
Silence of the night




Beginner Intellectual (0)

Intermediate Fighter (30)

5 Years

Pride - Demisexual
05-01-2024, 10:16 AM (This post was last modified: 05-03-2024, 08:27 AM by Hala. Edited 10 times in total.)
Everything has been quiet for the most part. But as everyone known that it never stayed quiet for too long. The ebonish chocolate pelt shifts with the autumn air, her tail dancing to a silent lullaby behind her bodice. Ears flicker upon her skull as to pick up any sound of other travelers that dared to venture too close for her liking.

'They will find out what you did.' She snarled, fangs bared. "We did take part in it, but we will keep your fucking mouth shut! She scolded herself - which in honesty wasn't rare for the female to do such a thing. Not everyone knew what it was like to dissociate at all, it wasn't ever fun. Always a battle. And her mind never shutting the hell up. Another snarl, lifting her lips into a curl.

'He deserved what was done to him. Hala and Doyle had every reason to kill him for what he had done.' The voices continued, her eyes closing for a moment, before a slow sigh was left free. The woman hated the other voices as much as she hated her own, she hated it due to the shit that she dealt with on a daily basis. But tonight her reddish orange pools looked out over the area. thick grapevines twisting and turning in the branchs, it was a beautiful sight to witness.

The floor of the forest was coveered in grass and moss in places that the sunlight was allowed to cast down which was soft to feel among her paw pads. The dirt was cool and welcoming against the heat of the autumn days. Dog days of summer it was it was known as. And by far it was honest to gods truth.

Her thick and long fur made it hotter than it did for others. She didn't mind it too much, but in the same sense, she couldn't wait for the first snow fall or the first frost which was going to happen soon. A few rabbits took notice to the ebony like she-wolf and ran for their dens, a tunnel of many caverns. Owls started waking for their sleep, Hala known it was almost time for them to take flight and hunt.

The sound of a rabbits howl made her smirk deviously. The delicious sound but also a sound not many can handle. Which she understood why, but savoring it in her mind. She sat, her tail curling across her hind legs, while the tip slapped at the ground, almost in an annoyance.

Hala Indigo
table coding by bunni ♥


The Syndicate

Expert Hunter (130)

Expert Navigator (140)

2 Years
05-01-2024, 10:47 AM

Cifarelli constantly found himself wandering. His days were consistent with patrolling, exploring, and taming his newfound pet. The smell of her still lingered in the world of his senses. As well as clinging to the fibers of his coat. It was something that he found himself enjoying more and more with each passing moment they spent together. He'd made sure she knew who she belonged to. Rather it be biting her flesh or taking the tightness between her legs. Either way, the large male constantly reminded her. And so far there had been no need to keep her trapped for so long. The makeshift collar of twigs and leaves that rested around her neck was indeed perfect for display. However, he felt as if she needed something more fitting to her style.

A low grumble slipped from his throat. How did some female such as herself have the audacity to come into his life and awaken a soft part that should not exist inside of him? The notion of it all drew out another sound. Much louder than the last. He'd only come here to find the vines which carried flowers. His focus zeroed in on a particular tree where the green strips stretched along the ground. Each flower has a different coloration from the last. Cifa tilted his head before he came to shift his body. Applying most of his weight onto his back legs. Paws pressed onto the thickness of the tree trunk. His neck extends to pull and tug at the vines above. Yes. These surely would do.




Beginner Intellectual (0)

Intermediate Fighter (30)

5 Years

Pride - Demisexual
05-01-2024, 11:04 AM (This post was last modified: 05-03-2024, 08:33 AM by Hala. Edited 2 times in total.)
The woman sat there enjoying the silence that wrapped the night, the wind although light gave into her favor, ears twitched upon her cranium as hackles rose. Another was near by, too close. Pools looked into the direction, but it was dark, too dark in a sense. If you honestly think about it, some couldn't truly see during the night hours as good as they do during the day. Hala was one of them.

'Fool-we are foolish. Do we not understand that father will find out and rip our hide apart for what we had done!' Secrets spoke, the gentle woman that the female was, wise too wise for her years. It was a dangerous game and Hala known it was, believe her. She known all to well. As they all did. They known how father could get especially since his mate, their mother had passed. A quick grunt, giving away her direction.

