
Cyberpunk Galaxy Puppies [Closed]



Easter Egg Hunt 2023Pride - BisexualEaster 2022Toys for Tots
05-04-2024, 02:48 PM (This post was last modified: 07-07-2024, 10:18 AM by Lolaf. Edited 7 times in total.)
Want to know how to get your hands on one of those bright cyberpunk/galaxy designs? Well look no further. My Gal Desponia and Ali’s boy Ronan will be having a litter of kids and with only one kid set right now (Odierne) we’re looking for other players!

Culture: Des is technically a Mendacium but as the bastard daughter of the family’s former matriarch she’s more removed from their culture, while she holds some of their beliefs she isn’t tied to some of them and may even sometimes be outright disrespectful about the ones she does not hold. For a quick primer on what beliefs these kids will be taught I’ve made a quick image guide: Here. Anything not highlighted is things she does have some belief in and would likely pass onto her children. It’s safe to assume Ronan will find out about these kids at some point and will feel some kinda way about it. He will be eager to teach them his way of life and language-he’s of Mexican-Irish descent- but whether his kids are receptive to him is up to you!

Activity: Let's be honest here guys, it's me, we're not gonna get too upset about lower activity, we'd love to see them around and may request semi-regular posting (a few times a season or so) but we're not going to be picky about that. That said if you plan to set your puppy inactive please reach out to one of us, we will take them back no questions asked. If you do set them inactive we will reclaim them without warning. Once the kids are a year old we consider them yours and will only reclaim them if you set them inactive. Additionally since I’m kind of spotty with posting, I rely a great deal on OOC plotting and prior communication around assumptions of what the family might be doing when not actively threading together. If that's something you are uncomfortable with or don't enjoy, please reach out before applying to see what else we could work out so everyone is happy!

Names: Latin inspired names, the kids will be given the last name Antonis when born. When Ronan does come to learn about these kids, his last name of Reyes will be up for grabs, if they’re interested in it. He’ll be kinda salty if they don’t pick it, but that’s a him problem.

Alignments and Personalities: Unlikely to be particularly friendly, or prone to being a bleeding heart. Both parents aren’t exactly sociable and since Des does little to hide her disdain for the majority of her family it’d not be surprising if they also shared her feelings on the larger Mendacium clan. That said it’d also be unlikely for any of them to be overly chaotic or blood thirsty. Most of what Des does is out of survival and she’d not hesitate to cull a child that was too much of a loose canon. It’s also worth noting that she’s unlikely to be a particularly doting mother, she won’t abandon them but emotionally she’ll likely be distant and she’ll expect them to be pretty much self-sufficient by the time they are a year old.

Discounts/Inheritable Mutations:
- Ram Horns (Minor Mutation)
- 25% Off Colours:
     - Purple Full Colour
     - Light Blue Markings

- Minor Mutations:
     - Retractable Fangs, Glowing Markings, Jaguar Claws
- 25% Off Height up to 42”
- 25% Off  Colours:
     - Red Markings
     - Blue Full Colour
- 25% Canine Pass (Will be required if you wish any dog-like traits.)

Designs: Finally the fun part! Please know all provided designs (and corresponding art) will be reclaimed/stay with the character if reclaimed or re-adopted out. They absolutely are not to be used outside of the site. You are free to provide your own, which will stay with you in the event of re-adoption. Additionally consider that Ronan is a wolf/dog, with an unknown pedigree and percentage of dog DNA. At a glance he doesn't look very wolfish, but it's hard to pin down exactly what breeds he's ancestry consists of, so you can be creative with what canine traits your character inherits, we would like to see some canine traits in most of the kids but they are not strictly required.


