
Getting the GOAT


Young Fatalis

Intermediate Fighter (30)

Intermediate Hunter (40)

2 Years
Dire wolf
04-18-2024, 08:08 AM (This post was last modified: 05-04-2024, 03:36 PM by Tethys. Edited 1 time in total.)

Tethys listened as she explained she'd been brought in to work the storerooms... which wasn't really a lie, but she was purposefully omitting an important detail. Or so she thought. But instead of confronting her or prying further, Tethys merely wrinkled her nose and considered what she'd said. It wasn't untrue but it wasn't like she was being completely transparent either, which didn't settle well with her. She found herself shifting her weight from one side of her body to the other, a sign of her discomfort, even if she wasn't quite sure why she suddenly felt less eager to complete this task with this near-stranger.

Her discomfort only grew when Ignita said she'd be right back, though she didn't make her wait long before returning with a thin grass rope. It was better than nothing, for sure. Tethys nodded slowly in response. "It should help," she said simply. If they could grab hold of one of the beasts and one could use the rope to help keep them contained, surely dragging them back home would be easier. It'd also help keep them wherever they deposited them.

Instead of sitting and feeling uncomfortable she was glad to keep moving, following the scent of the goats more closely now. It was easy enough to spot a few up ahead of them, climbing a steeper section of terrain. "This might be a two part job. Doubt we can catch two at once." Once they started to wrangle one she had no doubt the second would flee, though given the uneven terrain she doubt it'd make it all that far before they circled back around to it.

Figuring out how to capture without hurting felt like the hardest part of all this for her, especially when the smell of goat made her stomach rumble, reminding her off her faint hunger. Pushing those thoughts aside, Tethys kicked off hard to move to higher ground, scrambling over rubble to move closer to the goats. They began to stir, and she decided to move quickly, hoping Ignita would follow her lead. Grabbing the other end of the rope, she loped forward - aiming to push past the group of goats and trap one behind the rope carefully.

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1. Getting the GOAT Dreamer's Col 01:06 PM, 03-31-2024 04:36 PM, 09-20-2024