"Doyle has helped us. We will not allow this to be spoken about no longer. There is no damn need for it." Hala batted at a rock, watching it tumble threw the dirt. She wasn't like she was too far gone. 'You are foolish dear Hala. So very foolish. Stupid even.'

'Stephen shut your trap, we are not stupid, nor is Hala. So screw yourself asshole.' It was a never ending battle for the girl. Always will be. But tonight she was not going to allow it to bring her down. The foul taste was all that was left within her mouth. "Will you all just shut the hell up already!!"She wasn't right, haven't been for a while.

Then a strangers scent pulled her away from the others, guiding her ears in his direction, his stench lingers on the cool air. Causing ears to relocate, laced against her skull. Giving a deep warning growl, to keep a safe distance, she was after all here first, and he was trespassing on her privacy. Something she didn't take to kindly..

Hala Indigo
table coding by bunni ♥


The Syndicate

Expert Hunter (130)

Expert Navigator (140)

2 Years
05-09-2024, 09:55 PM

His attention did not last long the moment he'd gathered enough vines to craft his new collar for Cierzo. There was a feeling he could not shake. The itch that something or even someone was watching him from afar. It caused his hackles to rise and bristle. Lips shuttering behind the vibration of a responded snarl. Ears drawing in the direction of one he'd heard shortly before. There was a voice in the shadows. And soon, his gaze befell that of reflective copper eyes. Just like him, this wolf blended into the darkness with ease.

"Hiding is no fun if you wish to play." He spoke in a taunting tone. The stranger would soon reveal themselves and until such happened, he continued on his exploration for more things to add to his gift. Paws carried him along the soft grass in the direction of what smelled to be a small collection of various flowers. Their scent alone was easy to track because he shortly found himself standing over them. Though he was focused on his task, it did not mean he wasn't still very much intuned with the other lingering a short distance away.

Teeth and claws went to work in forging the collar. Weaving the vines together. Big enough to fit; however, tight enough that it would never break during their many encounters to come. Cifarelli plucked a few flowers to add to the gift itself. Everything simply came along exactly how he wished. Off a few meters away, the sound of small creatures scurried past him from where they hid in a cluster of bushes. Snapping his attention t'wards them with a small smirk. "They can reveal themselves. Why can't you?"




Beginner Intellectual (0)

Intermediate Fighter (30)

5 Years

Pride - Demisexual
05-10-2024, 01:53 PM (This post was last modified: 05-10-2024, 01:54 PM by Hala. Edited 2 times in total.)
Her attention was on her own, trapped and almost lost in her mind. Others would laugh if they knew what she was dealing with; they might lock her in the cell and throw the damned key into the garbage. And the unfortunate part of that is that Hala didn't even worry about what others thought of her. She was damaged goods, as they would also state. But as mentioned, she just did not notice one bit. Her mind was fogged over once more, losing her focus on what was nonfiction and what was fiction. It was the whole fragile symmetry of life. The masculine phrases grabbed her, pulling her away from the invading thoughts. 

"Does one not value their lives?"  She countered with mockery, using the shadows for protection. Quietly feeling the ground with her paws, a subtle cat-and-mouse game. The two of them taunted each other, biding their time to come face to face. They teased and provoked each other with words filled with venom and malice. "Hasn't anyone been taught basic manners and respect?" Suppressing a chuckle. 'You have no room to talk, being much more deranged than others. After all, you're the one who killed your own brother. You are now insignificant.'

A faint hiss escaped from the woman's throat as she absorbed the sharp words Stephen had hurled at her, causing her eyes to become distant and unfocused.'You can't even stand yourself anymore Hala. Why don't you just end it all? Put an end to this torture, my beautiful nightmare. As her lips twisted into a snarl, her ears pressed tightly against her cranium. She regained her focus and became aware of his overpowering odor. She slowly moved away from him, still snarling, as her hair stood on end.

"I prefer to remain hidden for undisclosed reasons. I will only speak from the shadows. Accept it or not, I am not here to entertain you." Hala started speaking with a cold tone. Her ears twitched as she observed the critters on the forest floor. He continued to tease and taunt, but there was a hint of another scent lingering around him. Despite not smelling of decay, she remained on guard, although her tail relaxed."You are a damned fool, a no body just like I, Stephen." The words that escaped her mouth were sharp and spoken in a low tone.'You've been a good girl, but this stranger may bring an end to your reign of terror, deception, and lies..'