And now finally the application:

[b]OOC Name:[/b] ________ Antonis

[b]Character Name:[/b]
[b]Apperance:[/b] (Please pick two designs if picking from those provided, site minimum)

[b]Personality:[/b] (Site minimum)

[b]RP Sample:[/b] (Only if you've never threaded with myself or Ali before)

Deadline: July 6th


13+ Years

Pride - GayPride - AromanticPride - TransgenderEaster 2022Rapid Poster - Silver
05-04-2024, 06:35 PM (This post was last modified: 06-11-2024, 06:33 PM by Virgil. Edited 3 times in total.)
OOC Name: you already know who it issss (Virgil)

Character Name: Faustus Dalta Antonis
Gender: male
Alignment: True Neutral

less cyberpunk, more goth as option two (I'm so outrageously down for a twin-ish thing if someone else wants to use one of these designs, hmu)
Build & Coat: A strange looking creature, distinctly canine. However, the specificity of what type of canine is ambiguous. Faustus is a strange mixture of domestic and wild, Canis familiaris meets Canis lupus. There's every possibility that even more oddities exist within his bloodline, given the extent of mutations present in his lineage.

Starting from the top, those ears. Just a little bit too big for his head, with a propensity to flop forward at the tips when he runs. The cartilage isn't quite as sturdy as it is in a pure-blooded wolf. Though they stand straight upright like a wolf, they are surrounded by silky tufts of loosely curled fur, which mingles with the similarly textured fur of his cheeks to frame his angular features. The next most notable feature of his is that absurd snout. A direct manifestation of sighthound genes, it's a very long and angular muzzle set upon his narrow skull. With those sharp cheekbones and delicate brows, Faustus wears his mixed-breed lineage well.

The canine oddity has a slender and swan-like neck, with surprisingly strong and defined shoulders. He's a runner, he's a track star. He lacks the barrel-shaped chest of a sighthound, and the lung capacity that comes with it. Even the dramatic tuck of the waistline is lacking here, instead there's a subtle upward curve of tummy into waist. Faustus' thighs match his shoulders stacked musculature, rippling with each stride. The pretty canine is less dainty than one would expect with such a leggy physique, standing 40" tall. Faustus is a svelte, strong creature designed for speed and agility. He's got the narrow chest and big paws from his lupine genes, alongside sleek musculature from his mother. A distinctively dog-gene abberation from his father's lineage, Faustus has the double-dewclaws on fore and hind limbs one might see in a Beauceron.

Faustus inherited the dense, downy undercoat of a wolf to add bulk to what would otherwise be a thin, silky smooth coat. His fur is long, bordering on entirely unmanageable for a scatterbrain like himself. It curls at the ends, and often needs to be braided or pinned up when he's out and about to avoid catching every bit of debris he happens upon. It's the longest around his throat and along his tail, accentuating the curving lines of his neck running down to his chest and shoulders, and dragging on the ground when his tail is lowered.

(describing coat colours depending on design go here)

Eyes & Voice: Those eyes of his, they're all wolf. There's something intangibly wild in them, despite the warmth that radiates from within. One couldn't look him in the eyes and deny his lupine heritage, they're the most distinctly wolf part of him. Where most eyes could be likened to gemstones or fathomless pools, Faustus' gaze is nothing short of lightning in a bottle. The striking cyan blue of electricity, with the intensity of a storm lingering in his stare. Pale enough to be silver in some lighting, but undeniably electric.

Faustus has a lilting, sonorous voice. Deceptively deep, with a surprising baritone tombre. He's rather quiet, soft spoken. There's some of the telltale rumbling of a wolf's voice when he speaks, a hint of a growl.

Stance & Gait: His posture varies depending on the setting. Faustus tends to retreat into himself among strangers, shoulders slouching and ears tipped back nervously. Cautious movements, head held low to try and avoid the attention of those around him. Not that one can really hide.. any of that. Furtive eyes, searching for anything to distract himself from the presence of those around him.

Among friends and family, or simply when he's on his own, Faustus is a whole different beast. Head high, practically prancing along. You can really see the ears flip flopping around when he's in his element, and get to admire the way his wavy-curly fur moves with the motions of his strange body.

