
Silence of the night




Beginner Intellectual (0)

Intermediate Fighter (30)

5 Years

Pride - Demisexual
05-01-2024, 11:04 AM (This post was last modified: 05-03-2024, 08:33 AM by Hala. Edited 2 times in total.)
The woman sat there enjoying the silence that wrapped the night, the wind although light gave into her favor, ears twitched upon her cranium as hackles rose. Another was near by, too close. Pools looked into the direction, but it was dark, too dark in a sense. If you honestly think about it, some couldn't truly see during the night hours as good as they do during the day. Hala was one of them.

'Fool-we are foolish. Do we not understand that father will find out and rip our hide apart for what we had done!' Secrets spoke, the gentle woman that the female was, wise too wise for her years. It was a dangerous game and Hala known it was, believe her. She known all to well. As they all did. They known how father could get especially since his mate, their mother had passed. A quick grunt, giving away her direction.

"Doyle has helped us. We will not allow this to be spoken about no longer. There is no damn need for it." Hala batted at a rock, watching it tumble threw the dirt. She wasn't like she was too far gone. 'You are foolish dear Hala. So very foolish. Stupid even.'

'Stephen shut your trap, we are not stupid, nor is Hala. So screw yourself asshole.' It was a never ending battle for the girl. Always will be. But tonight she was not going to allow it to bring her down. The foul taste was all that was left within her mouth. "Will you all just shut the hell up already!!"She wasn't right, haven't been for a while.

Then a strangers scent pulled her away from the others, guiding her ears in his direction, his stench lingers on the cool air. Causing ears to relocate, laced against her skull. Giving a deep warning growl, to keep a safe distance, she was after all here first, and he was trespassing on her privacy. Something she didn't take to kindly..

Hala Indigo
table coding by bunni ♥

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1. Silence of the night Grapevine Cathedral 10:16 AM, 05-01-2024 02:14 PM, 06-17-2024