
To hold me back is a silly thing,




Expert Fighter (170)

Novice Healer (20)

3 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - Sapiosexual
04-03-2024, 10:31 PM (This post was last modified: 04-03-2024, 10:37 PM by Érebos. Edited 3 times in total.)


he was not without his own reward-, tasting her blood as he bit into her chest. but all the same, she took advantage of his busy intent; her fighting style was swift & thoughtful. in some way, erebos was impressed by her might and success of claiming him. but in it, lingered the messy mixture of thick resentment & angry vengeance. & with fast heeding, he would weave his web and plan for her, and for them. she owed him something tangible, and he put a target on her head for the years to come. unbeknownst to her, she met her rival.
she then grabbed his scruff, biting & holding him down until finally releasing him. the fight was over too soon. he quickly rose his body from her disgraceful pin, his mouth puckering into a snarl as he seemingly roared. his ears flattened as he pants, his dual toned gaze choking her with an enthused form of anger, brows furrowed. 'you belong to medusa now'. he answered with growls that rumbled deeply, passing from his rounded girth.
medusa handed him a pitiful rank; the lowest of the low, & it agitated him furthermore. created in him a fire that wanted out more than anything, an entrapped feeling that was all too new to the male; it's heat circulating through his veins like blackened ink that spread to cover him whole. his snout crinkles at the words she spat next, frustrated with the power she now held over him. bound to her-, to her disgusting orders and whim. and still, he was no fool, while even in the midst of his rage he would use his better judgment to come out alive. "I will join your pack, Medusa. But I will not be easy company to you." he said with a pressing tone that seethed past his clenched baring fangs, his jaws flexing with irritation as his tail whipped to the left, fanning off his lingering frustration.  
she had won her right after all. fought to earn him and every benefit his body could muster. she thus became more intriguing to the tyrannical erebos. his agendas had started, and his mind focused on eating her pack alive, inside out. to adorn the lovely medusa in colors of his twisted intent. he was not trapped with her-, she was trapped with him. "I am Érebos Dunamis." Your match.

"talk" 'think'
table by scarlet, art by ashon
Warning: Mature themes for this character are frequent.
[Image: h1wr1OO.png]

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1. To hold me back is a silly thing, Whisperer's Gorge 04:26 PM, 03-22-2024 04:15 PM, 06-20-2024