
Listen Children, Don't You Frown!

Ripper, Redrum, Cadaver


"Do you want to meet all my monsters? Think you're tough, I know they'll drive you bonkers!"


Master Fighter (699)

Master Hunter (325)

An icon representing the specialty Saboteur Saboteur

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

Festival OrganizerWealthyLegendaryHomebodyWinnerVengeance
Critical Dodge!LoserCritical Fail!By A WhiskerRapid Poster - RainbowPride - Aromantic
SocialiteSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipScarredDouble MasterOoh La La
How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! By the skin of my teethSnake EyesOverachieverPride - Asexual1K
Dream WeaverUnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Treat 2019
04-03-2024, 10:17 PM

The time for the start of the festival was drawing near! In just a few days, Insomnia would host their first Fall Festival and damn was she excited! She woke up with too much excitement and anticipation, practically running over to her little place in this part of the territory. They had had a pack meeting not too long ago, and had told the pack then that a festival was coming up. She didn't quite feel the need to hold another, but word would spread fast about the event in the coming days. Fighting, racing, hunting, socializing?? A feast even! Yes, she was certainly excited! But first, she had been hearing and seeing the progress of some of the pups, and it was high time they got what they deserved! Some of them had been working pretty hard, and Medusa would give them the recognition they had earned!

Bounding up onto the makeshift platform she had made (since she had moved her bone throne over to the Gorge), she called together the three that had been working hard. Ripper, Redrum, Cadaver. While there were more young ones in the pack, these three had stood out with their hard work! She lowered herself onto her belly, forelegs crossed over one another as she waited. She made sure her tone hadn't betrayed what they were being summoned for, wanting to keep it as a surprise, of course.


Please note: Medusa is a wildcard! While she is mostly kind, friendly, and eager to help, she can equally be cold, aggressive, and eager to murder you depending on how you treat her! She refers to herself and often, others, in the third person (illeism), and occasionally has tics due to her Tourette's and may giggle and laugh at random, and may twitch here and there. She is a blood & gore type of character, and is not above killing, maiming, or other such violent actions if she's given a reason to do so. It's often in your best interest to not cross her or get on her bad side. Ya never know what she might do c:



Master Fighter (265)

Advanced Hunter (95)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

1 Year
Extra large
Dragon Mod

Critical Fail!1K
04-04-2024, 02:25 PM

His mother was calling for him and Red! Oh boy, what could it be!? He was curious and excited. He'd been working hard with Red lately, their first birthday was coming up, did it have anything to do with that? Abandoning his skinning of a rabbit, the young male made his way to where Mother called, soulless gaze blazing with curiosity as he scrambled his way there, wanting to beat Red and whoever else was called to the punch! Aha! When he arrived, he was the first! The skeleton marked boy bounded up to Mother with a gentle gnashing of teeth as he approached Medusa, tail wagging wildly. "Mother has called! Ripper wants to know!" He exclaimed, hardly able to sit still.


Like a traditional Mortem, Ripper can be unpredictable in nature~


"All my troubles on the burning pile, All lit up and I start to smile."


Master Fighter (370)

Master Hunter (285)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Hawk-Eyed Hawk-Eyed

1 Year
Extra large

Double MasterScarredSnake EyesRapid Poster - Gold
04-05-2024, 12:15 PM

The sun painted the horizon in hues of crimson and gold, just like the red boy with his ichor eyes who stirred from his sleep with a start. His mother's call echoed through the crisp morning air, a signal that something was afoot! With swift paws, he bounded away from his napping spot, the thrill of the impending Fall Festival coursing through his veins like a wildfire. Did this have to do with that?

Racing through the familiar trails of the Dancefloor, Redrum's heartbeat with excitement and trepidation. He could practically feel the energy pulsating through this fur like electricity as he made his way to the meeting place. The thought of what his mother had to say filled him with a sense of anxious anticipation that he could scarcely contain.

Upon reaching the meeting point, Redrum greeted Ripper with a hearty nudge against his brother's shoulder, a wide grin spreading across his muzzle. Then, with undivided focus, Redrum fixed his gaze upon his mother, his muscles undulating beneath his crimson fur with more uncontainable spasms that seemed to worsen the more excited he got.

What could she possibly have in store for them? His ears perked forward, hanging onto her every word, apprehensive to discover what awaited them.


Redrum speaks in third person, known as illeism.
He deals with neurological issues from head trauma,
Causing disruptions in speech and movement,
Making him appear twitchy, with uncontrollable tics affecting every muscle.

Assume he isn't wearing his skull mask unless specified.



