack just says they're pacifists, isn't that asking for more packs to try and attack them?" Björn puzzles over it.

The idea of gnawing on his sister and not having to do chores outweighs the thoughts of battle plans, of strategies, of politics. The boy perks up, leaning over to tug on Lumi's cheek. "What do you think, about the pacifists and all?" For as much as he wants to fight, he also wants to get it. To understand. She's the best to ask, that isn't their parents, he's decided.

Ragnarök awaits.

[Image: 81825179_NCWhWZdvO3Nz7YA.png]
[Image: lZcwDGf.gif]
Italic speech used to denote Swedish; character speaks with a Swedish accent.



Master Fighter (275)

Advanced Navigator (80)

1 Year
Extra large
03-13-2024, 06:56 AM

There is a crinkle at the edges of her eyes, amused at her brother's ignorance. Was he near sighted like their father? Did he not listen to their mama's words about more than one way to do things? The humored smirk on her lips is the only hint giving her away as she continues to watch their surroundings. Looking out at the starry night that is cast above them. "Packs choose to be pacifists because not all decisions need to end in bloodshed," her voice is smooth, confident, gentle, a guiding light. "I understand we are Vikings and we take what we want, but others don't believe in those things. They believe in trades, deals, treaties, communication, other things that don't involve violence," she pauses, her eyes tilting up to look at Bjorn.

"I'm not sure how he would have known unless he sent someone to do some scouting. From what papa says, he kind of went in blind as a bat and mad as a bull which is definitely one way of winning," Lumine giggles now, her paw rising to stifle the noise as she moves her gaze back down toward where Vidarr directs others in setting up the camp. "I don't think it attracts more violence toward them, no. I think it might invite others to be more open to discussions and meetings before deciding to go the violent route. Do you think papa would have gone to meet her first if he had known she was a pacifist?" She lets the question hang before she thinks of an answer to his.

"I imagine pacifists lead a monotonous life, but they shouldn't be underestimated either. While they may focus more on farming or crafting, I'm sure they wouldn't be stupid enough to not have some muscle in case they needed to defend their territory," her brow draws together now as she lets out a yawn. "It's definitely not the way papa lives and I'm sure we won't live that sort of lifestyle either," she shrugs and turns her muzzle to snuggle in closer to brother. "Maybe I can kick your butt tomorrow, it's late," Lumine whispers as her eyes begin to drift close.


table coding by bunni ♥

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1. How Far To Asgaard Algoma Prairie 11:22 PM, 01-07-2024 10:41 PM, 03-25-2024