
Silence of the night



The Syndicate

Expert Hunter (130)

Expert Navigator (140)

2 Years
05-09-2024, 09:55 PM

His attention did not last long the moment he'd gathered enough vines to craft his new collar for Cierzo. There was a feeling he could not shake. The itch that something or even someone was watching him from afar. It caused his hackles to rise and bristle. Lips shuttering behind the vibration of a responded snarl. Ears drawing in the direction of one he'd heard shortly before. There was a voice in the shadows. And soon, his gaze befell that of reflective copper eyes. Just like him, this wolf blended into the darkness with ease.

"Hiding is no fun if you wish to play." He spoke in a taunting tone. The stranger would soon reveal themselves and until such happened, he continued on his exploration for more things to add to his gift. Paws carried him along the soft grass in the direction of what smelled to be a small collection of various flowers. Their scent alone was easy to track because he shortly found himself standing over them. Though he was focused on his task, it did not mean he wasn't still very much intuned with the other lingering a short distance away.

Teeth and claws went to work in forging the collar. Weaving the vines together. Big enough to fit; however, tight enough that it would never break during their many encounters to come. Cifarelli plucked a few flowers to add to the gift itself. Everything simply came along exactly how he wished. Off a few meters away, the sound of small creatures scurried past him from where they hid in a cluster of bushes. Snapping his attention t'wards them with a small smirk. "They can reveal themselves. Why can't you?"


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1. Silence of the night Grapevine Cathedral 10:16 AM, 05-01-2024 02:14 PM, 06-17-2024