
Listen Children, Don't You Frown!

Ripper, Redrum, Cadaver


"Do you want to meet all my monsters? Think you're tough, I know they'll drive you bonkers!"


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04-23-2024, 12:32 AM

Her little hellhounds had come to her rather quickly, which had her beaming with delight! She quickly did her best to hide her excitement, but c'mon, it was hard when she was oh so happy at how these young ones had excelled so quickly! Even quicker than the adults. They had more ambition. More drive. More desire, even. They wanted to be the best of the best, and so Medusa would make it so. Her lips twitched back up in a smile as she looked at each child in turn. Her two were nearing their first year, while Cadaver and his littermates still had another season to go after that, but close enough, right?

Sitting up, she began. "Thank you, thank you for coming to Medusa! She has very, very good news for you~" She exclaimed in a singsong voice at the end. "Medusa knows you three have been working very hard. Seymour, Nox, and Umbra have been watching, and so has Medusa." Her gaze swept over them. Yes, she knew what they had been up to. Knew who they had fought, where they'd been going. Her companions did not let them out of their sights, not while they were still young. Rue had even been keeping tabs, but nobody would intervene unless absolutely necessary. And it seemed not much intervention was needed, even when Red had gone up against multiple opponents on more than one occasion, and when Cadaver had found himself among a group of wolves she didn't know, and when Ripper had taken on a goddamn Liger alongside some bat-legged guy. Yes, they had all been doing fantastic! And she couldn't be prouder! None of them had died or come close to death, so she didn't feel the need to have to intervene. That in itself was impressive of them in her book!

Standing up, she cleared her throat as she addressed them once again. "Medusa has decided, that Redrum, Ripper, and Cadaver have earned favor, and will no longer be Darklings. They will not be Shadows, either. In fact, you are all the youngest in Insomnia to have done this..." She quirked her lips up again into her infamous Cheshire grin as she giggled, gaze darting from one to the next. She let her words sink in for a few moments, watching their reactions to see how they felt about it. Ya know, building suspense and all that. Ripper already was vibrating, but whether or not it was from excitement, anticipation, or dread, she couldn't quite tell.

She walked away from her perch to walk a semi-circle first around Cadaver, stopping by his shoulder as she placed a gentle paw on the boys shoulder. "Cadaver, Medusa has thought long and hard, and she has decided that he is now a Reaper." Yes, it was true. She had just jumped him several ranks at such a young age, and it was well deserved! Next, she wound her way over to Ripper, doing the same to him (and at this point it was quite like a cat weaving around). "Ripper, Medusa has decided that he too, will join Cadaver as a Reaper!" She had seen the ferocity in which he fought, and would no doubt make a great Reaper alongside Cadaver.

Last but not least, she turned her sights on Redrum. She had named him so was Medusa. She didn't know if he ever figured out what his name really meant, but if he had, he was more or less living up to it. Everything in his path went down. The coyote packs stood no chance against him. His opponents? Down. Sure, he had a loss here and there, but who didn't? She had many on her own belt, but that hadn't stopped her from becoming a force to be reckoned with, just like him.

She moved to stand in front of her dear not-so-little Red. They were growing so fast, and soon would be a year old. There was much still for him to learn. Much for her to teach him. But she had made her decision, and he was the perfect choice. "Redrum, Medusa has decided that he...will be Insomnia's Soul. He has earned it, and deserves it. Medusa thought long and hard (shocker, right?), and nobody has tried to claim it (a shame, really!). But Red has done much, and has overcome a lot. Medusa knows that this is perfect for him. And he will be the one to have Insomnia when Medusa is ready to give it to him. There is still a lot to learn so that he can lead, and Medusa will teach him."

She remained where she was, chest swelling with pride at the three boys as she let her words sink into them.


Please note: Medusa is a wildcard! While she is mostly kind, friendly, and eager to help, she can equally be cold, aggressive, and eager to murder you depending on how you treat her! She refers to herself and often, others, in the third person (illeism), and occasionally has tics due to her Tourette's and may giggle and laugh at random, and may twitch here and there. She is a blood & gore type of character, and is not above killing, maiming, or other such violent actions if she's given a reason to do so. It's often in your best interest to not cross her or get on her bad side. Ya never know what she might do c:

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1. Listen Children, Don't You Frown! Dancefloor of the Gods 10:17 PM, 04-03-2024 10:53 PM, 06-13-2024