
Out with the old

Kite and anyone else welcome


"Dreamer Of Improbable Dreams"


Master Fighter (435)

Master Intellectual (300)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualTeacherOverachieverDouble MasterStudentSamhain 2022
03-19-2024, 02:35 AM

The day had finally come where Sirius and Isa were leaving for the Hallows and would no longer be a part of the Armada. Andy offers them hugs, loving words, and kisses as they ready to leave and she stands amidst the group that watches them from inside the Armada lands until their forms disappear into the horizon; their twilight years now set to be spent down with her older sister and her family. A bittersweet smile pulls at her lips as she they finally fade from view, the talk with her father about what he wishes to happen after he passes playing through her mind.

Pale blue eyes watch the place that where they had disappeared as a pang of sadness stabs her heart. Questions swirl in her mind as she wonders if this be the last she saw them. Worry gnaws at her brain as Kite’s anger-filled words are sputtered at Basilisk and Andy’s attention immediately snaps around to watch the tragic scene play out. Biting her tongue, she allows the tempers to flare and, while she does not understand why behind it, she remains passive as Kite challenges for the rank of Warlord.

Features are schooled into a neutral mask as the resounding snap of bones fill the air and, while her stomach flip-flops, the lavender woman does not move. Kite had always been angry, ready to take on the world for every slight that she thought she saw and, while Andromeda has been her constant, loving, supportive sister, she knows that she must help to keep the pack together. Eyes move around, taking in each wolf that she loves with all her heart as they speak and the feeling that something horrible is happening to tear them apart worries her.

Crux and Charlie snap at each other, heated words spit at each other and still, she remains silent. Only when they move to begin to walk away does she slowly move toward Basilisk and Hazel, features soft and understanding as she confidently says, “I support you, Warlord.” While her words are simple it is her way of showing the newly crowned Warlord that Andromeda will continue to be his Gladiator, if he wants her. Dipping down into a respectful bow, she then straightens to turns her attention toward the retreating forms of his siblings.

Calling out so that they all might hear, Andy says, “Father believed in Basilisk and, while you may harbor ill-will toward Azure, it is unfair to place the blame of all that he did onto his son. You are both smarter than that and I will remind you that Sirius would not leave the pack in the paws of someone he does not completely trust.” Gaze flicks over to Bas for a moment as she inhales deeply, nostrils flaring slightly as she adds, “I love you all and it hurts my soul that everyone is so angry right now. However, the sins of the father will not be passed to his son.”

Words are firm and meant to remind them both that they have lived in the shadow of their own father for so long and Andy hopes that can move past the anger right now, to move forward together. Continuing on, she looks to Bas and says, “He is his own wolf and the fact that he was simply defending himself makes you immediately believe that he is Azure, tells me that you entered this with a biased mind. Crux, Charlie, if you wish to talk about what has happened, I will be there for you. For now, I will go after Kite and make sure she is safe.”

Looking to Basilisk, she dips her head with polite respect as she adds, “If you give me leave.” Truthfully, even if Basilisk denied her the chance to chase after Kite, Andy would slip away to do so when no one was looking. But right now, with a divide appearing within the Armada, she hopes that Basilisk sees the wisdom in her seeking his approval and will give her permission to go while helping to solidify his position as Warlord.

"Andromeda Fatalis"

Andy has an Eastern Chanting Goshawk named Aquila and two Snow Leopards named Leo and Gemini. They are always nearby.

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1. Out with the old Dreamer's Col 04:33 PM, 03-18-2024 05:57 PM, 04-18-2024