Quirks & Mutations: Blessed by a mysterious force beyond his ken, Faustus has inherited the curved ram horns of his mother. They look out of place on him, accentuate his angular features and oversized ears as they curl around the upright auds. Dark as night, but slow growing. When he's born, there's no sign of them. It takes a few weeks before the first little nubbins of keratin break through the flesh of his crown, and then the entirety of his first year until they can even be properly characterized as ram's horns. It won't be until his second year of life that Faustus' horns reach his jawline.

His second obvious oddity is only noticeable when he opens his mouth. His tongue isn't pink like usual, instead mottled with grey throughout. When he smiles, when he's content, one can't help but notice the strange colouration.

Reserved: One might call it being mistrustful, wary even. For the most part, Faustus is a buttoned up individual. He tends to keep his thoughts to himself under most circumstances, and holds back on speaking up. He tends to keep his emotions close to the chest, and would prefer to avoid emotionally volatile situations. In the interest of self-preservation, he maintains an even-keeled demeanour and feigns apathy in most situations in the hopes that no one will look too closely at the marshmallow-softness at the core of his being.
Curious: The boy is a scholar at heart, eager to learn and know and understand. He loves nothing more than his books and his scrolls. It's a unique privilege to be able to learn from books, and he doesn't waste a moment of that opportunity. Faustus eagerly accepts any lessons offered, and soaks up information without bias. It's part of what makes him enjoy travelling, as it grants him the ability to interact with strangers who can potentially impart new wisdom and knowledge.
Empathetic: He's a softie. Ill-suited to the cruel world in which he was born. Fond of rescuing little creatures and watching sunsets. He takes on the pain of his loved ones readily, often to his own detriment. Faustus is brimming with love, and he can't help it. To his credit, his empathy makes him very quick to befriend others, and he forms networks of friendly connections everywhere he goes.
Affectionate: perhaps a bit of a mama's boy, but also undeniably just a sweet boy in general. Faustus is eager to impart affection on his friends and family. He's a huge fan of cuddle puddles and sharing time with those around him, and prefers to spend his free time with someone else within arm's reach.
Gentle: not a mean bone in his body, really. Honestly, Faustus isn't even a pacifist- he's outright harmless. Even in childhood, the playful wrestling that comes with having siblings doesn't involve much bloodshed. He'd prefer to lay in the grass and watch the clouds, or read his books. Hunting is s difficult thing for him, and he's easily dissuaded from targeting prey by witnessing acts that demonstrate a soul, a consciousness, anything that triggers that empathy response in him.
Dedicated: there's something that lives deep in his marrow, vestiges of a hellbent, work-driven lineage that demands Faustus pursue his goals and see his tasks to their completion. He forgoes food, drink, sleep. All in the interests of whatever project he's most recently picked up. He will go for weeks, months, it doesn't matter how long he needs to be holed up in a cave, or marching endlessly across vast swathes of landscape. If it is not finished, it must be seen to its conclusion.
Scatterbrained: almost as a direct act of spite on behalf of the universe, Faustus is forgetful to a fault. There are so many things in his head at all times, he isn't able to manage all of that information in a neat and efficient manner. He leaves things laying about, walks into rooms and promptly forgets why he entered, and quite often misplaces his tools. Hygiene tends to go by the wayside in the depths of his research-driven madness, as he simply forgets that his long fur needs regular tending. Poor thing, it's hard being so smart and also so incredibly smooth-brained.
Self-Conscious: Being a mutt, he struggles with his own self image. He's such an oddity, and Faustus often finds himself under scrutiny by those around him. It makes him nervous, uneasy. He hates the judgement, the disdain. By the time he's grown up, he tends to steel himself whenever he encounters anyone new. Leans into that stoic expression and standoffish demeanour, hoping that having his guard up will prevent the stares from feeling like knives. (This is heavily dependent on whether or not he actually gets bullied as a kid, so it may get scrapped after IC interactions throughout his youth!)

