
Fruity Drinks Are For Everyone




Intermediate Healer (30)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

2 Years
03-15-2024, 06:33 PM (This post was last modified: 03-16-2024, 09:04 AM by Cambria. Edited 1 time in total.)

Cambria, a wolf with a keen nose for ripe fruits and fresh herbs, ventured into the dense mangroves with a purpose. Her objective: to gather ingredients for a refreshing drink she intended to concoct. Among the tangled roots and hanging foliage, she prowled, her olive eyes scanning the surroundings for signs of ripe pineapple, oranges, limes, and fragrant honey.

The mangroves proved to be a labyrinth of greenery, but Cambria navigated it with ease, her agile movements guided by instinct and experience. With each step, she detected the faint scent of ripened fruits, leading her deeper into the heart of the swampy terrain.

Spotting a cluster of ripe pineapples nestled amidst the lush vegetation, Cambria wasted no time. She approached the spiky fruits with caution, avoiding their prickly exteriors as she expertly plucked them from their stems. The sweet aroma of pineapple filled the air as Cambria added them to her growing collection.

Next on her list were oranges, their vibrant hues standing out amidst the verdant foliage. Cambria’s sharp claws made quick work of separating the ripe fruits from their branches, the zesty fragrance of citrus enveloping her senses with each pluck.

As she ventured further into the mangroves, Cambria’s keen senses led her to a grove of lime trees. The tangy aroma of ripe limes hung heavy in the air, beckoning her closer. With nimble movements, she harvested the small green fruits, their tartness promising to add a refreshing kick to her concoction.

With her basket brimming with an assortment of fruits, Cambria turned her attention to the final ingredient: honey. Following the distant hum of bees, she soon stumbled upon a hive nestled within the tangled roots of a mangrove tree. Despite the risk, Cambria approached the hive with determination, her mouth watering at the thought of the golden nectar within.

With a careful swipe of her paw, Cambria retrieved a small amount of honeycomb, careful not to disturb the industrious bees within. The sticky sweetness of the honey clung to her fur as she made her retreat, eager to begin the final stage of her culinary endeavor.

Returning to where Idris and Matija had made temporary camp, Cambria wasted no time in assembling her ingredients. With a large stone bowl as her vessel, she began the process of crafting her refreshing drink. First, she sliced the pineapples into chunks, their juicy flesh releasing a burst of sweetness as they met the bowl.

Next came the oranges, their vibrant segments adding a pop of color to the mix. Cambria squeezed the limes, their tart juice mingling with the sweetness of the other fruits, creating a tantalizing balance of flavors. Finally, she drizzled the honey over the fruit, the golden liquid adding a touch of richness to the concoction.

With a practiced paw, Cambria mashed and mixed the ingredients together, the aroma of citrus and sweetness filling the air around her. Once satisfied with the consistency, the fae dipped the mashed contents out, pouring them into a piece of cloth. Tying the cloth together at the top, Cam began to roll and mash the sack of fruit, pushing out all of the liquid so that no big chunks remained in the stone container.

She'd asked for help with  splitting some coconuts in half. Idris, with his brute strength, had managed to halve a few for her. Cam scraped out the flesh of the coconuts. She would use that later for other things. For now, she placed three of the coconut halves in the sand. Using the fourth, the woman scooped the drink into each coconut cup. As an added splash of her aesthetic, Cambria placed a hibiscus flower in each drink just to make them look more appealing.

Why was she even doing anything for the pair of aggressive giants? That was what one might ask themselves, anyway. For Cambria, the answer was simple. They were all that she knew. All that she had. Without Idris and Matija, the woman had nothing. She was nothing. Their careful monitoring and molding of her left the fae with very little knowledge as to self-protection. They'd made damned sure that she needed them. Since she was stuck with them, Bria did everything in her power to keep them happy.

Once the drinks were sufficiently cooled by creating a little stream of fresh, running water around them, Bria called both Idris and Matija so that they could enjoy the fruits of her hard work. Get it? Fruits? What a crowd...

In the shade of the overhanging mangroves, the lithe woman sprawled out on her svelte belly, hind legs stretched out behind her. Between her paws rested the coconut cup of fruity drink. She was already roasting the coconut meat close to the fire that had been made. It would be a nice, sweet snack for later. For now, Cambria inhaled the fragrant brew, olive eyes closing for a moment as she enjoyed the scent. Then she lifted the coconut cup with two paws and brought the edge to her lips. The brew was tangy and tart but held just the right amount of sweetness. A little pleasured moan left the fae. It was absolutely delicious. Even if the boys didn't like it... making the drink had been worth it.


