
We Could Play Pirates.


The Syndicate

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Samhain 2022
03-23-2024, 08:40 AM
Aresenn's eyes were heavy with desire, the amber depths flickering with an intensity that matched her own.  In their golden haze, a fire raged, consuming them both in its heat. He could barely register her words, his mind utterly consumed by the rawness of the moment. But he heard her question, and it sent shivers of anticipation down his spine. "Beggars can’t be choosers," he answered in amusement, though his voice was strained with wanting. The air around them crackled with electricity, almost palpable as they gazed at each other in the midst of this tempestuous exchange. Aresenn's own heart raced- keeping time with the tempo of hers. His breath hitched with each touch from Absinth. The brush of her lips against his skin caused shivers to course through him, an undeniable connection that went far beyond their physical form. They were bound together - souls intertwined in a dance of passion and need.

As she trailed her lips down his neck, Aresenn arched into the sensation. The soft brush of her lips against his skin ignited a fire within him, every nerve ending tingling with pleasure. His thoughts melted away as he was consumed by one singular desire - to be even closer to her. Her scent wafted around him, intoxicating and unique; a potent reminder of their bond. He groaned softly, unable to control the urge to dig his nails into her hips as she continued her tantalizing path lower. Every touch from her felt like a drug, igniting a hunger that only she could satisfy.

"Aresenn Praetor"

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1. We Could Play Pirates. Iko's Revenge 09:34 PM, 03-03-2024 01:37 PM, 05-15-2024