
Virtues are not conditional

Ember Carpathius

"I'll be the fire that dries the flood"

The Hallows
Head Scholar

Master Fighter (295)

Master Intellectual (330)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

2 Years

Pride - Bisexual
05-11-2024, 03:44 PM

Her father's shocked expression to her question confused Ember. It had seemed like a logical follow up to what he'd told her, but for some reason he seemed so taken aback by her. Ember's brow furrowed, her head tipped to the side in confusion. It was only when Artorias explained that they were not going to seek justice against the Syndicate that she understood where the disconnect had happened, and it stunned and upset the young girl. How could they just stand by and do nothing when there was such an obvious injustice and wrong done right before their eyes?! Despite her sire's remark that hunting down the Syndicate went against their tenets of the Hallows, Ember narrowed her gaze and shook her head resolutely.

"No it doesn't, Dad. This is exactly the kind of situation the Hallows was made for," she rebuked, stomping a paw on the stone terrace for emphasis. "You're always telling us how our family stands for justice and protecting others, how we're supposed to always do good and make the world better. Well, the world isn't better right now! It's worse off for the Syndicate in it! It's our responsibility to protect those wolves who lost their home and to protect Ardent from those villains." Ember's blue eyes blazed with a righteous fury, refusing to back down as she held her sire's stern gaze. Why couldn't he see that this was exactly what they were supposed to do? "What happens if they're left unchecked? How long until they decide to prey on another family or pack? How will you feel knowing you could've done something about this now and chose not to?"

"Ember Carpathius"

Artorias and Briar may enter any of Ember's threads while she is under 2 years old.

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1. Virtues are not conditional Amron's Castle 03:38 PM, 03-22-2024 04:52 PM, 07-18-2024