[Image: SIj3VET.png]
Cam is involved in very adult, triggering situations. Viewer discretion is advised.
Idris and Matija can, and will, enter any thread that Cambria is in. By agreeing to RP with her, you agree to this.



Intermediate Fighter (30)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

3 Years
Extra large

Pride - Bisexual
03-15-2024, 11:07 PM
Escaping had been work. The plans set in place had covered getting them out and keeping them whole, their prize and what little they could carry on their backs in hand. Matija had put all the time and effort into that, and now? Now they were on the other side of it. They had their entire lives ahead of them. Starting over. It's a privilege, but it's hard fucking work. A foul mood had stretched over Matija, settling into the deep lines in his forehead.

Expression drawn, eyes narrow as he takes in Bria's call. He isn't far, having settled in the soft earth to work on his rough map of the area. Their makeshift camp was comfortable enough to sustain them for now, but it would take time to sort out exactly what this strange new world held for them. Hm. A few long moments pass before Matija rises to his feet. Soundless steps over the marshy ground, appearing from behind the woman. Keeping carefully from her field of view as he takes in what lay before him.

Gaze lingering, taking in what he can see and smell. Pineapple, coconut, Cambria, hibiscus. All sorts of pretty things, fruits ripe for the picking. "Please, by all means, pull me away from securing our future for a tea party." How much was serious, how much was sarcasm? It's Matija's job to make sure she's never too sure of the answer.

Emerging from the shadows and closing the distance between them, Mati's movements are quick. Predatory. He wouldn't pass up the luxury of something sweet, delicious, and cold however-- too much of a lush for that. Instead, the man lifts a cup to his lips. After a long moment his brows lift, a low hum in his throat. "Ah, but sometimes, you remind me why we keep you around." Matija settles in the sand, stretching out lazily with his cup.



Intermediate Healer (30)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

2 Years
03-15-2024, 11:27 PM

Cambria released an audible gasp, paws fumbling for her drink and spilling a bit of it onto the sand. Mati had crept up behind her, scaring the poor woman. As he stalked past, she drew her legs in against her body once more, no longer stretched out and comfortable like she had been prior. The fae's head ducked as he passed, ears tucking against her skull. His chastising words brought her brows together. She'd just been trying to do something nice. Perhaps get on their good sides.

Matija took a drink of the cool beverage and complemented her... sort of. Cambria breathed an internal sigh of relief, the tension in her body lessening, but not disappearing all together. "I... thought you both might like a refreshing drink after working so hard." Working on what, she didn't really know. She did know that it had taken all of their concentration and they had barely noticed her departure to make said drink.

It wasn't common for Cambria to question the brothers, but she couldn't help herself in this situation. "What are we going to do here?" The woman's head gave a little tilt in question. Did they have some sort of plan? "I'd like to help... if there's anything that I can do."


[Image: SIj3VET.png]
Cam is involved in very adult, triggering situations. Viewer discretion is advised.
Idris and Matija can, and will, enter any thread that Cambria is in. By agreeing to RP with her, you agree to this.



Advanced Fighter (60)

Beginner Healer (10)

3 Years
Extra large
03-16-2024, 07:32 AM

While Mati sorts out the map, a lay of the land, Idris is busy perfecting their encampment. A comfortable and secure place for them to sleep at night without having to keep one eye open. They would also need a secure location to store food, a store of healing materials in case they did get injured, and many other things. Keeping busy meant only half an eye on Cambria. While he wants to keep her on a short leash, he and Mati both knew that if they kept her too close, she'd grow restless, anxious, upset. Better to let her roam at least within their sensory area than to keep her sat beneath a mangrove. Right? They were horrible brutes, but not quite that horrible.

It's her call that has his head pulling out a bush, mouth full of alfalfa. What could she possibly need? His brow furrows, but he moves through the underbrush anyway. Setting his findings down with the other flora he'd found, he nearly slides between the mangroves without a sound. Using the soft, mushy earth to hide his steps, he hovers in the shadows a moment as he draws closer. Matija is already there, a predatory stance over Cambria, but the interaction doesn't appear negative. She doesn't appear hurt either and there are coconuts... His nose tilts up, a variety of fragrant fruity notes hits him. Interesting.

Breaking from his cover, he first slides by Mati, his teeth raking along his brother's shoulder. His ear catches Cambria's question and offer to help which leaves him chuckling, a smirk curling over his lips. As he moves closer to Cambria, his gaze moves from her to the coconuts. "Is this for me?" Idris coos, his tones more of a sour patch sweetness than true politeness. Taking a sip from his own cup, he pulls pack, licks his lips, and lets out a satisfied 'ahhh' noise.

