
The Shadow Of my Life was hanging over me

For Scald, Gilgamesh and Modesty


The Syndicate
Effendi- Muqatil

Expert Intellectual (155)

Master Fighter (250)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

2 Years

04-18-2024, 11:36 AM

Elysia felt more relaxed after the Syndicate had finally settled into their claimed territory. And once she had returned from her political trip with her uncle she was ready to go out and take a trip of her own. That was how she found herself towards the west away from the polar sound. Away from her family looking for a very specific man of mystery: Scald.

It had been some time since their reunion in the glowing forest. And she wanted him to know that her family had set up a permanent residence that he could easily find her at now. So they didn’t have to wait so long in between their accidental encounters to see one another.

Last she knew he had to have lived down south because they met there and she left the island because it was being claimed. That’s where she was heading. But she wanted to follow the paths she knew well. To avoid Art and the hallows. She was being extra careful for her family’s sake.

That’s how she found herself now at the border of the Moor the syndicate had once called home. Actually it hadn’t been that long ago at all actually. They had only left because they’d overthrown norad and could now claim an empire.
But based on the smell of the border now in place. Someone else had claimed the moor. And the smell was familiar. It vaguely smelled like scalds smell.

Ordinarily she would have walked right through the border. Not given a single fuck. But with the death threat looming over her family’s head. She couldn’t risk yet another enemy. So she sat at the border. Tipping her head back she called out.

"Ely & Ezekiel"
[Image: ElyScarRef1.png?ex=6629b2a2&is=66173da2&...height=872]

Elysia "Ely" Saxe is a Mature 3-3-3 Rated Character. Plot at your own risk.

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1. The Shadow Of my Life was hanging over me Druid's Moor 11:36 AM, 04-18-2024 09:33 PM, 07-03-2024