
Fruity Drinks Are For Everyone




Intermediate Healer (30)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

2 Years
03-22-2024, 04:14 PM

A million thoughts and emotions swirled around within the striped fae's skull. Idris and Matija were her lifeline. They kept her from being able to care for herself so that she was forced to rely on them. Still, she couldn't keep herself from wanting to prove her value. Making the drinks was one way of doing just that. See? I can do nice things. Keep me around!

Idris soon joined them and he liked the drink as well. Cambria's tailtip wagged at super speed, unable to hide her happiness at being able to please them. Her question after though... it brought looks and words of disappointment. The fae's tail instantly stopped and her head ducked, ears slicking backwards as she averted her gaze. Idris took that opportunity to step into her space, his teeth sliding in close to the tender area of her throat. A staggered gasp pulled from the woman as she tried her best to stay still. Claws sunk into the earth beneath her and her heart hammered. She was alive at their mercy but she knew that they wouldn't have paddled her all the way here just to kill her. Still, the threat of violence against her was hard to deny.

When the man drew back, Matija spoke, his tones and words laced with innuendo. She was no stranger to helping them, though they often helped themselves. Her voice was a soft whisper and she kept her eyes averted, no longer feeling the proud satisfaction that came with the drinks. "I-I'm sorry," she spoke in the quietest of tones, "I just want to be useful."

[Image: SIj3VET.png]
Cam is involved in very adult, triggering situations. Viewer discretion is advised.
Idris and Matija can, and will, enter any thread that Cambria is in. By agreeing to RP with her, you agree to this.

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1. Fruity Drinks Are For Everyone Lover's Mangrove 06:33 PM, 03-15-2024 08:39 AM, 06-07-2024