Skills: Intellect & Navigation
Plans: be a goofy little scholar-type, roaming around and collecting fun and funky experiences and knowledge and stuff. Basically be a disappointment to his lineage for being dogshit (badumtiss) at fighting. Gonna get him some glasses because I gotta, and have him hang beads and stuff from his horns and braids. Also I'm good to cover canine pass & fullbody odd colour & mutation!


05-06-2024, 11:29 AM (This post was last modified: 06-08-2024, 10:20 AM by SailyntSteps. Edited 6 times in total.)


The Chaotic One

13+ Years
Extra small

Coder - RainbowArtist - RainbowContributorEaster Egg Hunt 2023Rapid Poster - RainbowToys for Tots
05-06-2024, 12:12 PM (This post was last modified: 07-02-2024, 08:40 AM by Bunni. Edited 5 times in total.)
OOC Name: Rabbit

Character Name: Magdalene Antonis
Gender: Female
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Apperance: neon city or electric blue
Wolf mutt you say? Why by golly, that's Magdalene! Inheriting the broad face, sloping and boxy muzzle akin to similarities shared with an American Bull Terrior, with wideset eyes and perpetually furrowed brow from her father, one might think something off about her. Where her lineage hails from is unknown, but one might be able to pick out pieces here and there. Unlike that of a pure wolf, her fur is more akin to that of a Borzoi. Sleek and shorter along her face, sides, hips, and the front of her legs, it will be harder for her to adjust to colder climates. Around her face, down her neck, her tail that seems a tad longer than wolf-like, and feathering her legs will be longer, wispier, and sometimes curly hair that is often braided and woven with beads and baubles. She is not all her father though, even if she does stand as tall as he at 45", Magdalene will take after mother in body shape and posture. Long legs and sweeping curves to her muscled frame, Magdalene's wolf heritage will stem mostly from the gray wolf, but other species play a part since her father's heritage is so unknown.

Adding to her interesting mixture of an appearance, Magdalene sports her father's jaguar claws that are indeed retractable. Plus, have you noticed that her coat sometimes shimmers after a recent rain? Or when she takes a dip in the nearby pond? Wonder why that happens...

Magdalene is edgy. Cringe? Yes, but hear her out. With an absent father and a mother who is emotionally absent, she has issues. There’s a craving for acceptance, a desperation to be wanted, to be loved by someone, anyone. Will it lead her to trouble? Sure, but hell, she won’t care. As long as someone is giving her attention, she’ll fall for it. A bit on the quiet side, she’ll trouble finding her voice, but not her punches. Finding out how good she is at beating up others will both be a good and a terrible thing. Always willing to prove she’s stronger, she will triple dog dare anyone to wrestle an alligator without batting an eyelash.

Bitey and a tad feral at times, Mag will have trouble making friends. Rough around the edges with a secret heart of gold. Quick to jump to conclusions, a little too fast paced, impatient, and definitely petty. Mag can be considered a mixture of fuck off and please love me. Her uncertainty and tendency to be contradictive can lead to tumultuous relationships. Maybe that’s why she can’t keep a lover for more than few nights? But will also always come back after ghosting them? Toxic? Duh. There’s nothing good about this girl, but hey, at least she’ll keep you warm at night.

Though her parents have an antisocial mean streak that tries to rear its ugly head in Mag, her she secret heart of gold will steer her into that more “Chaotic Good” section. Optimism will be her inevitable downfall. See the good in others, how her mother tries sometimes, how her father might come visit rarely, she sees them try. And gods dammit trying is good enough for Mag. That little sliver of a silver lining that she lives off of will make her falter at hurting others for bad. Sure, she enjoys a good brawl, but she won’t be racing to punch you in the face just because you looked at her wrong. Mag may be tolerable at best, but she’s trying.