"Who knew you would be good at making such delicious concoctions?" Idris bumps his shoulder against Matija's, another chuckle on his words before he stalks closer to Cambria. He leans down, muzzle pressing right beneath her jaw in the soft spot of her neck where she is perhaps the most vulnerable. "Sweet girl, what we are doing here is none of your concern," he hisses quietly as he not so gently tugs at her skin before running his tongue over the spot.

Idris Ashcroft

table coding by bunni ♥

Idris is considered a MATURE character & may have threads with triggering themes.
Please read at your own descretion.

Cambria & Matija are near Idris at all times & allowed to enter any of Idris' threads if they please.
Beware, Idris is fiercely protective over both wolves & will do anything to keep them out of harm's way.



Intermediate Fighter (30)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

3 Years
Extra large

Pride - Bisexual
03-16-2024, 12:40 PM
A short leash, sure, but not the shortest. They could be confident she wouldn't get too bold, at least not yet. She wouldn't live long without them out here, and they'd done well to make sure she knew. Cambria owed them their lives and now had nothing to return to. Everything was perfect, and by fuck Matija loves it when a plan comes together. Now he can sprawl on the beach and sip his brew.

Or he could, if she stopped asking so many questions. A long, slow-suffering sound leaves his throat. Can't hold it against her, the sweetness in the drink tempering at least some of his salty attitude. Before he can find words that aren't too venomous, Idris joins them. Mati's head tipped back to meet the man's shoulder for a moment before returning to his drink.

"You will help, when the time comes." The glimmer in his eye, the same as light on a sharpened knife. "For now," Matija slumps back lazily, taking another long sip. "I think you know just how you'll be helping." Predatory gaze took her in once more. Watching. Flicking to Idris with a grin, a flick of his tail. At least they'd have someone to tend to petty things, while they made their plans.



Intermediate Healer (30)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

2 Years
03-22-2024, 04:14 PM

A million thoughts and emotions swirled around within the striped fae's skull. Idris and Matija were her lifeline. They kept her from being able to care for herself so that she was forced to rely on them. Still, she couldn't keep herself from wanting to prove her value. Making the drinks was one way of doing just that. See? I can do nice things. Keep me around!

Idris soon joined them and he liked the drink as well. Cambria's tailtip wagged at super speed, unable to hide her happiness at being able to please them. Her question after though... it brought looks and words of disappointment. The fae's tail instantly stopped and her head ducked, ears slicking backwards as she averted her gaze. Idris took that opportunity to step into her space, his teeth sliding in close to the tender area of her throat. A staggered gasp pulled from the woman as she tried her best to stay still. Claws sunk into the earth beneath her and her heart hammered. She was alive at their mercy but she knew that they wouldn't have paddled her all the way here just to kill her. Still, the threat of violence against her was hard to deny.

When the man drew back, Matija spoke, his tones and words laced with innuendo. She was no stranger to helping them, though they often helped themselves. Her voice was a soft whisper and she kept her eyes averted, no longer feeling the proud satisfaction that came with the drinks. "I-I'm sorry," she spoke in the quietest of tones, "I just want to be useful."

[Image: SIj3VET.png]
Cam is involved in very adult, triggering situations. Viewer discretion is advised.
Idris and Matija can, and will, enter any thread that Cambria is in. By agreeing to RP with her, you agree to this.



Advanced Fighter (60)

Beginner Healer (10)

3 Years
Extra large
03-23-2024, 06:43 AM

Cambria's audible gasp and signs of fear set his skin on fire with excitement. Just looking into those wide eyes and knowing her fate was in his paw thrilled him. Even as he pulled back, barely inches from her, Idris stays close. An ear turns to listen to Matija's words, his eyes still on Cambria as his brother slumps into a more comfortable position. When his attention flits back to her and those soft and trembling words she speaks, Idris can't help but let out a tsk, tsk. His tongue clicks against the roof of his mouth as he leans back in toward her.

"Oh, Cambria, darling, you are useful," he murmurs close to her ear. "The drinks you made are delightful," Idris draws out his syllables, allowing his tongue to snake out and move over her cheek briefly. "The thing is, my sweet, sweet Cambria, I wonder," Idris pauses, a devilish smirk on his lips as he moves his muzzle down toward her neck. "Could you possibly make your drinks dangerous?" His front teeth grasp at her neck for a moment, just barely making it a tad hard for her to breathe before he lets go and finally gives her some sort of space to breathe.

