
Silence of the night




Beginner Intellectual (0)

Intermediate Fighter (30)

5 Years

Pride - Demisexual
05-10-2024, 01:53 PM (This post was last modified: 05-10-2024, 01:54 PM by Hala. Edited 2 times in total.)
Her attention was on her own, trapped and almost lost in her mind. Others would laugh if they knew what she was dealing with; they might lock her in the cell and throw the damned key into the garbage. And the unfortunate part of that is that Hala didn't even worry about what others thought of her. She was damaged goods, as they would also state. But as mentioned, she just did not notice one bit. Her mind was fogged over once more, losing her focus on what was nonfiction and what was fiction. It was the whole fragile symmetry of life. The masculine phrases grabbed her, pulling her away from the invading thoughts. 

"Does one not value their lives?"  She countered with mockery, using the shadows for protection. Quietly feeling the ground with her paws, a subtle cat-and-mouse game. The two of them taunted each other, biding their time to come face to face. They teased and provoked each other with words filled with venom and malice. "Hasn't anyone been taught basic manners and respect?" Suppressing a chuckle. 'You have no room to talk, being much more deranged than others. After all, you're the one who killed your own brother. You are now insignificant.'

A faint hiss escaped from the woman's throat as she absorbed the sharp words Stephen had hurled at her, causing her eyes to become distant and unfocused.'You can't even stand yourself anymore Hala. Why don't you just end it all? Put an end to this torture, my beautiful nightmare. As her lips twisted into a snarl, her ears pressed tightly against her cranium. She regained her focus and became aware of his overpowering odor. She slowly moved away from him, still snarling, as her hair stood on end.

"I prefer to remain hidden for undisclosed reasons. I will only speak from the shadows. Accept it or not, I am not here to entertain you." Hala started speaking with a cold tone. Her ears twitched as she observed the critters on the forest floor. He continued to tease and taunt, but there was a hint of another scent lingering around him. Despite not smelling of decay, she remained on guard, although her tail relaxed."You are a damned fool, a no body just like I, Stephen." The words that escaped her mouth were sharp and spoken in a low tone.'You've been a good girl, but this stranger may bring an end to your reign of terror, deception, and lies..'

Stephen would never let her forget her past, always bringing up what she had done. To him, it was just a game to provoke a reaction. The woman felt consumed by hatred as the voices taunted her, echoing Stephen's own words. The white wolf in her mind watched everything with ghostly eyes, observing the sinister presence of Stephen as he waited and watched for what would happen next. Then, his own voice emerged."We are considered bastards. A wanderer, an overthinker, someone who believes the world owes them everything. Sir, please tell me if I am mistaken. We would like to know.."

Hala's twin peaks jutted forward, anticipating the other male's response. Eventually, it was just Hala left as Stephen retreated. He respected the female's space after stating his desires, knowing not to expect more or less from Stephen. Hala let out a low, deep growl.

Hala Indigo
table coding by bunni ♥

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