
A deep soothing song



"I'll Rise Up"


Master Fighter (320)

Master Intellectual (305)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

2 Years
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ScarredDouble MasterRapid Poster - SilverSamhain 2022
05-14-2024, 11:32 PM

The sunlight feels wonderful on her russet fur and Haydée takes a moment to appreciate the fact she is still alive. Being holed up with her only herself to keep her company, the young woman’s mental health had quickly declined. It has been difficult to come to terms with the fact that the Hallows had not been willing to offer help to an injured man because they feared retaliation for something that Hay already was taking full responsibility for. No matter what she did, she never seemed to be… enough.

Yet, as her emerald eyes turn to where the earthen man waits, the dark mood that seemed to be constant companion as of late, lifts as she finds Eltrys standing near the pool under the falls. Paws move of their accord and she bounces toward him eagerly, closing the distance while her tail sweeps the air lazily behind her and her countenance softens as the sorrow that has hung around her like an oppressive weight magical evaporates into the air of the warm spring day.

A smile, bright with happiness and a warmth born of a wonderful, blossoming friendship, decorates her face as she comes to a stop in front of him and, for once, Haydée does not mind her shorter stature. Neck cranes back as she beams up him, offering words that falter and fall away before her gaze slides down to her paws. Part of her longs for the man to reach out and touch her because the young woman craves touch and reassurance but she is also too proud, or stubborn, to outright ask for it.

Eltrys’s words have her head shooting up, surprise and excitement blooming across her face and softening her features further. Curiosity fills her green eyes as she suddenly spies the bone studded vest that he has been wearing and she watches with wonder as he quickly adorns his head with an antlered helm. The smile that pulls at her lips is genuine, bright, and filled with gratefulness for his willingness to fight for Ethne and a warm chuckle falls past her lips, surprising even her with the ease in which he seems to bring out the joy in her.

He lays on the soft grass then, allowing her the opportunity to scrutinize the details of his work. Haydée steps close, gently testing buckles and straps on his head piece while attempting to ignore the growing warmth in her chest. Giving an approving nod, she slowly walks around his frame, testing the vest in much the same way as she had tested the helmet, the young woman’s smile builds as her small paw trails along his muscular frame and a blush creeps into her checks, hidden by the fur there but burning her all the same.

Once she makes her way around Eltrys, she positions herself back in his line of sight and, to the best of her ability, attempts to hide the awkward school-girl crush that has fallen over her. Clearing her throat, she squares her slender shoulders and attempts to keep her voice level as she says, “Great work! Your craftsmanship is amazing. I… I just hope you will never need to use it.” Hay’s smile wobbles and falls as a graver expression crosses her face but she quickly ducks her head to keep the darkness that resides inside her from spoiling this wonderful moment.

Pursing her lips, she blows out a soft sigh and lowers herself gently onto the grass, her graze trying to avoid the man that has brought light into her world because she is ashamed of what she has become. Laying in the soft grass, with the warm sun brightening the world around them Haydée takes a long moment to listen to the joyful songs that the birds sing around them. Finally, she pulls her gaze back to Eltrys, sadness on her features as she softly says, “I just wish that no one in Ethne ever had to fight again.” Her shoulders sag, the unspoken reason behind her wish, dampening the mood.

In this moment, with Eltrys, Haydée is vulnerable and, if she is being honest with herself, she is terrified that he will turn and run now that he realizes how weak she is.

"Haydée Kedieo"

Art by Moonfin

"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”
Haydée has a male northern cardinal named Chanson and a female fossa named Manon. They are always close by.

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1. A deep soothing song Lazuli Falls 08:52 AM, 04-27-2024 10:55 PM, 09-07-2024