Stephen would never let her forget her past, always bringing up what she had done. To him, it was just a game to provoke a reaction. The woman felt consumed by hatred as the voices taunted her, echoing Stephen's own words. The white wolf in her mind watched everything with ghostly eyes, observing the sinister presence of Stephen as he waited and watched for what would happen next. Then, his own voice emerged."We are considered bastards. A wanderer, an overthinker, someone who believes the world owes them everything. Sir, please tell me if I am mistaken. We would like to know.."

Hala's twin peaks jutted forward, anticipating the other male's response. Eventually, it was just Hala left as Stephen retreated. He respected the female's space after stating his desires, knowing not to expect more or less from Stephen. Hala let out a low, deep growl.

Hala Indigo
table coding by bunni ♥


The Syndicate

Expert Hunter (130)

Expert Navigator (140)

2 Years
05-15-2024, 09:11 AM

Something about this woman intrigued him. Or, was it even that? The various voices carrying between them made him tilt his head in curiosity. If she wanted to play cat and mouse, then they should. His body slipped into the gathering shadows. Easily blending in with the background as if he, himself, were the darkness. Branches welcomed Cifa with open passage. Light debris beneath his paws made barely a sound. Stalking the pitch-black world with no intention of ever leaving. A few vines dared try to wrap around an ankle but did not succeed. He was on a mission. Where she so happened to be the prey.

There were words exchanged and before he could respond, silence and low growls. He became even more curious. Wanting nothing else than to pick into the mystery of this woman. His mouth flooded with saliva. The thought of what he could do to such a wolf. Images of various situations swarmed in his mind like bees. Cifarelli barely held back the heaviness of Saxe genes driving him wild. It wasn't until another voice spoke out. One more masculine, deep in tone. The entire ordeal made him stop short of his movements. So, this wolf suffered from different personalities? A dark chuckle rumbled his throat in response. 

Sephiran would surely enjoy such a woman. If only he could get her to follow him back to the trenches of his home. Show that he was not worthless in any way and could pull his weight. Why not recruit another member in the process? The Saxe male came to stop. Looking over the terrian where he now stood. The grass here remained smooth beneath him. Vines traveled along the earth to reach other places to further their stretching stems. Light peaks of the moon above trinkled in through small openings giving way by the leaves. A perfect setting for what was currently taking place. "The world owes us nothing. We are nothing but walking corpses. With heartbeats."




Beginner Intellectual (0)

Intermediate Fighter (30)

5 Years

Pride - Demisexual
05-15-2024, 10:42 AM
The woman's ears were twisted on her skull, her dark chocolate fur rustling in the wind as it brushed against her slender frame. The smell of the male intruded into Hala's mind, lingering there. She retreated into the shadows to avoid being detected by the moon. Suddenly, she heard the brute chuckle, a sinister sound that indicated he was nearby but not too close. With a slight smirk, Stephen spoke through Hala, "The world is dead, just like us. Heartbeats mean nothing to me. But please, entertain me with your thoughts."

Hala silently cursed Stephen as the two men talked. It was just small talk, nothing more. She didn't like the acquaintance this stranger brought. "Please state your business, as some of us are too busy to entertain a despicable creature like you," Stephen taunted. Hala regained her focus after Stephen spoke. She knew she would have to move elsewhere, something she really didn't want to do.

Hala angrily muttered "Fucking moron." to Stephen as he allowed her to focus, her eyes free from the fog of dissociation. She could hear the cold, bitter laugh of the male voice in her mind. Stephen was a unique individual, not many appreciated him or his way of speaking. It was her time now, to try and figure out the intentions of this unknown male.

It was a very easy task, but she didn't have any interest in doing it. However, she knew it had to be done.

Hala Indigo
table coding by bunni ♥

Hala's Speach - speech
Thoughts (voices) - voices
Stephens Speach- stephens voice

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1. Silence of the night Grapevine Cathedral 10:16 AM, 05-01-2024 02:14 PM, 06-17-2024