
A Meeting of Minds



"Devil has my ear today, I'll never hear a word you say."

The Syndicate

Master Fighter (275)

Master Healer (260)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

3 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - DemisexualRapid Poster - Gold1K
05-16-2024, 06:58 PM

As Sephiran's gaze bore into him, Caedes remained composed, his demeanor unfaltering despite the storm brewing within his cousin. The mention of the neighboring pack situated to the East seemed to unsettle Sephiran, evident in the subtle furrow of his brow and the tense set of his features. Oh what thoughts must have been plaguing the paranoid brute now.

However, it was the revelation of Elysium's alliance with the Hallows that ignited a flame of fury within Sephiran, visible in the cold, bitter glare he directed towards Caedes. The mere thought of aligning with a pack considered their enemy triggered a visceral reaction, transforming Sephiran's demeanor into one of contempt and hostility.

When Sephiran halted Caedes's attempt to apply the salve, their gazes locked in a charged confrontation, the air thick with tension. Sephiran's words cut through the silence like a sharpened blade, dripping with venomous disdain. The memory of Artorias' threats obviously  loomed large in his mind, fueling his animosity towards any potential alliances with their enemies.

Caedes remained stoic under Sephiran's accusatory gaze, meeting his cousin's intensity with a calm resolve. “I haven't forgotten, Sephiran.” He replied evenly, his voice carrying a likeness to steel. “But knowledge is power, and understanding our enemies' movements is essential to our survival. Rhazien and his politics would assure you of the same.” Didn’t their uncle have Sephiran’s ear with topics like this, perhaps that would put him back in a more rational mindset.

As Sephiran's suspicions escalated, Caedes's resolve hardened. “My interest will not harm the Syndicate.” He asserted, his tone unwavering — but with his cousin sounding so… volatile, what could he do other than feed him what he wants to hear? “I seek information to safeguard us. You may think consorting with our enemies is condemnable, but what if I were to gain access to the inner workings of their pack, and take her for my own in the end?” The words were like bile in his throat, but he said them anyway. Even if part of him reveled in speaking the words out loud. As the tension crackled between them, Caedes held back a deeper truth, one he kept buried beneath layers of duty and loyalty. However, revealing such sentiments to Sephiran was out of the question, especially in the midst of their heated exchange. So, he had to mask it behind something Sephiran might resonate with hearing.

The accusatory tone in Sephiran's voice had stung, but Caedes met it with steadfast assurance. “I am no traitor, cousin.” He stated firmly, his gaze unwavering. “I stand with you, against any who threaten our kin. But she will be mine.” At this admission he stared intensely at his Sultan. Possession, pure obsession dancing in his gaze, haunting his thoughts as he grappled with the possibility of any harm coming to her. Yet, as his words hung in the air, Caedes felt compelled to offer a warning, a promise to protect Mariah at all costs that he could not bite his tongue on. “Sephiran.” He began, his voice steady. “If it were Aurelia, wouldn't you feel the same?


Caedes is a mature character, viewer discretion is advised.
Unless otherwise stated, assume he is not wearing his feathered skull mask.

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1. A Meeting of Minds The Polar Sound 12:09 AM, 04-12-2024 01:25 PM, 06-20-2024