
better not be a long-ish night



Advanced Fighter (115)

Novice Intellectual (20)

1 Year
Dire wolf

Pride - Nonbinary
04-07-2024, 03:36 PM
The feeling of uneasy that seemed to radiate off some of the older pack members was not something lost on Seiko, though she didn't know the source of it. She figured if it was something she ought to be concerned about, someone would let Tojo-Kai's youngest know when they thought it best. Though Seiko was no less headstrong than the rest of her litter, she knew better than to meddle in affairs that didn't concern her. Her parents had more than enough to worry about with children stirring things up... at least not any more than they already had lately.

Alongside Kaizen, Seiko too had been grounded, confined to the bamboo maze. Unlike her brother she wasn't terribly frustrated with being kept here. They had done something they knew they weren't supposed to and she was taking the punishment as well as she could. Not that she liked their father's decision, but she respected him and trusted he knew best.

Still, that didn't stop her from being a bit wary to approach him so soon after they'd been scolded. Her father's wrath was a cool, quiet one, and not one she was particularly fond of. She moved quietly through the maze, noting the way the stars streaked across the sky but paying little attention to it. Hoping she wouldn't be questioned for being up so late, she caught Hanzo's scent and followed it. Her eyes were low as she approached, head bowed respectfully. "I was hoping maybe to request a fighting lesson from you soon," Seiko admitted, sounding certain of herself. "Now, or whenever," she added lamely. It wasn't like she was in a position to be demanding, after all.
Note: Seiko is biologically female, but they identify as nonbinary (they/them pronouns).
Their companion - a female tabby cat with antlers, named Herajika - is often hanging around.