Skills: Fighting / Healing or Hunting
Plans: idk yet, be a chaotic mess of a child that grows into a vagabond that may or may not get into trouble

RP Sample: (Only if you've never threaded with myself or Ali before)


13+ Years

Easter Egg Hunt 2023Toys for TotsEaster 2022Rapid Poster - Gold
05-13-2024, 09:51 PM (This post was last modified: 06-20-2024, 08:02 PM by Hermes. Edited 1 time in total.)
**WIP Couldn't help myself**

OOC Name: Hermes

Character Name: Nox Somnum Antonis
Gender: Female

Alignment: Lawful Evil
Appearance: First pick; Second pick
First pick:

Second pick:

Personality: Adept ~ Loyal ~ Sadistic ~ Sharp ~ Unflappable ~ Watchful

Skills: Fighting & Intellect



Easter Egg Hunt 2023Pride - BisexualEaster 2022Toys for Tots
06-11-2024, 09:14 AM
We have an official deadline now! So make sure your apps are completed by July 6th! Please also double check your links if using one of the provided designs as discord links do not work and all designs currently available are now in the stash.



Pride - Demisexual
06-11-2024, 09:55 AM (This post was last modified: 06-11-2024, 10:10 AM by Disaster. Edited 1 time in total.)
OOC Name: ________ Antonis

Character Name: Pluto Antonis or Pisces Antonis
Gender: Male
Alignment: True Netural
Apperance: 1 || 2
Basics for 1:
The brutes base coat is that of grey mixed ever so loving blue with outlines of a softer much more dull greyish blue, while his maw and around his eyes and tail tip is the whitest of whites in apperance. This coat the heavy fur that covers his body is dense and thick to the fullest but ever so slightly longer around his neck and underbelly.He is smaller than his sister, but looks like he's large due to that coat that covers dense well muscled body that stands at a 37" tall. Now his eyes, their a dark and rich blue, almost like the ocean. Blank expression lays within them, making them appear very cold and heartless. If you ever smelt the scent of rain before it falls, mixed with fresh cut grass. All over his body is markings entwined of a mixture of blues. That circle around his eyes starting from the base of his nose. If you look at him from his side, it looks like the markings were made from the waves of the ocean that adorn his body.

Basics for 2:
Heavier than his siblings, his fur clings to his body matted in molted greys that range from almost a coal to a mist like grey pigment. His legs a little longer that doesn't match him. While longer hair covers his cheeks and his neck that goes to the middle of his back. Then start back up from the base of his tail. Eyes are of a lighter blue while under his eyes are marked with a bright shocking electric blue. He stands at a proud 38" although smaller than his sister still, he makes up for in his heaviness but slender body. He appears with the markings as if blue paints were splashed in lines along his lower legs and the middle of his tail. Some appear upon his shoulders and ribs.

He is a consummate professional in all of his endeavors, demonstrating a true sense of gentleness in his interactions with others. Despite this, he is not afraid to reveal a side of himself that is often hidden from view, understanding the importance of timing and context. Due to past experiences of abandonment from his father not being there or around, that have caused him significant emotional distress, he tends to keep his distance from others. He is fiercely protective of his family, particularly his siblings and mother, and will do whatever it takes to shield them from harm. Even though he may withdraw or push people away when he starts to become too attached, his family always remains his top priority. With a strong will and a guarded demeanor, he is cautious about allowing others into his inner circle, preferring to keep personal details private. He is hesitant to let others get too close, as past wounds from his own family have left a lasting impact on him. But once you get to know him he is just a teddy bear. He does have a kind side, that many don't have the pleasure to witness at first.

Skills: Fighter, Hunter
Plans: Not one to look for trouble, so who knows, it's up in the air.

RP Sample: (Only if you've never threaded with myself or Ali before)



Pride - Bisexual
06-24-2024, 02:28 PM (This post was last modified: 06-25-2024, 05:52 PM by Shazaki. Edited 8 times in total.)
OOC Name: Shazaki

Character Name: Astra or Luna Antoni
Gender: Female
Alignment: True neutral / Lawful Neutral
Apperance: [Image: dis2.png]
second option here

Astra is a beauty just like the parents before her, a female whose appearance resembles that of a cloudy night sky, with blue being her main hue where black and some in between mix up to make of her such a piece of art. Star-like spots adorn her entire body, a remarkable piece of her frame that tides everything. Her limbs, tail, and face are obsidian black which fades into the blue of the rest of her frame. Her eyes are those of her father, red in color, and a piece of her that gives the attractive contrasts. Two single light blue markings rest under her eyes, another feature she should thank her father for.