Master Fighter (290)

Master Intellectual (240)

1 Year
Dire wolf
04-12-2024, 11:20 PM

The call from Medusa roused Cadaver out of his peaceful reverie. He had been wandering the outskirts of the territory, relishing in the rare moments of solitude and calm that it offered when the sudden interruption broke the tranquility. With a heavy sigh, he reluctantly trudged towards their designated meeting spot, his steps weighed down by annoyance and frustration. As he approached, Cadaver's scowl deepened at the sight of Ripper and Redrum already gathered, their energy and enthusiasm grating against his own brooding mood. He wasn’t in the greatest presence of mind for whatever unexpected summons Medusa had called for, but he couldn't resist his curiosity. Dragging himself over to join them, Cadaver gave a curt nod in greeting, his expression guarded as he settled in. He was not particularly interested in whatever unexpected summons Medusa had called for, but he couldn't deny the flicker of interest he held as he awaited her response, shooting glances between her and the other two boys in the meantime.

"Cadaver Nightwing"


"Do you want to meet all my monsters? Think you're tough, I know they'll drive you bonkers!"


Master Fighter (699)

Master Hunter (325)

An icon representing the specialty Saboteur Saboteur

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

Festival OrganizerWealthyLegendaryHomebodyWinnerVengeance
Critical Dodge!LoserCritical Fail!By A WhiskerRapid Poster - RainbowPride - Aromantic
SocialiteSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipScarredDouble MasterOoh La La
How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! By the skin of my teethSnake EyesOverachieverPride - Asexual1K
Dream WeaverUnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Treat 2019
04-23-2024, 12:32 AM

Her little hellhounds had come to her rather quickly, which had her beaming with delight! She quickly did her best to hide her excitement, but c'mon, it was hard when she was oh so happy at how these young ones had excelled so quickly! Even quicker than the adults. They had more ambition. More drive. More desire, even. They wanted to be the best of the best, and so Medusa would make it so. Her lips twitched back up in a smile as she looked at each child in turn. Her two were nearing their first year, while Cadaver and his littermates still had another season to go after that, but close enough, right?

Sitting up, she began. "Thank you, thank you for coming to Medusa! She has very, very good news for you~" She exclaimed in a singsong voice at the end. "Medusa knows you three have been working very hard. Seymour, Nox, and Umbra have been watching, and so has Medusa." Her gaze swept over them. Yes, she knew what they had been up to. Knew who they had fought, where they'd been going. Her companions did not let them out of their sights, not while they were still young. Rue had even been keeping tabs, but nobody would intervene unless absolutely necessary. And it seemed not much intervention was needed, even when Red had gone up against multiple opponents on more than one occasion, and when Cadaver had found himself among a group of wolves she didn't know, and when Ripper had taken on a goddamn Liger alongside some bat-legged guy. Yes, they had all been doing fantastic! And she couldn't be prouder! None of them had died or come close to death, so she didn't feel the need to have to intervene. That in itself was impressive of them in her book!

Standing up, she cleared her throat as she addressed them once again. "Medusa has decided, that Redrum, Ripper, and Cadaver have earned favor, and will no longer be Darklings. They will not be Shadows, either. In fact, you are all the youngest in Insomnia to have done this..." She quirked her lips up again into her infamous Cheshire grin as she giggled, gaze darting from one to the next. She let her words sink in for a few moments, watching their reactions to see how they felt about it. Ya know, building suspense and all that. Ripper already was vibrating, but whether or not it was from excitement, anticipation, or dread, she couldn't quite tell.

She walked away from her perch to walk a semi-circle first around Cadaver, stopping by his shoulder as she placed a gentle paw on the boys shoulder. "Cadaver, Medusa has thought long and hard, and she has decided that he is now a Reaper." Yes, it was true. She had just jumped him several ranks at such a young age, and it was well deserved! Next, she wound her way over to Ripper, doing the same to him (and at this point it was quite like a cat weaving around). "Ripper, Medusa has decided that he too, will join Cadaver as a Reaper!" She had seen the ferocity in which he fought, and would no doubt make a great Reaper alongside Cadaver.

Last but not least, she turned her sights on Redrum. She had named him so was Medusa. She didn't know if he ever figured out what his name really meant, but if he had, he was more or less living up to it. Everything in his path went down. The coyote packs stood no chance against him. His opponents? Down. Sure, he had a loss here and there, but who didn't? She had many on her own belt, but that hadn't stopped her from becoming a force to be reckoned with, just like him.

She moved to stand in front of her dear not-so-little Red. They were growing so fast, and soon would be a year old. There was much still for him to learn. Much for her to teach him. But she had made her decision, and he was the perfect choice. "Redrum, Medusa has decided that he...will be Insomnia's Soul. He has earned it, and deserves it. Medusa thought long and hard (shocker, right?), and nobody has tried to claim it (a shame, really!). But Red has done much, and has overcome a lot. Medusa knows that this is perfect for him. And he will be the one to have Insomnia when Medusa is ready to give it to him. There is still a lot to learn so that he can lead, and Medusa will teach him."

