
Fruity Drinks Are For Everyone




Advanced Fighter (60)

Beginner Healer (10)

3 Years
Extra large
03-16-2024, 07:32 AM

While Mati sorts out the map, a lay of the land, Idris is busy perfecting their encampment. A comfortable and secure place for them to sleep at night without having to keep one eye open. They would also need a secure location to store food, a store of healing materials in case they did get injured, and many other things. Keeping busy meant only half an eye on Cambria. While he wants to keep her on a short leash, he and Mati both knew that if they kept her too close, she'd grow restless, anxious, upset. Better to let her roam at least within their sensory area than to keep her sat beneath a mangrove. Right? They were horrible brutes, but not quite that horrible.

It's her call that has his head pulling out a bush, mouth full of alfalfa. What could she possibly need? His brow furrows, but he moves through the underbrush anyway. Setting his findings down with the other flora he'd found, he nearly slides between the mangroves without a sound. Using the soft, mushy earth to hide his steps, he hovers in the shadows a moment as he draws closer. Matija is already there, a predatory stance over Cambria, but the interaction doesn't appear negative. She doesn't appear hurt either and there are coconuts... His nose tilts up, a variety of fragrant fruity notes hits him. Interesting.

Breaking from his cover, he first slides by Mati, his teeth raking along his brother's shoulder. His ear catches Cambria's question and offer to help which leaves him chuckling, a smirk curling over his lips. As he moves closer to Cambria, his gaze moves from her to the coconuts. "Is this for me?" Idris coos, his tones more of a sour patch sweetness than true politeness. Taking a sip from his own cup, he pulls pack, licks his lips, and lets out a satisfied 'ahhh' noise.

"Who knew you would be good at making such delicious concoctions?" Idris bumps his shoulder against Matija's, another chuckle on his words before he stalks closer to Cambria. He leans down, muzzle pressing right beneath her jaw in the soft spot of her neck where she is perhaps the most vulnerable. "Sweet girl, what we are doing here is none of your concern," he hisses quietly as he not so gently tugs at her skin before running his tongue over the spot.

Idris Ashcroft

table coding by bunni ♥

Idris is considered a MATURE character & may have threads with triggering themes.
Please read at your own descretion.

Cambria & Matija are near Idris at all times & allowed to enter any of Idris' threads if they please.
Beware, Idris is fiercely protective over both wolves & will do anything to keep them out of harm's way.

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1. Fruity Drinks Are For Everyone Lover's Mangrove 06:33 PM, 03-15-2024 08:39 AM, 06-07-2024