
Playing Tour Guide




Expert Fighter (120)

Advanced Healer (116)

2 Years
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Samhain 2022
03-18-2024, 09:39 PM
Dorian nodded when Clove asked about him liking plants and the like. She confirmed what Haydée had told him about the Hallows' garden and greenhouse even though that didn't seem like somewhere she spent a lot of time. He couldn't hold that against her–gardening and learning about herbs the way he did was definitely an acquired taste and if it hadn't been for the fact that he had been so eager to learn from his father he probably wouldn't have taken to it the way that he had either. "I do like plants, but if I'm being honest the gardening aspect of it all has become more of a pass time or a chore than anything else," he admitted. "But... This was my father's garden so I maintain it anyway." No matter how much of a chore the garden became, he would never let it fall into disrepair. It was one of the only ways he felt like he could honor his father's memory.

He brought up wanting something like the greenhouse here in Ethne and he listened curiously while Clove mused about how to get a building here to build such a thing. The idea of gathering pieces of structures from somewhere else like the place Artorias had apparently mentioned to her before was an interesting one and he hummed with consideration as his head tipped to the slide slightly with thought. It was bound to be a ton of work to move what was sure to be heavy pieces of building materials, but maybe it would be worth it if he could keep his more temperamental herbs growing year round and maybe even keep the garden from encountering so many pests and weeds with it being enclosed. His gaze refocused on Clove's features as she suggested that they go together to the place her father had mentioned sometime to look for those supplies together and gather some for the building to protect his plants. Her smile was infectious and he found himself grinning a slightly lopsided smile as he nodded in agreement. "Yeah... Yeah, I'd like that," he agreed, feeling his cheeks flush a bit as his emerald eyes found the two-toned hues of hers. Man, she was really pretty...

Making himself stand and turn back toward the falls that dominated the middle of their territory, he nodded for her to follow, saying, "Come on, there's another thing I want to show you." With a little smile he led her back toward the falls where the sound of the roaring water filled the air as it landed in the large pool below. She had already seen this area when she arrived with Artorias so that was nothing new or interesting, but he didn't stop there. He led her up a sloping path that took them along the cliff and behind the water fall. "Be careful, the rock can get a little slippery from the spray from the water," he told her with a glance back over his shoulder, giving her another little grin before he continued on, bringing her behind the column of water and into the expanse of caves that was hiding behind it. The sunlight filtered in through the water, lighting up the cave with slightly muted, shifting light. He brought her over to a nearby stalactite, the long point nearly touching the floor from where it was growing from the ceiling and he nodded toward it with a cheeky grin. "Believe it or not, these are made of sugar." As if to prove his point, Dorian ran his tongue over the surface of the rock candy, coating his tongue with sugary sweetness. "Try it, it's really good."


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1. Playing Tour Guide Lazuli Falls 01:11 AM, 01-15-2024 10:55 PM, 09-07-2024