
Settling in




Beginner Fighter (0)

Novice Healer (15)

2 Years
04-13-2024, 04:16 PM
As soon as Basilisk had left her alone in the den, Marina immediately reached for the medic bag he had left her with. The last thing she wanted was for some random stranger to be touching her again, so the more she could patch herself up before he got here, the less time she’d have to spend with her captors. The supplies inside the bag were… meager. It was clearly put together with the intentions of being a barebones triage kit. No major painkillers or potent herbs, nothing she could use to poison herself, just some bandages and mild astringents and painkillers. Marina scowled at the pitiful showing and set to work scarfing down the meadowsweet blossoms to help the aches in her limbs. The bandages would be all but useless except to maybe hide away the bruises, but Marina didn't care if they showed or not. Let them be a reminder to her new enslavers what those that had kidnapped her had put her through and know what she could endure.

As she was in the process of sorting through the rest of the first aid kit, the sound of rapping against the den entrance caught her attention and made her hair stand on end, alert eyes snapping to the door. Guard up, ready for anything. What she hadn't been ready for was the chipper call out of a younger wolf as he poked his head in, all smiles and bright eyes. What the fuck...? Marina was instantly suspicious and defensive as he came in, regarding him with guarded eyes and silence. Don't speak unless spoken to. The adolescent lad introduced himself as Wylan. His coat and colors were reminiscent of the unnaturally large wolf, and their scents were similar, but distinct. Relatives, maybe? Definitely not direct blood, but cousins or something similar perhaps. Marina remained taciturn as he entered and wagged his tail, so gods damned happy compared to her new master. And were those wings?! What the hell?!

A bag of medical supplies was dropped and Marina's brows instantly raised in surprise and doubt. This boy was the healer that was coming to check on her? Though she wasn't much older than he was, maybe a couple seasons at most, this whole pack relied on the talents of a veritable child to care for them? No wonder the giant had been so keen to learn of her own medical knowledge... Still, as he bid her sit for her examination, Marina wordlessly obeyed, rising to her paws and moving to sit where he had told her to, simply responding with, "As you wish, sir." He didn't seem anything like the other wolf, nor did he seem cruel or dangerous to her yet, but she knew that appearances were deceiving. He could very well have been putting on a facade to lower her guard.


As her master, Basilisk may enter her threads unannounced.

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1. Settling in Dreamer's Col 01:01 AM, 04-10-2024 02:58 PM, 05-15-2024