Was he implying that he wanted to make poisons? Of course. Why did their enemies always have to fall in a show of blood and gore? Sometimes the best way to do things was to do them quietly. Idris doesn't lose the smile as he leans back onto his hindquarters, his front legs sliding out until he's laying on his belly. Grabbing his fruit drink, he takes a few more sips of it before looking at Cambria with a raised brow.

Idris Ashcroft

table coding by bunni ♥

Idris is considered a MATURE character & may have threads with triggering themes.
Please read at your own descretion.

Cambria & Matija are near Idris at all times & allowed to enter any of Idris' threads if they please.
Beware, Idris is fiercely protective over both wolves & will do anything to keep them out of harm's way.



Intermediate Fighter (30)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

3 Years
Extra large

Pride - Bisexual
03-28-2024, 01:35 PM
Cambria is helping, in her own way. Helping as much as she can, the poor thing. Matija could have pitied her, but then, wasn't providing her like this taking pity on her? He could convince himself that they were acting in her best interest, as long as the girl remained useful. Something like that. Cocking his hip as he rested lazily over it.

Apologies and a downward glance, a grin slips over Matija's sharp features. The man takes a long, drawn sip of his cocktail. Dangerous? And here he was, thinking about all manner of marvelous things they could add. While the implication for poisoning hung thickly in the air, he'd also never turn down an entrepreneurial thought.

Would it kill her to relax? Maybe, come to think of it. "We don't even have enemies to endanger yet," it's a light chuckle. Dangerous, edgy. It would only be a matter of time, and they're better off prepared, but still. Finishing off his drink with an appreciative grin, Matija settles to gnaw at the coconut itself.
[Image: CmZuzLn.gif]
Cambria is assumed nearby at all times & welcome anywhere Matija is.



Intermediate Healer (30)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

2 Years
04-10-2024, 01:43 PM

Panic. She was always on the edge of panic. The good feelings never lasted. Idris attempted to placate her in his own manner, though his teeth found her throat once more. Dangerous? How could she make anything more dangerous than her own captors? Idris cut off her air supply for but a moment and endorphins flooded through Cambria. Olive eyes closed and heat flooded her stomach. Though terrified that Idris or Matija wouldn't let go some day, she enjoyed the sensation. It aroused her. Once more her pulse sped up, but then she was free once more. Or, well... as free as one in her position could be.

Idris reclined, sipping at his drink, his gaze locked on her to wait for an answer. "I can make the drink however you'd like," she informed him. Cambria wasn't the best healer, but she did know a bit about herbs. If the brother's wished it, she'd learn as much as she could about poisons as well.

Olive eyes cut to Mati as he commented about having no enemies... yet. Did they want enemies? Cambria surely didn't. Again, the woman nervously dug her claws into the earth beneath her. It was a wonder that her stomach wasn't full of ulcers...


[Image: SIj3VET.png]
Cam is involved in very adult, triggering situations. Viewer discretion is advised.
Idris and Matija can, and will, enter any thread that Cambria is in. By agreeing to RP with her, you agree to this.



Advanced Fighter (60)

Beginner Healer (10)

3 Years
Extra large
04-23-2024, 10:35 AM

Idris lets out a humored chuckle. Cambria's willingness to cater to their every need was more than pleasing. He often spent his spare moments daydreaming what he wanted to do her next. But wouldn't it be more fun if she struck out once in awhile? Fought against the chain that tied her to them? Watching her carefully, he notices how her cut to Matija as he speaks. Reading her expression, he smirks, an idea coming into his twisted, perverted mind.

Staying on his belly, he slides himself forward toward Cambria. "We will surely have enemies at some point," Idris pauses, eyes darting to Matija for a moment before moving back to Cambria. A paw reaches out to lay atop one of hers, pulling her slightly closer to him. "Don't you see how beautiful you are, dear Cambria?" Idris croons, eyes raking over her as he continues to pull himself closer to her until he's practically atop of her. Looming over her in that now half-seated position, he gingerly drags his teeth down her body. "Once other males see that you have something to offer, we will have to do our best to keep them away from you," the lowered tone of Idris' voice is threatening as he peers up at her through hooded eyes, tongue snaking out to lick along the back of her thigh.

Idris Ashcroft

table coding by bunni ♥

Idris is considered a MATURE character & may have threads with triggering themes.
Please read at your own descretion.

Cambria & Matija are near Idris at all times & allowed to enter any of Idris' threads if they please.
Beware, Idris is fiercely protective over both wolves & will do anything to keep them out of harm's way.

Thread Move Log
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1. Fruity Drinks Are For Everyone Lover's Mangrove 06:33 PM, 03-15-2024 08:39 AM, 06-07-2024