Her frame is stocky yet she won't be too tall as her father yet she isn't any small wolf, with 35 inches tall she is still above the average in terms of size. Her fur is long and fluffy, especially in her neck which gives her a wild touch, along with her fangs which are retractile like her father.


Good and evil exist to balance each other, life doesn't exist without death, the good needs the evil, and so on. Astra thinks everything has a role in one's life, the excesses are never something she sees good upon, there always have to be limited, too altruistic weakness, too evil drains reason. Both will hold an equal importance, none is more important than the other but it doesn't mean she will commit atrocities or act in a brutal/chaotic way. She will only do it if someone she loves is in danger yet she won't cross any lines such as targeting the weak taking a life or maiming someone. She is concerned with her own well-being and those of her family but it won't mean she will wish il to those outside of it, though she will think twice depending on what is at stake.

She will keep her word only If it is in her best interest, she won't do anything that could potentially become a threat or her family or lifestyle.

She shall not murder
She harms only if harmed
Helps the needy only if it will aid herself
Helds no extreme points of view always balance is better

Skills: Intellect and healing
Plans: The pacifist yet not helpless she wolf, always up for her family. The quiet typeyet not someone away from family affairs.

RP Sample: (Only if you've never threaded with myself or Ali before)



Pride - Bisexual
06-24-2024, 04:53 PM (This post was last modified: 06-24-2024, 04:54 PM by Shazaki. Edited 1 time in total.)
pressed quite by mystake lol



Rapid Poster - Silver
07-04-2024, 06:14 PM (This post was last modified: 07-04-2024, 06:22 PM by Sinchanted. Edited 1 time in total.)

Inferna Antonis
OOC Name Sin
Character Name Inferna Antonis (Possibly Reyes later in life.)
Gender Female
Alignment Chaotic Neutral

An albino wolfdog of haunting beauty and spectral grace. Her fur, a canvas of pure white, shimmers like freshly fallen snow, almost ghostly in its pallor. Each strand is thick and luxurious, cascading over her lean, muscular frame with an ethereal elegance that seems to defy the very laws of nature.

Her eyes, piercing and red, burn with an intensity that captivates and commands. They glow like twin rubies set against the stark contrast of her alabaster visage, windows to a soul both fierce and untamed. These eyes, so vivid and mesmerizing, seem to hold the secrets of the night, drawing all who meet her gaze into a trance of awe and reverence.

Her body, sleek and powerful, is a testament to her agility and strength. Muscles ripple beneath her pristine coat with every movement, hinting at the latent power within. She moves with a fluid grace, each step a dance of silent precision and effortless control, as if she were a phantom gliding through the shadows.

Completing her otherworldly appearance is her tail, curled elegantly like that of an Anatolian shepherd. It sways with a life of its own, a delicate balance between grace and strength, mirroring the quiet confidence that she exudes. In the twilight, she is a vision of primal beauty, a spectral guardian of the wilderness, her presence both a comfort and a challenge to those who dare cross her path.

In every flick of her tail, in every glint of her red eyes, she embodies the spirit of the wild—mysterious, untamed, and eternally captivating.
Personality Inferna is a fierce and independent spirit, a wild tempest of untamed energy and defiant will. Her presence is electric, charged with a rebellious streak that makes her as unpredictable as the storm and as difficult to control as the roaring sea. She moves through the world with a raw, untamed grace, her every step a testament to her indomitable spirit.

Despite her wild nature, there is an undeniable charm and charisma about her, an allure that draws others to her like moths to a flame. Her eyes, burning with a fiery intensity, reflect a sharp intelligence and cunning. She is always thinking several steps ahead, her mind a labyrinth of strategies and plans, making her a formidable adversary in any conflict.

