
Fruity Drinks Are For Everyone




Intermediate Healer (30)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

2 Years
03-15-2024, 06:33 PM (This post was last modified: 03-16-2024, 09:04 AM by Cambria. Edited 1 time in total.)

Cambria, a wolf with a keen nose for ripe fruits and fresh herbs, ventured into the dense mangroves with a purpose. Her objective: to gather ingredients for a refreshing drink she intended to concoct. Among the tangled roots and hanging foliage, she prowled, her olive eyes scanning the surroundings for signs of ripe pineapple, oranges, limes, and fragrant honey.

The mangroves proved to be a labyrinth of greenery, but Cambria navigated it with ease, her agile movements guided by instinct and experience. With each step, she detected the faint scent of ripened fruits, leading her deeper into the heart of the swampy terrain.

Spotting a cluster of ripe pineapples nestled amidst the lush vegetation, Cambria wasted no time. She approached the spiky fruits with caution, avoiding their prickly exteriors as she expertly plucked them from their stems. The sweet aroma of pineapple filled the air as Cambria added them to her growing collection.

Next on her list were oranges, their vibrant hues standing out amidst the verdant foliage. Cambria’s sharp claws made quick work of separating the ripe fruits from their branches, the zesty fragrance of citrus enveloping her senses with each pluck.

As she ventured further into the mangroves, Cambria’s keen senses led her to a grove of lime trees. The tangy aroma of ripe limes hung heavy in the air, beckoning her closer. With nimble movements, she harvested the small green fruits, their tartness promising to add a refreshing kick to her concoction.

With her basket brimming with an assortment of fruits, Cambria turned her attention to the final ingredient: honey. Following the distant hum of bees, she soon stumbled upon a hive nestled within the tangled roots of a mangrove tree. Despite the risk, Cambria approached the hive with determination, her mouth watering at the thought of the golden nectar within.

With a careful swipe of her paw, Cambria retrieved a small amount of honeycomb, careful not to disturb the industrious bees within. The sticky sweetness of the honey clung to her fur as she made her retreat, eager to begin the final stage of her culinary endeavor.

Returning to where Idris and Matija had made temporary camp, Cambria wasted no time in assembling her ingredients. With a large stone bowl as her vessel, she began the process of crafting her refreshing drink. First, she sliced the pineapples into chunks, their juicy flesh releasing a burst of sweetness as they met the bowl.

Next came the oranges, their vibrant segments adding a pop of color to the mix. Cambria squeezed the limes, their tart juice mingling with the sweetness of the other fruits, creating a tantalizing balance of flavors. Finally, she drizzled the honey over the fruit, the golden liquid adding a touch of richness to the concoction.

With a practiced paw, Cambria mashed and mixed the ingredients together, the aroma of citrus and sweetness filling the air around her. Once satisfied with the consistency, the fae dipped the mashed contents out, pouring them into a piece of cloth. Tying the cloth together at the top, Cam began to roll and mash the sack of fruit, pushing out all of the liquid so that no big chunks remained in the stone container.

She'd asked for help with  splitting some coconuts in half. Idris, with his brute strength, had managed to halve a few for her. Cam scraped out the flesh of the coconuts. She would use that later for other things. For now, she placed three of the coconut halves in the sand. Using the fourth, the woman scooped the drink into each coconut cup. As an added splash of her aesthetic, Cambria placed a hibiscus flower in each drink just to make them look more appealing.

Why was she even doing anything for the pair of aggressive giants? That was what one might ask themselves, anyway. For Cambria, the answer was simple. They were all that she knew. All that she had. Without Idris and Matija, the woman had nothing. She was nothing. Their careful monitoring and molding of her left the fae with very little knowledge as to self-protection. They'd made damned sure that she needed them. Since she was stuck with them, Bria did everything in her power to keep them happy.

Once the drinks were sufficiently cooled by creating a little stream of fresh, running water around them, Bria called both Idris and Matija so that they could enjoy the fruits of her hard work. Get it? Fruits? What a crowd...

In the shade of the overhanging mangroves, the lithe woman sprawled out on her svelte belly, hind legs stretched out behind her. Between her paws rested the coconut cup of fruity drink. She was already roasting the coconut meat close to the fire that had been made. It would be a nice, sweet snack for later. For now, Cambria inhaled the fragrant brew, olive eyes closing for a moment as she enjoyed the scent. Then she lifted the coconut cup with two paws and brought the edge to her lips. The brew was tangy and tart but held just the right amount of sweetness. A little pleasured moan left the fae. It was absolutely delicious. Even if the boys didn't like it... making the drink had been worth it.


[Image: SIj3VET.png]
Cam is involved in very adult, triggering situations. Viewer discretion is advised.
Idris and Matija can, and will, enter any thread that Cambria is in. By agreeing to RP with her, you agree to this.

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1. Fruity Drinks Are For Everyone Lover's Mangrove 06:33 PM, 03-15-2024 08:39 AM, 06-07-2024