
Fruity Drinks Are For Everyone




Intermediate Fighter (30)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

3 Years
Extra large

Pride - Bisexual
03-15-2024, 11:07 PM
Escaping had been work. The plans set in place had covered getting them out and keeping them whole, their prize and what little they could carry on their backs in hand. Matija had put all the time and effort into that, and now? Now they were on the other side of it. They had their entire lives ahead of them. Starting over. It's a privilege, but it's hard fucking work. A foul mood had stretched over Matija, settling into the deep lines in his forehead.

Expression drawn, eyes narrow as he takes in Bria's call. He isn't far, having settled in the soft earth to work on his rough map of the area. Their makeshift camp was comfortable enough to sustain them for now, but it would take time to sort out exactly what this strange new world held for them. Hm. A few long moments pass before Matija rises to his feet. Soundless steps over the marshy ground, appearing from behind the woman. Keeping carefully from her field of view as he takes in what lay before him.

Gaze lingering, taking in what he can see and smell. Pineapple, coconut, Cambria, hibiscus. All sorts of pretty things, fruits ripe for the picking. "Please, by all means, pull me away from securing our future for a tea party." How much was serious, how much was sarcasm? It's Matija's job to make sure she's never too sure of the answer.

Emerging from the shadows and closing the distance between them, Mati's movements are quick. Predatory. He wouldn't pass up the luxury of something sweet, delicious, and cold however-- too much of a lush for that. Instead, the man lifts a cup to his lips. After a long moment his brows lift, a low hum in his throat. "Ah, but sometimes, you remind me why we keep you around." Matija settles in the sand, stretching out lazily with his cup.

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1. Fruity Drinks Are For Everyone Lover's Mangrove 06:33 PM, 03-15-2024 08:39 AM, 06-07-2024