
Kittens everywhere!

Pack random event



Advanced Fighter (115)

Novice Intellectual (20)

1 Year
Dire wolf

Pride - Nonbinary
03-22-2024, 02:19 PM

Seiko didn't generally have a lot of patience for things that didn't serve her. Her family and pack came first, of course, but besides that she was often pretty laser-focused, not paying much mind to things outside her little bubble... but these kittens were annoyingly cute. Even if dad didn't think so, it was hard not to have a soft spot for them, for their little pink noses and the way they mewed in a high pitched tone as they wove between her legs. Though they clearly had a tendency to get in the way, they also seemed to get out of the way just as quickly, always nearly getting trampled but never quite. It wasn't like she really had to worry about stepping on them, but it was hard to go on about your business when they were ducking and diving between your legs underpaw like that.

And yet... though she ought to be annoyed she really didn't feel overly so. Like she was teetering on the edge of being fed up with them, but they were enjoyable enough she couldn't quite make it there. A black and white one had been showing its face lately more often, a female that she'd noticed had little nubs on her head just like Seiko (and so many other members of her family). Though she wasn't quite strong enough to stay away from her mother permanently yet, she'd been hanging around more and more often, and Seiko wondered what she'd do when she was fully weaned.

It seemed drawn to Seiko in particular. One visit could be chalked up to being a fluke, two or three as mere coincidence, but she kept coming back. Not even for food, just for the attention, it seemed. And weirdly enough Seiko had been enjoying its company. It didn't really talk, at least not yet, just some incoherent meows that were arguably less annoying than some of her siblings' chatter. As it reappeared she finally decided to scoop it up, scruffing it gently. Trusting her, the kitten went limp and let itself be carried, until she finally found her father and plopped it on the ground near him. "Outousan, she greeted him with a polite dip of her head, her gaze averting to the kitten as it scrambled around at her paws. "If she keeps coming around here, do you think I could keep her? Maybe?" She liked the thought of having something all to herself. A little companion and friend. It sounded quite nice, actually.
Note: Seiko is biologically female, but they identify as nonbinary (they/them pronouns).
Their companion - a female tabby cat with antlers, named Herajika - is often hanging around.

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1. Kittens everywhere! Bamboo Maze 11:01 AM, 03-22-2024 09:34 PM, 07-03-2024