Inferna revels in the thrill of challenge and conflict, her hellion nature driving her to embrace the chaos and the fight. She thrives in the face of adversity, her spirit unyielding and her resolve unbreakable. Her strength is not just physical but also a fierce inner fire that refuses to be extinguished.

Yet, beneath her fierce exterior lies a softer side, a depth of loyalty and compassion she rarely shows. For those she deems worthy, she is fiercely protective and unwaveringly loyal. Her loyalty is a rare and precious gift, earned through respect and trust. Those fortunate enough to see this side of her understand that beneath the wildness and the fire, there is a heart capable of profound love and devotion.

Inferna is a complex tapestry of wildness and warmth, strength and vulnerability. She is a beacon of raw, untamed beauty and an embodiment of the wild spirit, a creature of both shadow and light. In her presence, one cannot help but be captivated by the fierce, untamed fire that burns within her, a testament to her indomitable will and unyielding heart.
Skills Fighting/Hunting
Plans Family is everything to her, she will remain with them wherever they are. I also plan to have someone take her ears in a fight!
RP Sample Beneath the cloak of night, Inferna sits, a spectral silhouette against the shimmering backdrop of the moonlit forest. The moon, a silver sentinel in the sky, bathes the world in its ethereal glow, casting an otherworldly light upon her pure white fur. Her presence is both a contrast and a complement to the nocturnal splendor, an enigmatic figure of wild beauty and fierce grace.

She gazes up at the moon with a quiet reverence, her piercing red eyes reflecting the celestial orb's luminescence. There is a serenity in this moment, a rare stillness in her usually tempestuous spirit. The moonlight caresses her thick, luxurious fur, creating a ghostly halo around her, an ethereal crown befitting a queen of the night.

Inferna's ears, pointed and alert, swivel to catch the faintest sounds of the forest. She listens intently, her sharp mind ever vigilant, always thinking several steps ahead. The forest is alive with whispers of nocturnal creatures, a symphony of rustling leaves and distant calls. She waits, a patient huntress, her senses attuned to the subtle rhythms of the night.

Her body, sleek and muscular, remains poised and ready, a coiled spring of latent power. Every breath she takes is a testament to her anticipation, a silent countdown to the inevitable thrill of the hunt. Yet, in this moment of waiting, there is also a sense of peace, a rare glimpse into the quieter depths of her soul.

The moon, in all its silent majesty, seems to speak to her, a kindred spirit in the vast expanse of the night. She finds solace in its constant presence, a timeless companion that has witnessed countless nights and countless hunts. In its light, she feels both seen and understood, a fierce and untamed spirit mirrored in the celestial glow.

As the forest murmurs its secrets and the moon watches over her, Inferna waits, a formidable predator with a heart both wild and loyal. The night is her realm, the moon her witness, and in this sacred moment beneath the starry sky, she embodies the primal beauty and raw power of the wilderness.



Easter Egg Hunt 2023Pride - BisexualEaster 2022Toys for Tots
07-07-2024, 09:37 AM
First thank you to everyone who applied! Originally the intention was for Des to have a small litter, as is typical for women in her family, but y'all made narrowing it down to just two waaaay too hard so for her first litter only we decided to make it a full litter of 5!

So without further ado! We're pleased to announce: Virgil with Faustus, Bunni with Magdalene, Shazaki with Astra and Sin with Inferna are our players and pups!

We got 3 free pup slots as well, so determined by RNG Bunni, Shazaki and Sin get to use the free pup slots, Virgil if you need a hand with an extra one for your kid let us know!

These kids are playable 2 weeks from now so please make sure they're in acceptance before then!

Thanks again to everyone to applied, y'all did not make this easy on us!

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1. Cyberpunk Galaxy Puppies [Closed] Adoptions 02:48 PM, 05-04-2024 12:07 AM, 08-24-2024