
It's About the Girl Next Door


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Samhain 2022
04-15-2024, 06:18 PM
As the sun began to set on the last days of autumn, Aresenn stood at the edge of the Armada territory. He gazed out into the vast expanse of gnarled trees, their branches reaching towards the sky like twisted fingers. The golden light of the fading sun cast an eerie glow over the forest, adding to the already foreboding atmosphere. Though he had journeyed to this place many times before, there was a new sense of apprehension that hung in the air. The former Warlord, with whom Aresenn had made agreements for safe passage through these lands, was no longer in power. With a new leader at the helm, anything could have changed.

But rather than approaching in a casual nature as he had in the past, Aresenn chose to show respect and wait at the border. The air was crisp and cool, scented with fallen leaves and the distant promise of winter. As he scanned his surroundings, Aresenn's senses were heightened and focused. His keen eyesight pierced through the dense foliage, watchful of anything worth his concern.

Taking a deep breath to center himself, Aresenn called out in a clear and projecting tone for an audience with the new Warlord. In true warrior fashion, he stood tall and relaxed but always alert, ready to greet whoever emerged from the depths of this mysterious forest and answer his call.

"Aresenn Praetor"

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1. It's About the Girl Next Door Mile-High Woods 06:18 PM, 04-15-2024 08:07 PM, 04-19-2024