
Road work ahead, I sure hope it does




Master Fighter (280)

Advanced Hunter (65)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

2 Years
Toy size

Pride - Bisexual
04-13-2024, 05:16 PM
Bellatrix Ravenwood

It seemed to take Button a second to realize. That was fine. She waited with a smile, kind eyes and a wag to her tail. Of course she was excited as well. All of the pups would be accounted for.

When she finally realized it was real Trixy gave a chuckle. Of course button had likely treated this as an adventure. She nodded. Good she didn't want Button to be upset and think she was in trouble. The night Norad had fallen had likely been confusing to them all.

Then she came with more information. Apparently Button had decided they were now a boy. A blink was given. She could definitely understand, after all being different was okay. "OK then Button, I will definitely Take my little brother home. Our Dads will be so happy to see you. But your gonna have to promise me one little thing. Next time you wanna go on an adventure take Blind or someone with you and make sure to not go so far for me. Daddy Beauregard and daddy Tanelan were worried sick about you." she moved forward and sought to gently bump her head on Button's. Affection would make sure he understood she wasn't mad just had been worried, right? She jerked her head toward Auster, a grin on her head as she turned. "come on you can tell me more about your adventures on the way back. I have a stop to make when we get back to Auster, I'm sure our dad's will be so happy when I do what I gotta do before we see them." she gave a mischievous grin. She was gonna surprise her parents, claim her right as a leader and give them back Button all in one call. Beau she knew would race when he heard her call.

Say come on and show the world who you really are

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1. Road work ahead, I sure hope it does Weeping Woods 03:57 PM, 04-13-2024 12:37 PM, 07-16-2024