She remained where she was, chest swelling with pride at the three boys as she let her words sink into them.


Please note: Medusa is a wildcard! While she is mostly kind, friendly, and eager to help, she can equally be cold, aggressive, and eager to murder you depending on how you treat her! She refers to herself and often, others, in the third person (illeism), and occasionally has tics due to her Tourette's and may giggle and laugh at random, and may twitch here and there. She is a blood & gore type of character, and is not above killing, maiming, or other such violent actions if she's given a reason to do so. It's often in your best interest to not cross her or get on her bad side. Ya never know what she might do c:


"All my troubles on the burning pile, All lit up and I start to smile."


Master Fighter (370)

Master Hunter (285)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Hawk-Eyed Hawk-Eyed

1 Year
Extra large

Double MasterScarredSnake EyesRapid Poster - Gold
04-26-2024, 02:07 PM

Redrum stood frozen in disbelief as his mother's words washed over him like a wave crashing against a shore. His long ears twitched as he tried to process the magnitude of what she was saying, his heart pounding in his chest with a mixture of shock and elation. She was promoting them! He glanced over at Ripper and Cadaver, trying to see if they shared the same wide-eyed astonishment mirrored in their expression as he did. They had worked hard, fought hard, and now, their efforts were being recognized. His tail had begun to wag, excitement coming off him in invisible waves. But her next words shocked him.

As his mother approached him, Redrum's breath caught in his throat, his eyes locked onto her with apprehension and reverence. She hadn’t given him the same rank as Cadaver or Ripper. No. She named him her heir instead. The boy’s mouth nearly dropped open. To be named Insomnia's Soul was a privilege beyond measure, a responsibility that both thrilled and daunted him. Why him?

“Redrum... Insomnia's Soul?” Redrum murmured, the words barely louder than a whisper as he struggled to comprehend the weight of the title bestowed upon him. He felt a swell of pride rising within him, mingled with a sense of humility that threatened to overwhelm him. Was he good enough for it? Strong enough? But as he met his mother's gaze, he saw the unwavering confidence reflected in her eyes, the belief she had in him shining bright. He wanted to take that confidence she held for him and make it his own. He could do that, right?

“Redrum is— grateful. He- thanks mother— for her- choice.” He said, his voice steady despite the breaks in his sentences and the emotions swirling within him. “Red —will learn well.” What was this sense of purpose burning within him? Redrum tried to stand a little taller, trying to show them that he would not fail his mother.


Redrum speaks in third person, known as illeism.
He deals with neurological issues from head trauma,
Causing disruptions in speech and movement,
Making him appear twitchy, with uncontrollable tics affecting every muscle.

Assume he isn't wearing his skull mask unless specified.



Master Fighter (290)

Master Intellectual (240)

1 Year
Dire wolf
04-26-2024, 02:21 PM

Cadaver listened as Medusa spoke, his eyes never leaving her. He watched her with a predatory intensity, his gaze dark and unreadable. Her words were like a balm to his restless spirit. Finally, he was being recognized for his strength and prowess. His hard work was paying off. Reaper... The title rolled around in his mind, amplifying the steady thump of his heart. He was a Reaper now, a force to be reckoned with.

When Medusa placed her paw on his shoulder, Cadaver did not shy away or flinch. Instead, he held himself straighter, puffing out his chest in a silent assertion of himself. He glanced towards Ripper and Redrum as Medusa made her announcement, his eyes narrowing slightly with the barest hint of challenge. To Cadaver, everything was a competition, and he had no intention of being outdone by either one of them.

As the reality of his promotion began to settle in, a slow smile spread across Cadaver's features. It was not a pleasant smile - there was little warmth or joy in its expression. No, this was a predator's satisfied smirk, a pointed reminder of his dominance and ambition. A silent promise of things to come. He straightened himself up even more as Medusa moved on to award Redrum with the prestigious title of Insomnia's Soul. His gaze followed her, his piercing eyes shining with a mix of envy and admiration. He'd be lying if he denied the spike of jealousy that ran through him at the announcement. Sure, he had been elevated to Reaper, but Redrum was getting the higher honor. But of course, that was just his competitive spirit. If any of the other Darklings got promoted above him, he was glad that it was his friend.

In the silence that followed Medusa's words, a deep sense of satisfaction settled over Cadaver. He gave one last glance to Ripper and Redrum, his gaze lingering on each of them for a moment longer than necessary, before turning his head back to Medusa- waiting to see where they went from here.

"Cadaver Nightwing"

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1. Listen Children, Don't You Frown! Dancefloor of the Gods 10:17 PM, 04-03-2024 10:53 PM, 06-13-2024