
The straw that broke my back

Mod and Gil <3



Novice Intellectual (20)

Expert Fighter (180)

3 Years
Extra large

VengeanceCritical Observation!1KLoserCritical Fail!Pride - Pansexual
05-09-2024, 01:06 AM (This post was last modified: 05-09-2024, 01:29 AM by Lolaf. Edited 2 times in total.)
She couldn't do it. Flurry had faced down her two biggest fears at the same time and she couldn't fucking do it. She'd retreated and for a time had drunk herself into unconsciousness the moment she was awake and aware again. Grief couldn't find her if she was never awake.

And then the world had flipped again. Her father was alive. But the experience had told her one thing. One important thing. She'd been right. Flurry had only been trying to stop this very thing from happening. Had been trying to stop grudges and built up anger turning into a loss of life.

She knew if it ever happened again, real or not, if she ever believed again for a single moment that someone she cared about had died because they couldn't stop kicking hornets nests she'd not survive. The only thing left to do was to leave. It was the only action she had left strong enough to make her point.

And it hurt. Never taken seriously, her fears never given the weight they should have and she knew even when she'd been proven right they never would. It would never fucking end. Flurry couldn't do it anymore. She'd not been lying when she said she loved raiding, loved being a Raider... But not when the cost was this high. If her warnings, her fear, her anxiety were only ever going to be scoffed at and ignored them she couldn't stay. If everyone was willing to keep putting themselves through this then clearly the problem was her. It was going to suck. But she couldn't be complicit in this. Not anymore.

Flurry was just barely sober. Having drunk enough to take the edge off her hangover and dreading what would happen when her easy supply of drink would be gone but she owned it to her parents to be taking this seriously. Which is what she was doing. She made her way somberly through largely unfamiliar lands and deciding this was a good a spot as any called for them both. She'd speak with her siblings and a few choice others after this but she wouldn't share this moment with anyone but her parents. She knew it probably wasn't a good time but she had to do this before things got worse, her mother was pregnant again (or had she popped already? Flurry really wasn't able to keep up with current events right now) and... Her father was recovering still and from the few whispers she'd picked up since returning to the waking world for any substantial period of time, something about him was different. And she wasn't, and maybe that was also the problem. She just couldn't seem to change.

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Updated 01/13/23: I am currently on indefinite scarcity, please be patient and don't remind me of missing tags right now.

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1. The straw that broke my back Druid's Moor 01:06 AM, 05-09-2024 04:49 PM, 07-29-2024