
Cyberpunk Galaxy Puppies [Closed]



Easter Egg Hunt 2023Pride - BisexualEaster 2022Toys for Tots
05-04-2024, 02:48 PM (This post was last modified: 07-07-2024, 10:18 AM by Lolaf. Edited 7 times in total.)
Want to know how to get your hands on one of those bright cyberpunk/galaxy designs? Well look no further. My Gal Desponia and Ali’s boy Ronan will be having a litter of kids and with only one kid set right now (Odierne) we’re looking for other players!

Culture: Des is technically a Mendacium but as the bastard daughter of the family’s former matriarch she’s more removed from their culture, while she holds some of their beliefs she isn’t tied to some of them and may even sometimes be outright disrespectful about the ones she does not hold. For a quick primer on what beliefs these kids will be taught I’ve made a quick image guide: Here. Anything not highlighted is things she does have some belief in and would likely pass onto her children. It’s safe to assume Ronan will find out about these kids at some point and will feel some kinda way about it. He will be eager to teach them his way of life and language-he’s of Mexican-Irish descent- but whether his kids are receptive to him is up to you!

Activity: Let's be honest here guys, it's me, we're not gonna get too upset about lower activity, we'd love to see them around and may request semi-regular posting (a few times a season or so) but we're not going to be picky about that. That said if you plan to set your puppy inactive please reach out to one of us, we will take them back no questions asked. If you do set them inactive we will reclaim them without warning. Once the kids are a year old we consider them yours and will only reclaim them if you set them inactive. Additionally since I’m kind of spotty with posting, I rely a great deal on OOC plotting and prior communication around assumptions of what the family might be doing when not actively threading together. If that's something you are uncomfortable with or don't enjoy, please reach out before applying to see what else we could work out so everyone is happy!

Names: Latin inspired names, the kids will be given the last name Antonis when born. When Ronan does come to learn about these kids, his last name of Reyes will be up for grabs, if they’re interested in it. He’ll be kinda salty if they don’t pick it, but that’s a him problem.

Alignments and Personalities: Unlikely to be particularly friendly, or prone to being a bleeding heart. Both parents aren’t exactly sociable and since Des does little to hide her disdain for the majority of her family it’d not be surprising if they also shared her feelings on the larger Mendacium clan. That said it’d also be unlikely for any of them to be overly chaotic or blood thirsty. Most of what Des does is out of survival and she’d not hesitate to cull a child that was too much of a loose canon. It’s also worth noting that she’s unlikely to be a particularly doting mother, she won’t abandon them but emotionally she’ll likely be distant and she’ll expect them to be pretty much self-sufficient by the time they are a year old.

Discounts/Inheritable Mutations:
- Ram Horns (Minor Mutation)
- 25% Off Colours:
     - Purple Full Colour
     - Light Blue Markings

- Minor Mutations:
     - Retractable Fangs, Glowing Markings, Jaguar Claws
- 25% Off Height up to 42”
- 25% Off  Colours:
     - Red Markings
     - Blue Full Colour
- 25% Canine Pass (Will be required if you wish any dog-like traits.)

Designs: Finally the fun part! Please know all provided designs (and corresponding art) will be reclaimed/stay with the character if reclaimed or re-adopted out. They absolutely are not to be used outside of the site. You are free to provide your own, which will stay with you in the event of re-adoption. Additionally consider that Ronan is a wolf/dog, with an unknown pedigree and percentage of dog DNA. At a glance he doesn't look very wolfish, but it's hard to pin down exactly what breeds he's ancestry consists of, so you can be creative with what canine traits your character inherits, we would like to see some canine traits in most of the kids but they are not strictly required.


And now finally the application:

[b]OOC Name:[/b] ________ Antonis

[b]Character Name:[/b]
[b]Apperance:[/b] (Please pick two designs if picking from those provided, site minimum)

[b]Personality:[/b] (Site minimum)

[b]RP Sample:[/b] (Only if you've never threaded with myself or Ali before)

Deadline: July 6th

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1. Cyberpunk Galaxy Puppies [Closed] Adoptions 02:48 PM, 05-04-2024 12:07 AM, 08-24-2024